






![]( P(Y \mid X) = \frac{P(X \mid Y)*P(Y)}{P(X)})

利用贝叶斯公式我们就可以在已知P(X|Y)和P(Y)的情况下计算得出P(Y|X)。现在把Y看成类别,把X看成特征,那么利用贝叶斯公式,我们在已知“特征X出现的时候类别为Y的概率P(X|Y)” 和 “类别为Y的概率P(Y)”的情况下,我们就可以计算在特征X出现的情况下其类别为Y的概率P(Y|X)。

![]( P(Y=k \mid X_{1},...,X_{N}) \= \frac{P(X_{1},...,X_{N} \mid Y=k)P(Y=k)}{P(X_{1},...,X_{N})} \= \frac{P(Y=k)\prod_{i}^{N}P(X_{i}\mid Y=k)}{\sum_{j}{C}P(Y=j)*\prod_{i}{N}P(X_{i}\mid Y=j)} )

![]( \prod_{i}^{N}P(X_{i}\mid Y=k) = P(X_{1},...,P_{N}|Y=k) )

  在实际应用中,还需要考虑极端情况——某个类别没有出现在样本集中 or 某个特征没有出现在某类样本集中。这个时候就需要加入平滑因子lambda去调整。

![]( P(Y=k)=\frac{Number\ of\ Labeled\ k\ Samples\ +\ lambda}{Number\ of\ Samples\ +\ Number\ of\ Labels\ * \ lambda} )

![]( P(X_{i} \mid Y=k) = \frac{Count\ of\ Feature\ i\ in Labeled\ k\ Samples\ +\ lambda}{Count\ of\ All\ Features\ in\ Labeled\ k\ Samples\ +\ Count\ of Feature's kind\ * \ lambda} )

![]( P(X_{i} \mid Y=k) = \frac{Count\ of\ Feature\ i\ in Labeled\ k\ Samples\ +\ lambda}{Count\ of\ All\ Features\ in\ Labeled\ k\ Samples\ +2 \ * \ lambda} )

朴素贝叶斯有两种常用的模型,一种叫伯努利模型,另一种叫多项式模型。两者的区别就在于伯努利模型只考虑在一个样本中,特征是否出现了(例如某个词语是否出现了,0 or 1),而多项式模型则会考虑一个样本中特征出现的次数(例如某个词语出现的次数,一个具体的数字)。两种模型都是面向离散型的特征,如果被建模对象的特征是连续变量时,一般有两个解决方案,一是量化连续型的特征成离散型的,另一种则使用高斯朴素贝叶斯。



![]( P(X \mid Y) \backsim N(\mu,\sigma^{2}) \P(X=a \mid Y = k)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}e{-\frac{(a-\mu){2}}{2\sigma^{2}}})
  上述利用高斯分布,我们把连续变量转变成一个概率,上一小节提到的特征是连续变量的问题解决了,其它一切照搬Naive Bayes即可。


Talk is cheap,show me the code. 接下来讲讲具体实现,由于Spark MLlib中实现的向量对外API甚少,所以自己动手写了个LabeledPoint

class LabeledPoint(val label: Double, val denseVector: DenseVector[Double])
    extends Serializable {

object LabeledPoint extends Serializable {
    def apply(label: Double, denseVector: DenseVector[Double]) = {
        new LabeledPoint(label, denseVector)


def distributiveFunc(mean: Double, variance: Double)(x: Double) : Double = {
    if (variance == 0.0) {
      if (x == mean) 1.0
      else 0.0
    } else {
      1.0 / sqrt(2 * Pi * variance) * exp(- pow(x - mean, 2.0) / (2 * variance))


import breeze.linalg.DenseVector
import org.apache.spark.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import breeze.numerics._
import scala.math.Pi

  * Created by qero on 16/8/7.

class GuassianNaiveBayes private (private val input: RDD[LabeledPoint], private val lambda: Double = 1.0) extends Serializable with Logging{

    def distributiveFunc(mean: Double, variance: Double)(x: Double) : Double = { //柯里化分布函数
        if (variance == 0.0) {
            if (x == mean) 1.0
            else 0.0
        } else {
            1.0 / sqrt(2 * Pi * variance) * exp(- pow(x - mean, 2.0) / (2 * variance))

    def run() = {
        val sampleN = input.count
        val grouped = => (point.label, point.denseVector)).groupByKey().cache
        val classN = grouped.count

        val pi ={case (c, a) => {
            val p = (a.toList.length * 1.0 + lambda) / (sampleN + lambda * classN)
            (c, log2(p)) //取对数,防止后期出现连乘(小数连乘容易精度丢失)

        val pji = grouped.mapValues(a => {
            val aSum = a.reduce((v1 ,v2) => v1 + v2) //求总数

            val aSampleN = a.toArray.length //求总数

            val mean = aSum / (aSampleN * 1.0) //求均值

            val variance = => { //求方差(去中心化->求和->求均值)
                (i - mean) :* (i - mean)
            }).reduce((v1 ,v2) => v1 + v2) / (aSampleN * 1.0)

            val paras =
   => distributiveFunc(p._1, p._2)_) //返回(类别,[特征1的分布函数, ..., 特征n的分布函数])

        new GuassianNBModel(pi.collectAsMap(), pji.collectAsMap())

class GuassianNBModel(val pi:collection.Map[Double, Double], val pji:collection.Map[Double, Array[Double => Double]]) extends Serializable {

    def predict(features: DenseVector[Double]) = {{case (label, models) => {
            val score ={case (m, v) => {
                log2(m(v)) //取对数,防止后期出现连乘(小数连乘容易精度丢失)
            }}.sum + pi(label)
            (score, label) //返回(log(P(F1...Fn|Label)*P(Label)), Label)
        }}.max //选概率最大的,其对应的Label就是模型的预测

object GuassianNaiveBayes extends Serializable {
    def fit(input: RDD[LabeledPoint]) = {
        new GuassianNaiveBayes(input).run()



