点津 I Have+复合结构 I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记(连载53)

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点津 I Have+复合结构 I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记(连载53)_第1张图片


“ have”是英语中一个使用频率非常高的动词,被称之为“万能动词”。它主要的用法:

1.及物动词表示“有”。例:I have a very beautiful picture.


2.助动词与过去分词搭配构成完成时:“have done”

They have finished the jobs now.他们现在已经完成了工作。

His father has been to Beijing many times.他爸爸已经去过北京许多次了。


have a bad cold,  have a rest,have a swim,  have sth. on.



1.The teacher will have someone ______(write)an article for our wall newspaper.

2.Be quick! They have the car____________(wait)for us at the gate.

3.Can you have the washing-machine _________(send)to myhouse?

4.Those who have questions__________(ask), raise your hands.

5.You had better ___________(pay)a visit to him soon.

6.That has nothing__________(do)with what we are discussing.

7.Thesports meetinghas ____________(put off)because of the rain.


1 write  2 waiting  3 sent  4 to ask 5 pay  6 todo7 beenput off


1.Jenny hopes that Mr . Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English ______ in  a short period. (2007福建卷)

A. improvedB. improvingC. to improveD. improve

2.— Did Peter fix the computer himself?

— He ______, because he doesn’t know much about computers. (2007安徽卷)

A. has i t fixedB. had fixed itC. had it fixedD. fixed it

3.—Excuse me sir, where is Room 301?

—Just a minute. I’ll have Bob ______ you to your room. (2007北京卷)

A.  showB. showsC. to showD. showing



点津 I Have+复合结构 I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记(连载53)_第2张图片

一、have +宾语+不定式: 表示“有”的概念

They have much homework to do every day.


Tom has a very sharp knife to cut with.


二、have +宾语+(不带to)不定式 表示:请或让某人做某事。此结构中的have为使役动词。

The teacher had the boy recite the text every day.


三、have +宾语+现在分词  表示让某人/某物一直做某事或一直处于某种状态之下。

The man had the machine working all day long.


四、have +宾语+过去分词  表示过去分词与宾语具有被动关系

Jack said that he would have his hair cut the next day.


The teacher asked the girls to have everything prepared before the performance.



点津 I Have+复合结构 I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记(连载53)_第3张图片

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