绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】 16/21 《The Run Away Bunny》


    21天的打卡快接近尾声,我想除了阅读实践,对于我来说,放下手中的工作as  a break  ,全身心的投入陪孩子一起读,一起演一本书…给予孩子哪怕就一本书,️一个故事的时间高质量的陪伴,把她的小小心思“喂饱”,然后满足愉快得去捣腾自己的玩具比 VS “焦虑的告诉她 “ sorry 宝贝,妈妈现在需要工作 ,先自己去玩会儿 ,好吗??小屁颠 迈着小腿及不情愿的走开 ,再回来在你身边腻来腻去…最后双双崩溃 ”要来的更workable 一些 ...am I right ? But that is true .

When I am playing

  《逃家小兔》The Run away Bunny 这本书是在Amy 2岁的时候接触到的,从那时我们一起读 一起听,现在Amy 5岁了,妹妹Kitty 也2岁了 lol,我们一直还在读,与姐姐共读的感受 和 与妹妹共读的感受 也会从孩子的互动中体现不一样,其中很明显的️1点是:

~Amy 每次都so proud of this little Bunny for he could find way to run away /out ~all the time even eventually....

~而Kitty,she prefer to hear that Mommy able to catch  him all the time , especially  when he become a boy and get back home ,when Mommy is waiting him there ...

这也许就是每个孩子独特的个性,也许是因为亲子关系的陪伴经营过程所反应孩子的某些问题,whatever 我们都不想去定义孩子,只希望通过更科学,更亲密的方式引导孩子成长的更快乐 To be themselves !

  这应该也是我们一直被亲子阅读所深深吸引的初衷,我想阅读 应该是让我们 学会生活,爱上学习最好的方式之一…

  Alright ,first Let’s walk into the artwork world of this book and see how much attractive it is !











  看完这些,是否都可把她当做一本无字书来读? The answer should be YES! 让孩子们实现再创作creation 的过程,make their own story is more than a good idea ...

By so I still want to share the story with you here which under Margaret Wise Brown ‘s creation .

Who are they

Once there was a little bunny who wanted to ran away .

So he said to his mother, “I am running away .”

“If you run away ,” said his mother , “I will run after you ,for you are my little bunny .”

“If you run after me  ,” said the little bunny  , “I will become a fish in a trout stream and I will swim away from you .”

“If you become a fish in a trout stream ,”said his mother , “I will become a fishermen and I will fish for you .”

If you become a fisherman  ,” said the little bunny  , “I will become a rock on the mountain , high above you .”

“If you become a rock on the mountain high above me ,”said his mother , “I will be a mountain climber ,and I will climb to where you are .”

If you become a mountain climber  ,” said the little bunny  , “I will be a crocus in a hidden garden  .”

“If you become a crocus in a hidden garden,”said his mother , “I will be a gardener ,and I will find you .”

If you are a gardener and find me  ,” said the little bunny  , “I will be a bird  and fly away from you  .”

“If you become a bird and fly away from me ,”said his mother , “I will be a tree that you come home too .”

If you become a  tree ,” said the little bunny  , “I will be become a little sailboat ,and I will sail away from you  .”

“If you become a  sailboat and sail away from me ,”said his mother , “I will become the wind and blow you where I want you to go  .”

If you become the wind and blow me  ,” said the little bunny  , “I will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze  .”

“If you  go flying on a flying trapeze,”said his mother , “I will be a tightrope walker and I will walk across the air to you  .”

If you become a tightrope walker and walk across the air ,”  said the little bunny  , “I will become a little boy and run into a house  .”

“If you become a  little boy and run into a house ,” ,”said the mother bunny  , “I will become your mother and catch you in my arms and hug you .”

SHUCKS  ,” said the little bunny  , “I might just as well stay where I am and be your little bunny  .”

And so he did.
“Have a carrot ,”said the mother bunny.

  故事在幽默,风趣的互动中结束,总会让人会心一笑 ,同时也特别暖心…愿这本书带给孩子们的是一次愉快而又刺激的 “冒险”,同时也要记得 ,妈妈是最爱我们的人…请对妈妈说一声,“我爱你!”


    I love you too my little Bunny and always .....

你可能感兴趣的:(绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】 16/21 《The Run Away Bunny》)