-0.017612   14.053064   0
-1.395634   4.662541    1
-0.752157   6.538620    0
-1.322371   7.152853    0
0.423363    11.054677   0
0.406704    7.067335    1
0.667394    12.741452   0
-2.460150   6.866805    1
0.569411    9.548755    0
-0.026632   10.427743   0
0.850433    6.920334    1  
1.347183    13.175500   0  
1.176813    3.167020    1  
-1.781871   9.097953    0  
-0.566606   5.749003    1  
0.931635    1.589505    1  
-0.024205   6.151823    1  
-0.036453   2.690988    1  
-0.196949   0.444165    1  
1.014459    5.754399    1  
1.985298    3.230619    1  
-1.693453   -0.557540   1  
-0.576525   11.778922   0  
-0.346811   -1.678730   1  
-2.124484   2.672471    1  
1.217916    9.597015    0  
-0.733928   9.098687    0  
-3.642001   -1.618087   1  
0.315985    3.523953    1  
1.416614    9.619232    0
-0.386323   3.989286    1
0.556921    8.294984    1
1.224863    11.587360   0
-1.347803   -2.406051   1
-0.445678   3.297303    1
1.042222    6.105155    1
-0.618787   10.320986   0
1.152083    0.548467    1
0.828534    2.676045    1
-1.237728   10.549033   0
-0.683565   -2.166125   1  
0.229456    5.921938    1  
-0.959885   11.555336   0  
0.492911    10.993324   0  
0.184992    8.721488    0  
-0.355715   10.325976   0  
-0.397822   8.058397    0  
0.824839    13.730343   0  
1.507278    5.027866    1  
0.099671    6.835839    1  
-0.344008   10.717485   0  
1.785928    7.718645    1  
-0.918801   11.560217   0  
-0.364009   4.747300    1  
-0.841722   4.119083    1  
0.490426    1.960539    1  
-0.007194   9.075792    0  
0.356107    12.447863   0  
0.342578    12.281162   0  
-0.810823   -1.466018   1  
2.530777    6.476801    1  
1.296683    11.607559   0  
0.475487    12.040035   0  
-0.783277   11.009725   0  
0.074798    11.023650   0  
-1.337472   0.468339    1  
-0.102781   13.763651   0  
-0.147324   2.874846    1  
0.518389    9.887035    0  
1.015399    7.571882    0  
-1.658086   -0.027255   1
1.319944    2.171228    1
2.056216    5.019981    1
-0.851633   4.375691    1
-1.510047   6.061992    0
-1.076637   -3.181888   1
1.821096    10.283990   0
3.010150    8.401766    1
-1.099458   1.688274    1
-0.834872   -1.733869   1
-0.846637   3.849075    1


1.400102    12.628781   0
1.752842    5.468166    1
0.078557    0.059736    1
0.089392    -0.715300   1
1.825662    12.693808   0
0.197445    9.744638    0
0.126117    0.922311    1
-0.679797   1.220530    1
0.677983    2.556666    1
0.761349    10.693862   0
-2.168791   0.143632    1
1.388610    9.341997    0
0.275221    9.543647    0
0.470575    9.332488    0
-1.889567   9.542662    0
-1.527893   12.150579   0
-1.185247   11.309318   0


object Main extends App {
    override def main(args: Array[String]) {
        val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("naive_bayes")
        val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

        val data = sc.textFile("data/train.dat")

        val trainData = => {
            val items = line.split("\\s+")
            LabeledPoint(items(items.length-1).toDouble, DenseVector(items.slice(0, items.length-1).map(_.toDouble)))

        val model =

        val testData = sc.textFile("data/test.dat").foreach(line => {
            val items = line.split("\\s+")
            val res = model.predict(DenseVector(items.slice(0, items.length-1).map(_.toDouble)))
            println("true is " + items(items.length - 1) + ", predict is " + res._2 + ", score = " + pow(2, res._1))


true is 0, predict is 0.0, score = 0.007287035226911837
true is 1, predict is 1.0, score = 0.006537938765007012
true is 1, predict is 1.0, score = 0.012801368971056088
true is 1, predict is 1.0, score = 0.00970655657450153
true is 0, predict is 0.0, score = 0.00305462018270487
true is 0, predict is 0.0, score = 0.03716655013066987
true is 1, predict is 1.0, score = 0.01613160178250759
true is 1, predict is 1.0, score = 0.01548224987302873
true is 1, predict is 1.0, score = 0.01784234527209572
true is 0, predict is 0.0, score = 0.029683595996118462
true is 1, predict is 1.0, score = 0.0037636068269885714
true is 0, predict is 0.0, score = 0.011051732411404247
true is 0, predict is 0.0, score = 0.034819190499309864
true is 0, predict is 0.0, score = 0.03027279470621322
true is 0, predict is 0.0, score = 0.003400879969005375
true is 0, predict is 0.0, score = 0.0060605923826227105
true is 0, predict is 0.0, score = 0.014488715477020412
