2017年最丧丧丧丧丧丧丧的25句话全在这 | 附独家英译

1. 转角一般不会遇到爱,只会遇到乞丐。

Commonly, what you will come across in the  street corner is not true love but beggar.

2. 你以为只要长得漂亮就有男生喜欢?你以为只要有了钱漂亮妹子就自己贴上来了?你以为学霸就能找到好工作?我告诉你吧,这些都是真的!

Do you think it possible that beauty can win boys’ affection, that money can attract pretty girls and that super scholars can find satisfactory positions?Guess what?You are right!

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3. 别减肥了,你丑不仅是因为胖。

Stopping losing weight! Your ugliness not only results from your fat.

4. 上帝为你关上了一扇门,然后就去洗洗睡了。

The God closes your door and then he forgets to open it.

5. 你并不是一无所有,你还有病啊!

You are not penniless. See, you have illness.

6. “假如我又丑又穷又矮又笨,你还会爱我吗?”


What if i was ugly, poor, short and stupid? Will you still love me?

Come on! You are ugly, poor, short and stupid!

7. 你每天都那么努力,忍受了那么多的寂寞和痛苦。可我也没见你有多优秀。

You work that hard everyday and endure so much loneliness and pains. But what is your achievement?

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8. 失败并不可怕,可怕的是你还相信这句话。

Failure is not horrible.

What's horrible is that you believe this.

9. 有些人出现在你的生命里,是为了告诉你:你真好骗。

Some people come to your life to make you know that you are such an easy target.

10. 善良没用,你得漂亮。

A warm heart is useless. Only beauty works.

11. 灰姑娘嫁给了王子,但请不要忘记她也是伯爵的女儿。

We only know that Cinderella  married the prince but we forgot she was the daughter of the count as well.

12. 有时候你不努力一下你都不知道什么叫绝望。

Sometimes, you will not understand what is called desperate until you try hard.

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13. 失恋的时候,许多年轻人以为整个世界都抛弃了自己,别傻了,世界根本就没需要过你。

A number of young people regard themselves abandoned by the world when they are crossed in love. How silly! Don’t they know that the world never needs them?

14. 经过十年不断的努力和奋斗,我终于从一个懵懂无知的少年变成了一个懵懂无知的青年。

With ten year’s struggle and efforts, I ultimately change from an ignorant little boy into an ignorant young man.

15. 别人都有背景,而你只有背影。

What others have is powerful background and what you have is a figure.

16. 不要说生活伤害了你,生活连你是谁都不知道。

It’s ridiculous to say that life hurts you. Life even doesn’t know who you are.

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17. 暴风雨之后,不仅没看到彩虹,还感冒了!

What I witness after the rainstorm is not rainbow but my running nose.

18. 懒是一个很好的托辞,说的好像你勤奋了就能干成大事一样。

Laziness  is an excellent excuse, which makes you believe that you will make a difference once you become diligent.

19. 对于今天解决不了的问题不要着急,因为明天你也解决不了啊!

Take it easy if you are unable to solve the problems today. Neither does tomorrow.

20. 趁着年轻多出来走走看看,不然你都不会知道呆在家里有多爽。

Go around the world in your youth or you just cannot understand how comfortable it is to stay at home.

21. 长得丑就是病,不然整形医院为什么叫医院。

Ugliness equals to illness. If not, why is plastic surgery hospital called hospital?

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22. 真正努力过的人,就会明白天赋的重要。

Those that try hard will understand the importance of talent.

23. 爱笑的姑娘,总是比别人更容易长皱纹

Girls who laugh often are more likely to acquire wrinkles.

24. 丑小鸭变为白天鹅不是自己有多努力,而是它的父母就是白天鹅。

What makes ugly duckling turn into a white swan is not her diligence but the fact that her parents are white swans.

25.  世上无难事只怕有钱人。

Nothing in the world is difficult for one who is rich.




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