Hangzhou buses first to all use mobile pay

Source: China Daily
Date: May 25, 2017

By year's end, mobile payment will be accepted on all public buses in Hangzhou, making the city the first in China to do so on all its buses and consolidating its reputation as a mobile application pioneer.

Hangzhou Public Transportation Group, the city's main public transportation service provider, announced on Tuesday that it will have mobile payment terminals in its 5,000 downtown buses by the end of June and in the remaining 3,000 buses in outlying districts by the end of December.
作为杭州的主要公交公司,杭州公交集团于本周二宣布,在六月底之前,市区 5,000 辆公交车将配备移动支付终端,郊区 3,000 辆公交车将于十二月底前配备完成。

"Mobile payment is accepted and used by Hangzhou's residents in their daily life in areas like shopping, eating, taking a taxi, all except for taking a bus," said Weng Jun, deputy general manager of the group.

Almost 3.9 million passenger trips are made on public buses daily in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, and cash accounts for 48 percent of total fare income, about 1.7 million yuan ($247,000) a day.
在杭州,每天有将近 390 万人次乘公交出行,48% 的车票收入来自现金,约合 170 万元人民币。

The company launched a trial run of the mobile payment system on its No.506 route on Aug. 1.
在去年 8 月 1 日,公交集团在 506 路公交车上试行了移动支付系统。

"Only a dozen passengers, mainly young people, used the mobile payment every day at first. Gradually, the number grew to 200," Weng said.
“最初,每天只有很少的乘客使用移动支付,绝大多数是年轻人。渐渐地,这个数字增长到 200 人,”翁军说。

The trial run was extended to more lines and buses. "More than 800 buses on 30 lines have had terminals installed. The results met our expectations, pushing us to formally launch the move on all buses."
在此之后,试运营扩展到了更多的线路和车次。“目前已有 30 条线路、超过 800 辆公交车安装了终端。试运营结果达到了我们的预期, 因此我们将其正式推广到所有车次。”

The terminals were developed by the bus group and Alipay, the payment tool of Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial. Alibaba is based in Hangzhou.

"Passengers can use Alipay and UnionPay flash payment cards on this terminal. ApplePay, SamsungPay, HuaweiPay, MiPay and AndroidPay can be used with smartphones or wearables like watches and electronic bracelets," said Liu Xiaojie, general manager of public services at Ant Financial.

Traditional cash payments and city transport cards will be kept to meet the needs of those who might be unfamiliar with mobile payment, like older riders.

UnionPay provides several security polices and measures to secure payments and accounts, the company said.

"Passengers put the UnionPay card on the terminal, and the machine can read the card automatically without signature and password. Security is the main concern," said Fan Hang, deputy general manager in Zhejiang for UnionPay.

"In addition to some regular tech support, we provide a 72 hour compensation service" if there is unauthorized use, Fan added.
范杭补充道,一旦发现盗刷行为,“除常规技术支持之外,银联还将提供 72 小时赔偿服务。”

The change is not just about a payment revolution, Weng said, since "it can help us to improve our service."

Alipay has also started test runs in several cities with local public transportation authorities, such as Wuhan, capital of Hubei province.

deputy general manager 副总经理

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