
1. 选择Session or JWT?

[2] 服务器session和jwt之争
[3] cookie session,jwt,弱一致性数据与重放攻击
[4] 为什么 APP 要用 token 而不用 session 认证?

总结,Web端用session+https没有什么问题,session注意加密即可。App/API端用JWT,注意实现的方式,jwt存在的目的是防止每次认证都hit database。

2. Überauth

Überauth是一个基于Plug的Elixir Web应用认证系统。

如果你熟悉 Ruby 你可以把 Plug 想成 Rack,再加上一点 Sinatra。它提供了编写 Web 应用组件的一组规范,以及接入 Web 服务器所需的一些适配器。虽然 Plug 不属于 Elixir 的核心库,但它依然是一个 Elixir 官方维护的项目。

[1] Plug Documentation
[2] Elixir School Plug



2.1 Strategies 策略



目前Strategies分为Provider Strategies和Developer Strategies:

Provider Strategies

  • Facebook - Authenticate using the Facebook API.
  • GitHub - Authenticate using the GitHub API.
  • Google - Authenticate using the Google API.
  • Paypal - Authenticate using the Paypal API.
  • Slack - Authenticate using the Slack API.
  • Twitter - Authenticate using the Twitter API.
  • - Authenticate using the VK API.
  • Weibo - Authenticate using the Weibo API.

Developer Strategies

  • Identity - A basic username/password strategy.

2.2 Request Phase 请求步骤

The request phase is where you request information about the user. This could be a redirect to an OAuth2 authorization url or a form for collecting username and password. The request phase is concerned with only the collection of information. When a request comes in on the request phase url the relevant strategy will receive the handle_request! call.


2.3 Callback Phase 回调步骤

The callback phase is where the fun happens. Once a successful request phase has been completed, the request phase provider (OAuth provider or host site, etc) should call the callback URL. The strategy will intercept the request via the callback_phase!
. If successful, it should prepare the connection so the Ueberauth.Auth
struct can be created, or set errors to indicate a failure.


3. Guardian

An authentication framework for use with Elixir applications.
Guardian is based on similar ideas to Warden but is re-imagined for modern systems where Elixir manages the authentication requirements.

Guardian remains a functional system. It integrates with Plug, but can be used outside of it. If you're implementing a TCP/UDP protocol directly, or want to utilize your authentication via channels, Guardian is your friend.

The core currency of authentication in Guardian is JSON Web Tokens (JWT). You can use the JWT to authenticate web endpoints, channels, and TCP sockets and it can contain any authenticated assertions that the issuer wants to include.

Guardian looks after authenticating each request to your application. It doesn't do the initial checking of passwords or fetching information from an OAuth provider. For that you can use something like Überauth or roll your own email/password using something like Comeonin. Guardian handles each request authentication. Challenging users and confirming their credentials is up to your application. Guardian assumes that you have a user representation that you've confirmed already.


4. 其他框架

coherence - ExAdmin作者提供的用户登录注册系统
openmaize - 基于JWT的用户认证

5. 扩展阅读

[1] Phoenix Guardian 示例项目
