
125. 欲速则不达。

More haste, less speed.

126. 言必信,行必果,硁硁然小人哉!

​Those who are true to every word and stoutly seek a result in every action are rigid petty fellows.


127. 君子和而不同,小人同而不和。

​The superior men harmonize without demanding conformity; the base men demand conformity but do not harmonize. 

128. 君子易事而难说也。说之不以道,不说也。(说 = 悦,取悦)

A man of virtue is easy to serve but hard to please. If you try to please him in a crooked way, he will not be pleased. 

129. 君子泰而不骄,小人骄而不泰。13.26

A superior man is poised but not arrogant, while a base man is arrogant but not poised. 

130. 以不教民战,是谓弃之。(不教 = 未经训练的)

To send untrained people to war is to send them to grave.

131. 士而怀居,不足以为士矣。2(怀居 = 留恋安逸的生活)

A scholar who indulges in domestic comfort cannot be counted as a worthy scholar. 


132. 邦有道,危言危行;邦无道,危行言孙。(孙 = 逊,低调)

When good government prevails in a state, be upright in speech and upright in action. When bad government prevails in a state, be upright in action but cautious in speech.
