public static (FieldInfo fieldInfo, int offset)[] GetFieldOffsets(Type t)
var fields = t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
Func fieldOffsetInspector = GenerateFieldOffsetInspectionFunction(fields);
var instance = CreateInstance(t);
var addresses = fieldOffsetInspector(instance);
if (addresses.Length == 0)
return Array.Empty<(FieldInfo, int)>();
var baseLine = addresses.Min();
// Converting field addresses to offsets using the first field as a baseline
return fields
.Select((field, index) => (field: field, offset: (int)(addresses[index] - baseLine)))
.OrderBy(tuple => tuple.offset)
class ByteAndInt
public byte b;
public int n;
.Select(tpl => $"Field {tpl.fieldInfo.Name}: starts at offset {tpl.offset}"))
Field n: starts at offset 0
Field b: starts at offset 4
struct SizeComputer
public T dummyField;
public int offset;
public static int GetSizeOfValueTypeInstance(Type type)
var generatedType = typeof(SizeComputer<>).MakeGenericType(type);
// The offset of the second field is the size of the 'type'
var fieldsOffsets = GetFieldOffsets(generatedType);
return fieldsOffsets[1].offset;
public static int GetSizeOfReferenceTypeInstance(Type type)
var fields = GetFieldOffsets(type);
if (fields.Length == 0)
// Special case: the size of an empty class is 1 Ptr size
return IntPtr.Size;
// The size of the reference type is computed in the following way:
// MaxFieldOffset + SizeOfThatField
// and round that number to closest point size boundary
var maxValue = fields.MaxBy(tpl => tpl.offset);
int sizeCandidate = maxValue.offset + GetFieldSize(maxValue.fieldInfo.FieldType);
// Rounding the size to the nearest ptr-size boundary
int roundTo = IntPtr.Size - 1;
return (sizeCandidate + roundTo) & (~roundTo);
public static int GetFieldSize(Type t)
if (t.IsValueType)
return GetSizeOfValueTypeInstance(t);
return IntPtr.Size;
public struct NotAlignedStruct
public byte m_byte1;
public int m_int;
public byte m_byte2;
public short m_short;
public struct NotAlignedStructWithAutoLayout
public byte m_byte1;
public int m_int;
public byte m_byte2;
public short m_short;
internal struct ByteWrapper
public byte b;
internal class ClassWithByteWrappers
public ByteWrapper bw1;
public ByteWrapper bw2;
public ByteWrapper bw3;
原题链接:#137 Single Number II
与#136类似,都是考察位运算。不过出现两次的可以使用异或运算的特性 n XOR n = 0, n XOR 0 = n,即某一
A message containing letters from A-Z is being encoded to numbers using the following mapping:
'A' -> 1
'B' -> 2
'Z' -> 26
Given an encoded message containing digits, det