


以STC的单片机为例,STC89C52RC是STC公司生产的一种低功耗、高性能CMOS8位微控制器,具有8K字节系统可编程Flash存储器。STC89C52使用经典的MCS-51内核,但是做了很多的改进使得芯片具有传统51单片机不具备的功能。在单芯片上,拥有灵巧的8 位CPU 和在系统可编程Flash,使得STC89C52为众多嵌入式控制应用系统提供高灵活、超有效的解决方案。

具有以下标准功能: 8k字节Flash,512字节RAM, 32 位I/O 口线,看门狗定时器,内置4KB EEPROM,MAX810复位电路,3个16 位定时器/计数器,4个外部中断,一个7向量4级中断结构(兼容传统51的5向量2级中断结构),全双工串行口。另外 STC89C52 可降至0Hz 静态逻辑操作,支持2种软件可选择节电模式。空闲模式下,CPU 停止工作,允许RAM、定时器/计数器、串口、中断继续工作。掉电保护方式下,RAM内容被保存,振荡器被冻结,单片机一切工作停止,直到下一个中断或硬件复位为止。最高运作频率35MHz,6T/12T可选。

了解ti的 C2000 实时控制 MCU

DNA 内实时控制。

C2000 实时控制 MCU 具有高性能内核和经过应用调优的外设,是专为实时控制应用而设计的基于 C28x 的 32 位微控制器。其数学优化型内核可为设计人员提供能够提高系统效率、可靠性以及灵活性的方法。功能强大的集成外设使这些实时器件成为适合各种应用的完美单芯片控制解决方案。







The F2803x Piccolo™ family of microcontrollers provides the power of the C28x core and Control Law Accelerator (CLA) coupled with highly integrated control peripherals in low pin-count devices. This family is code-compatible with previous C28x-based code, and also provides a high level of analog integration.

An internal voltage regulator allows for single-rail operation. Enhancements have beenmade to the HRPWM to allow for dual-edge control (frequency modulation). Analog comparators withinternal 10-bit references have been added and can be routed directly to control the PWM outputs.The ADC converts from 0 to 3.3-V fixed full-scale range and supports ratio-metric VREFHI/VREFLO references. The ADC interface has beenoptimized for low overhead and latency.


High-Efficiency 32-Bit CPU (TMS320C28x)

60 MHz (16.67-ns Cycle Time)

16 × 16 and 32 × 32 MAC Operations

16 × 16 Dual MAC

Harvard Bus Architecture

Atomic Operations

Fast Interrupt Response and Processing

Unified Memory Programming Model

Code-Efficient (in C/C++ and Assembly)

Programmable Control Law Accelerator (CLA)

32-Bit Floating-Point Math Accelerator

Executes Code Independently of the Main CPU

Endianness: Little Endian

JTAG Boundary Scan Support

IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990 Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture

Low Cost for Both Device and System:

Single 3.3-V Supply

No Power Sequencing Requirement

Integrated Power-on Reset and Brown-out Reset

Low Power

No Analog Support Pins


Two Internal Zero-Pin Oscillators

On-Chip Crystal Oscillator and External Clock Input

Watchdog Timer Module

Missing Clock Detection Circuitry

Up to 45 Individually Programmable, Multiplexed GPIO Pins With Input Filtering

Peripheral Interrupt Expansion (PIE) Block That Supports All Peripheral Interrupts

Three 32-Bit CPU Timers

Independent 16-Bit Timer in Each Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator (ePWM)

On-Chip Memory

Flash, SARAM, OTP, Boot ROM Available

Code-Security Module

128-Bit Security Key and Lock

Protects Secure Memory Blocks

Prevents Firmware Reverse Engineering

Serial Port Peripherals

One Serial Communications Interface (SCI) Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Module

Two Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Modules

One Inter-Integrated-Circuit (I2C) Module

One Local Interconnect Network (LIN) Module

One Enhanced Controller Area Network (eCAN) Module

Enhanced Control Peripherals


High-Resolution PWM (HRPWM)

Enhanced Capture (eCAP) Module

High-Resolution Input Capture (HRCAP) Module

Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP) Module

Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

On-Chip Temperature Sensor


Advanced Emulation Features

Analysis and Breakpoint Functions

Real-Time Debug Through Hardware

Package Options

56-Pin RSH Very Thin Quad Flatpack (No Lead) (VQFN)

64-Pin PAG Thin Quad Flatpack (TQFP)

80-Pin PN Low-Profile Quad Flatpack (LQFP)

Temperature Options

T: –40°C to 105°C

S: –40°C to 125°C

Q: –40°C to 125°C

(AEC Q100 Qualification for AutomotiveApplications)





