Beyond the male: Arab film

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Beyond the male: Arab film

  1. If film holds up a mirror to society, then it’s no surprise that politics is never far from view in Arab cinema.
  • holds up 应该是
  1. This year at ALFILM, Berlin’s Arab film festival, the lens is trained on gender politics.
  • trained on 对准
  • gender politics 性别政治
  1. “Room for a Man”, which tackles gay identity and discrimination in Lebanon, leads a special selection of nine features exploring Arab masculinity.
  • tackle 解决,处理,对付
  • gay identity 同性恋认同
  • discrimination 歧视
  • Lebanon 黎巴嫩
  • masculinity 男性气质
  1. Male lives preoccupy many of the other films on show at the festival, which opens on Wednesday.
  • preoccupy 先占领
  1. “Of Sheep and Men” is a tale of frustrated masculinity channelled into ram fighting, a sport popular in working-class Algiers. “Wajib” (“Duty”), a film by Palestinian director Annemarie Jacir, focuses on the relationship between a father and son, studying both filial and fatherly obligations in a political climate in which Palestinian men are often disempowered.
  • frustrated 沮丧的;失败的
  • Wajib 义务的行为;主命;强制
  • filial 子女的
  • obligation 义务;责任;债务;负担
  • political climate 政治氛围;政治局面
  • disempowered 侵夺
  1. The Middle East may still be a man’s world, but these films show a more nuanced, and troubled, outlook for Arab men.
  • Middle East 中东地区;中东国家
  • nuanced 细微的;细致入微的
  • outlook 前景;观点;人生观;世界观
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