1, Once worked with a huge bunch of SA and Basque people. Therefore the most important things everyday was hug and kiss. Met in the morning, got to know new friends, happy, sad, or simply just too cold, we hugged for all kinds of reasons. How to kiss in SA way, in Basque way, kiss when hugged like this but not when like that.. I cried my eyes off the day I left while driving on a freaking curly winding road I could barely see anything. Then a interview in the next town, and the kiwi guys gave me his hand and said “Nice to meet you”, I was literally like "what the heck" before realized it's a handshake. Was feeling so cold even it was nearly summer.
2, My love Janet described me as probably the most cuddly person, but actually it's her. Anyway although we lived 2 second away, still gave hugs almost every single day first thing we saw each other. She's make the yawning puppy face when she came for a hug and said "my ray of sunshine :)", I'd say "my darling" in a tone of a funny chef we once had. I've always sure that I'd get as many hugs as I want from her.
3, “Rae bear..always down for a hug eh” I've always wondering why I got this name since he was closer to a teddy cuddle bear than me, Teddy, I mean the trouble maker who curses a lot and drinks. James, who never missed a chance to piss me off, came off the boat and squated down a bit while I was talking nonsense(逗贫) with someone and walking backward towards the boat. So when I turned back just saw a forklift-like giant was about to give to a hug. Was sweet as especially I went back from a freaking horrible little thing. Well it was him showing me that people can be sweet and extremely annoying, clever and dumb as hell, serious and no brain at the same time.
And what else, I hugged Chris and said I love you Chris please put me on line tomorrow when I was drunk I mean tipsy then Chantelle made fun of me for a year since, Jono pulled me and gave me a hug when he thought I was about to get myself into trouble, snuggled in the blankets with Kelly in our homey Sancho the camper, Jonatan complaint that my arms weren't long enough for a 10 out of 10 cuddle and said "that's why I like guys sometimes" well good on ya mate ...
It's funny to think that we say hi with a handshake and bye with a hug.
Yeah right, hug when we say good bye :(
Anyhow, have a great warm day then.