20181120 Goodbye, Mr, Chips 晨读笔记 07

一 地道用法积累 

1 Ralston left, “to better himself”

一直了解到better的意思是作为形容词,今天分享到better作为动词的词性有眼前一亮的效果,以后需要多多注意N, Adj,做动词的另外一个意思。

better (v),better yourself 表示(通过教育、更好的工作等) 改进社会地位,上进

improve oneself   --  to make yourself a better person, for example by learning new skills

eg:She attempts to better herself by joining educational associations. 

2 He felt that it would not be fair to hang on if he could not decently do his job .

it would not be fair to hang on 坚持不走(或赖着不走)是不合理的。

 hang on(面对困难或阻力)坚持不懈,不泄气;on是副词。 

decently do his job 像样地工作;工作得不错

Decent  /‘disnt/. decent job/meal / hotel / place ,注意发音(长元音)

eg: It was very difficult for us to find a restaurant that was halfway decent (搭配:half/halfway, pretty, quite 还算体面的; 相当体面)

表示许多时a decent number of people 代替many people 

3 Do not take it to heart 

别往心里去 (想到昨天分享的:put into words 难以言语

eg:No matter what he says, do not take his words to heart.

Hey, guy. Do not take it to heart. He was only joking about your hat.

4 Ralston’s straight words had, in some ways , had an effect .

straight words 让我想起某天分享的plain words

have an effect,很不起眼的表达,但是却是很好用的一个表达

eg: Eric's words have, in some way, had an effect.

5 Staefel was thirty years his junior, but the two men got on excellently .

was thirty years his junior 比他小三十岁

表示谁比谁大或者小时,可以用senior 或者junior;  senior ---年长  ---比....大, junior  ----年少者 ---- 比....小

I am three years your junior 

You are three years my senior.

get on excellently 可以替代 hit it off / get along well with sb

6 Once a term he dined with the Head, and once also with the masters.

用dine with 来代替have lunch 和have dinner 

造句:We dined together at a decent restaurant.

I really enjoy going out to dine.

dine and dash 吃霸王餐

7 There was a lot of war talk

talk 在这儿表示话题;说话方式; war talk 表示关于战争的话题

war talk —English talk —-business talk ---girl talk (女生话题)--- small talk 闲聊 

8 You look pretty fit , and, of course, you know all the ropes.

all the rope —- 知道怎么回事,熟悉门道

you know all the ropes 

I am learning the ropes 

造句: When I get to know all the ropes, it is not difficult for me to do it.

二 语言点积累

When Chips, dreaming through his hours at Mrs. Wickett's, recollected those days, he used to looked down at his feet and wonder which one it was that had performed so signal a service.

I am not having too easy a time here. 因为有too ,so 冠词会后缀

若修饰名词的形容词受 too, so, as, how, however 等副词的修饰,则通常将不定冠词置于形容词与名词之前,即: too/so/as/how/however/this/that + adj + a/an +n 

eg: She is as good a cook as her mother.

It is too difficult a book for beginners. 

It’s so interesting a film that we all like it.

He didn’t know how great a mistake he had made. 



查找资料时,发现:Many a的用法,这也是之前讲过的点,也是因为没有死磕,就混过去了

Once, after some energetic fives , during which he had played as well as many a fellow half his age 

many a fellow:many + a +N(单数)

例如:Many books were sold 很多書被賣出了

           Many a book was sold  一本接一本的, 很多書被賣出了

二者的不同点是many a N (单)强调的语气更加强一点,表示一个接着一个,一本接着一本的,需要注意的是Mnay a N 后面用单数的动词。


三 其他人读错的音,也是我需要注意的点:

1 sympathetic /ˌsɪmpə'θɛtɪk/

2 注意小地方的连读,有连读的意识,让语音更加顺畅

3 with the excellent  /ði/ 注意细节 ----  with the school /ðə/

4 1913 重音在后----- Sixty - five  重音在后 

5 effect /ɪ'fɛkt/ 注意发音

6 Occasional  /ə'keʒənl/

7 Beaten  /’biːt(ə)n/

8 Certificate     /sɚˈtɪfɪkɪt/

9 catastrophic  /kætə'strɑfɪk/

10 diabetic  /,daɪə'bɛtɪk/ — diabetes  /,daɪə'bitiz/ — pneumonia  /nʊ'monɪə/

11 breathlessly /‘breθlisli/  --- Breath /brɛθ/ ---- breathy  /briːð/

12 valuable - /ˈvæljuəbəl/

四 思考

 不确定 不要读, 一定要去查,否则读的还是错的,当记住这个音后,很难改正

这几天Eric反复强调这一点,想想自己平时读书时,即使不知道如何读这个单词,却总是按照自己的意识来读出来,久而久之的,错误单词的读音就像存钱一样存储到自己的脑海里,当被别人发现读错时,就像是打回原形一样,而这往往归结与slack habit。前几日Eric说到我们往往读错的是那些简单的单词,越是简单的单词,反而越是被我们忽略。而我以往的意识是越是简单的单词,越觉得有信心读对,这段时间Eric分享的这个观念给了自己一个提醒,多查字典多跟读发音,别再自以为是的按照自己错误的发音来读。

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