Advent of Code Day 9 流处理




  • Advent of Code Day 1 逆向验证码
  • Advent of Code Day 2 损坏校验和
  • Advent of Code Day 3 螺旋内存
  • Advent of Code Day 4 高熵密码
  • Advevnt of Code Day 5 曲折的蹦床迷宫
  • Advent of Code Day 6 内存重分配
  • Advent of Code Day 7 递归马戏团
  • Advent of Code Day 8 注册表爱好者
  • Advent of Code Day 9 流处理
  • Advent of Code Day 10 结哈希
  • Advent of Code Day 11 六边形迷宫


A large stream blocks your path. According to the locals, it's not safe to cross the stream at the moment because it's full of garbage. You look down at the stream; rather than water, you discover that it's a stream of characters.
You sit for a while and record part of the stream (your puzzle input). The characters represent groups - sequences that begin with { and end with }. Within a group, there are zero or more other things, separated by commas: either another group or garbage. Since groups can contain other groups, a } only closes the most-recently-opened unclosed group - that is, they are nestable. Your puzzle input represents a single, large group which itself contains many smaller ones.
Sometimes, instead of a group, you will find garbage. Garbage begins with < and ends with >. Between those angle brackets, almost any character can appear, including { and }. Within garbage, < has no special meaning.
In a futile attempt to clean up the garbage, some program has canceled some of the characters within it using !: inside garbage, any character that comes after ! should be ignored, including <, >, and even another !.
You don't see any characters that deviate from these rules. Outside garbage, you only find well-formed groups, and garbage always terminates according to the rules above.
Here are some self-contained pieces of garbage:

Your goal is to find the total score for all groups in your input. Each group is assigned a score which is one more than the score of the group that immediately contains it. (The outermost group gets a score of 1.)




  1. 要能合理解析垃圾和跳跃字符
  2. 要对{}的层级进行正确解析


  1. 建一个for循环遍历其中所有的字符。
  2. 在循环中,如果检测到!就跳过一个字符
  3. 如果检测到<,就开始忽略掉字符,直到检测到>
  4. 定义一个层级变量和一个分数变量。每遇到一个{,层级变量就加一,每遇到一个},层级变量就减一,分数变量加上一个层级变量。

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