[root@ceshi ~]# docker --help


    attach   Attach to a running container    # 当前 shell attach 连接指定运行镜像

    build    Build an p_w_picpath from a Dockerfile         # 通过 Dockerfile 定制镜像

    commit   Create a new p_w_picpath from a container's changes # 提交当前容器为新的镜像

    cp       Copy files/folders from the containers filesystem to the host path

              # 从容器中拷贝指定文件或者目录到宿主机中

    create   Create a new container        # 创建一个新的容器,同run,但不启动容器

    diff     Inspect changes on a container's filesystem   # 查看 docker 容器变化

    events   Get real time events from the server   # docker 服务获取容器实时事件

    exec     Run a command in an existing container      # 在已存在的容器上运行命令

    export   Stream the contents of a container as a tar archive  

              # 导出容器的内容流作为一个 tar 归档文件[对应 import ]

    history  Show the history of an p_w_picpath                 # 展示一个镜像形成历史

    p_w_picpaths   List p_w_picpaths                            # 列出系统当前镜像

    import   Create a new filesystem p_w_picpath from the contents of a tarball 

              # tar包中的内容创建一个新的文件系统映像[对应 export]

    info     Display system-wide information               # 显示系统相关信息

    inspect  Return low-level information on a container   # 查看容器详细信息

    kill     Kill a running container                      # kill 指定 docker 容器

    load     Load an p_w_picpath from a tar archive # 从一个tar包中加载一个镜像[对应 save]

    login    Register or Login to the docker registry server  

              # 注册或者登陆一个 docker 源服务器

    logout   Log out from a Docker registry server         # 从当前 Docker registry 退出

    logs     Fetch the logs of a container                 # 输出当前容器日志信息

    port     Lookup the public-facing port which is NAT-ed to PRIVATE_PORT

              # 查看映射端口对应的容器内部源端口

    pause    Pause all processes within a container        # 暂停容器

    ps       List containers                             # 列出容器列表

    pull     Pull an p_w_picpath or a repository from the docker registry server

              # docker镜像源服务器拉取指定镜像或者库镜像

    push     Push an p_w_picpath or a repository to the docker registry server

              # 推送指定镜像或者库镜像至docker源服务器

    restart  Restart a running container                   # 重启运行的容器

    rm       Remove one or more containers            # 移除一个或者多个容器

    rmi      Remove one or more p_w_picpaths                

              # 移除一个或多个镜像[无容器使用该镜像才可删除,否则需删除相关容器才可继续或 -f 强制删除]

    run      Run a command in a new container

              # 创建一个新的容器并运行一个命令

    save     Save an p_w_picpath to a tar archive    # 保存一个镜像为一个tar [对应 load]

    search   Search for an p_w_picpath on the Docker Hub         # docker hub 中搜索镜像

    start    Start a stopped containers                    # 启动容器

    stop     Stop a running containers                     # 停止容器

    tag      Tag an p_w_picpath into a repository                # 给源中镜像打标签

    top      Lookup the running processes of a container   # 查看容器中运行的进程信息

    unpause  Unpause a paused container                    # 取消暂停容器

    version  Show the docker version information           # 查看 docker 版本号

    wait     Block until a container stops, then print its exit code  

              # 截取容器停止时的退出状态值

Run 'docker COMMAND --help' formore information on a command.

docker option

Usage of docker:

  --api-enable-cors=false                Enable CORS headers in theremote API                      # 远程 API 中开启 CORS

  -b, --bridge=""                        Attach containers to apre-existing network bridge         # 桥接网络

                                           use 'none' todisable container networking

  --bip=""                               Use this CIDRnotation address for the network bridge's IP, not compatible with -b

                                         # -b 选项不兼容,具体没有测试过

  -d, --daemon=false                     Enable daemon mode                                         #daemon 模式

  -D, --debug=false                      Enable debug mode                                          # debug 模式

  --dns=[]                               Force docker touse specific DNS servers                  # 强制 docker 使用指定 dns 服务器

  --dns-search=[]                        Force Docker to usespecific DNS search domains            # 强制 docker 使用指定 dns 搜索域

  -e, --exec-driver="native"             Force the docker runtime to use aspecific exec driver     # 强制 docker 运行时使用指定执行驱动器

  --fixed-cidr=""                        IPv4 subnet for fixedIPs (ex:

                                           this subnet must be nestedin the bridge subnet (which is defined by -b or --bip)

  -G, --group="docker"                   Group to assign the unixsocket specified by -H when running in daemon mode

                                           use '' (the empty string) to disablesetting of a group

  -g, --graph="/var/lib/docker"          Path to use as the root of the dockerruntime              # 容器运行的根目录路径

  -H, --host=[]                          The socket(s) to bindto in daemon mode                    #daemon 模式下 docker 指定绑定方式[tcp or 本地 socket]

                                          specified using one or more tcp://host:port, unix:///path/to/socket,fd://* or fd://socketfd.

  --icc=true                             Enable inter-containercommunication                       # 跨容器通信

  --insecure-registry=[]                 Enable insecure communicationwith specified registries (no certificate verification for HTTPS and enableHTTP fallback) (e.g., localhost:5000 or

  --ip=""                         Default IP address touse when binding container ports     # 指定监听地址,默认所有ip

  --ip-forward=true                      Enablenet.ipv4.ip_forward                                 # 开启转发

  --ip-masq=true                         Enable IP masquerading for bridge's IPrange

  --iptables=true                        Enable Docker'saddition of iptables rules                # 添加对应 iptables 规则

  --mtu=0                                Set thecontainers network MTU                             # 设置网络 mtu

                                           ifno value is provided: default to the default route MTU or 1500 if no defaultroute is available

  -p,--pidfile="/var/run/docker.pid"   Path to use for daemon PID file                            # 指定 pid 文件位置

  --registry-mirror=[]                   Specify a preferred Dockerregistry mirror                 

  -s, --storage-driver=""                Force the docker runtime to usea specific storage driver  # 强制 docker 运行时使用指定存储驱动

  --selinux-enabled=false                Enable selinux support                                     # 开启 selinux 支持

  --storage-opt=[]                       Set storage driveroptions                                 #设置存储驱动选项

  --tls=false                            Use TLS; implied by tls-verifyflags                       # 开启 tls

 --tlscacert="/root/.docker/ca.pem"     Trust only remotes providing a certificatesigned by the CA given here

  --tlscert="/root/.docker/cert.pem"     Path to TLS certificate file                               # tls 证书文件位置

 --tlskey="/root/.docker/key.pem"       Path to TLS key file                                       # tlskey 文件位置

  --tlsverify=false                      Use TLS and verify the remote(daemon: verify client, client: verify daemon) # 使用 tls 并确认远程控制主机

  -v, --version=false                    Print version informationand quit                         # 输出 docker 版本信息