Build FFmpeg for iOS-2018-10-26

# Build-FFmpeg-For-iOS-README

OS: macOS Mojave 10.14 (18A391)
Xcode: Version 10.0 (10A255)
FFmpeg version: 4.0.2

Tools Needed:
1. gas-preprocessor
2. FFmpeg-iOS-build-script
3. yasm : brew install yasm

1. Download FFmpeg-iOS-build-script from github(;
2. Change the ffmpeg version before compiling. FFmpeg: FF_VERSION="4.0.2",iOS:DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="8.0";
3. Open the Terminal, cd the FFmpeg-iOS-build-script folder, Execute the following command "$ ./";
4. Execute the following command "$ ./ lipo" to merge ".a" files after step 3 is completed;
5. Drag the "FFmpeg-iOS" folder to your target project after the step 4 is completed;
6. Setting the target project: Build Settings -> Header Search Paths Add the file search path: $(SRCROOT)/YourProject/FFmpeg-iOS/include;
7. Add libz.dylib, libbz2.dylib, libiconv.dylib or libz.tbd, libbz2.tbd, libiconv.tbd to the project;
8. Final add the VideoToolbox.framework to the project;

1. compiling failed,sh File contains the href:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Execution to this sentence indicates that yasm is not installed, and installing yasm requires
homebrew, so the above statement is incorrect when installing homebrew.

Install homebrew before installing yasm

2. compiling failed
xcrun -sdk iphoneos clang is unable to create an executable file.
C compiler test failed.


1) Check your Git version
2) Make sure you are using the lastest version from Git

1) Find "ffmpeg-armv7/ffbuild/config.log" search the detail error with keyword like "xcrun: error"
2) My case ,found the detail "xcrun: error: SDK "iphoneos" cannot be located"

1) Terminal input "sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/"
2) Input password
3) Try again

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