

Science is an ongoing search for truth -- a perpetual struggle o discover how the Universe works that goes back to the earliest civilizations. Driven by human curiosity, it has relied on reasoning, observation, and experiment.

Scientific Method

make observations --> form a theory to explain what is going on -->carry out an experiment to see whether the theory works

Science can never prove that a theory is correct; it can only disprove things.


1. geocentric Universe


2. four bodily humours

体液学说(英语:Humorism,Humoralism或Humorae theory),起源于古希腊的医学理论,认为人体是由四种体液构成-血液、黏液、黄胆汁和黑胆汁,这四种体液对应到四种元素、四种气质,四种体液在人体内失去平衡就会造成疾病,又称为四体液学说四体液说

3. fire-element phlogiston

燃素说(英语:Phlogiston theory),一个已被取代的化学理论,起源于17世纪。这个理论假设,任何物质在燃烧时,都会释放出一种名叫燃素(Phlogiston)的成分。


1. gold leaf:Gold leaf is gold that has been beaten flat into very thin sheets and is used for decoration, for example to form the letters on the cover of a book.

2.foil : 

(1) Foil consists of sheets of metal as thin as paper. It is used to wrap food in.

(2) If you foil someone's plan or attempt to do something, for example to commit a crime, you succeed in stopping them from doing what they want.

The idea of building a roof terrace was also foiled by the planning authorities.

(3) If you refer to one thing or person as a foil for another, you approve of the fact that they contrast with each other and go well together, often in a way that makes the second thing or person seem better or less harmful.

A cold beer is the perfect foil for a curry.

3. astrolabe: an instrument used by early astronomers to measure the of star altitudes and planets and also as a navigational aid. It consists of a graduated circular disc with a movable sighting device. 星盘

4. fold-out: printing another name for gatefold.

An oversize page in a book or magazine that is folded in.

5. phlogiston (旧时人们人们认为存在于可燃物中的)燃素,热素

6. strata

stratum: A stratum of society is a group of people in it who are similar in their education, income, or social status.

It was an enormous task that affected every stratum of society.

stratum: different layers of rock.

Contained within the rock strata is evidence that the region was intensely dry 15,000 years ago.

7. palaeontology 古生物学

8. take root: If an idea, belief, or custom takes root, it becomes established among a group of people.

Time would be needed for democracy to take root.

9. leap-frogging

leapfrog: If one group of people leapfrogs into a particular position or leapfrogs someone else, they use the achievements of another person or group in order to make advances of their own. 

American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two.

10. chromosome 染色体

11. star-gazer 仰望星空的人

12. aether: a medium that was once supposed to fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic waves
