Mother Goose-The cock's on the house-top

这首童谣就是Day20 2017.06.30的内容啦. The cock's on the house-top

The cock's on the house-top, blowing his horn.


The bull's in the barn, a-threshing the corn.


The maids in the meadow are making the hay.


The ducks in the river are swimming away.


1. cock [kɑk]

N. an adult male chicken 公鸡

    an adult male bird of any kind 雄鸟

V. to lift a part of your body, or hold a part of your body at an angle.

e.g She cocked her head and considere the offer.

2. blow [bləʊ]

V. if the wind or a current of air blows, it moves. 吹

e.g A cold breeze was blowing hard.

    to move, or to move something, by the force of the wind or a current of air 风吹

e.g Her hair is blowing in the breeze.

    to send air out from your mouth  吹气

e.g She blew onto her coffee to cool it down.

3. horn [hɔrn]

the thing in a vehicle that you use ti make a loud sound as a signal or warning. 喇叭, 号角

儿歌中 blow his horn 直译是吹他的号角,实际上是说公鸡在屋顶上大声打鸣。

4. bull  [bʊl] 公牛

5. thresh [θrɛʃ]

to separate grains of corn, wheat etc. from the rest of the plant by beating it with a special tool or machine. 打谷

6. maid [med] a female servant , especially in a large house or hotel 女仆,女侍应

7. meadow ['medəʊ]  a field whith wild grass and flowers 草场,牧场

e.g In the meadow, there are many horses.

8. hay [heɪ] long grass that has been cut and dried, used as food for cattle.干草

Day 18 2017.06.28

Brown bear brown bear

Brown bear brown bear, what do you see?


I see a red bird looking at me.


Red bird red bird, what do you see?


I see a yellow duck looking at me.


Yellow duck yellow duck, what do you see?


I see a blue horse looking at me.


下面依次可以接上 green frog, purple cat, white dog, black sheep, golden fish.


Day 19 2017.06.29

Marry had a kangaroo

Marry had a kangaroo, kangaroo, kangaroo.


Marry had a kangaroo, whose pouch was very warm.


Marry had a camel, camel, camel.


Marry had a camel, whose hump was very round.


看到小伙伴发的这首歌,我想说玛丽一定就是我们的地球母亲,因为她什么动物都可以有。没错,这首歌就是Marry had a little lamb 扩展版了。

1. kangaroo [,kæŋɡə'ru] 袋鼠

2. pouch [paʊtʃ]

N. a small leather, cloth, or plastic bag that you can keep things in, and which is sometime attached to a belt. 袋子

pouch of : a leather pouch of tobacco 烟草袋

e.g Kangaroos keep their babies in the pouch.


a pocket of skin on the stomach which marsupials(有袋目的哺乳动物) such as kangaroos use for carrying their babies. 育儿袋

3. camel ['kæml] 骆驼;驼色

e.g It is the water stored in the hump make camels walk through the desert.


4. hump [hʌmp]

N. a large round shape that rises above the surface of something 圆形隆起物

The hump of a hill.

a raised part on the back of a camel 驼峰

a raised part on someone's back that is caused by a unusually curved spine(脊柱) 驼背

be over the hump: to have finished the most difficult part of something.度过最困难的时期

e.g We have been over the hump, things will be better and better.


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