讲故事的人(二 )


学校有个项目叫做Leader in Residence,每年都请一些美国的杰出女性来学校做演讲,不单单是演讲,还会和某个年级的学生深入交流,一般整个活动持续一天半或者两天。学校每年要在这上面花不少钱的。面向全校的就是一场半个多小时演讲加上半小时提问的环节。为什么是杰出女性而不是杰出男性呢?因为我们是一所女子高中。

这次请的是 Ellen Gustafson,出生于1980年,以下是维基百科上对她的介绍:

Ellen Gustafson is an American businessperson, social entrepreneur and sustainable food system activist. She is best known for co-founding FEED Projects with Lauren Bush, as well as for founding 30 Project, a nonprofit that aims to look at the link between obesity and starvation rates. In addition, she has been a US spokesperson for the UN World Food Program and founded Food Tank: The Food Think Tank with Danielle Nierenberg.


1 What is leadership?

Using your power for good

Making people do stuff

Doing your "homework"

Solving big problems

2 My "big problem": Can we feed the world well?

a) Experience: military - ABC news

Doing my homework then found out:  hunger map equals conflict area map.

Hunger man is the violent man.

b) UN world food program

c) School feeding program. Free lunch.

d) Doing my homework think different: Sell products to feed more people? 

e) Feed- profit and nonprofit

f) Find people thinking about the same idea with you 

g) Make the story of the food, not only give them food, give them jobs.

h) Doing your homework think different: Junk food everywhere. Why?

3 Feed is not enough

If they are unhealthy, we haven't solved the problem.

Doing home work again: We produced enough food but the system is broken.

a) Junk food is cheaper

b) People spend more money on health care than food

 c) People didn't notice b)

 4 A story

An 80 years old man was talking about "How we will feed the world".

——Back to leadership: he is not the eater of the future, we are.

5 How do we change

a) Think about the table

b) The table is where we can change

c) Change dinner - change the world

d) U.S. people's impact - Coke-Cola

e) How we live has much impact than what we give, don't live in the way make the world worse.

f) This bag can feed the world better.

g) Leader and leadership can change Systems

h) How can we get more health food -business  

      Next Apple  New Google example: Health food delivery in New York 

 i) people changing - business changing

5 You and me 

a) "Friend"  your kitchen

b) Eat family dinner(friends count as family) 

c) Appreciate the experience of eating 

d) Change dinner, change the world 

6 Ending:

Use your power for good, make others to do so.


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