《Beyond Feelings》A Guide to Critical ThinkingNINTH EDITION第一周读书笔记

《Beyond Feelings》A Guide to Critical ThinkingNINTH EDITION第一周读书笔记_第1张图片

进度比较慢,这周读了Cover Page,Title Page,Copyright Page,Dedication,Contents,Preface,Introduction .

首先介绍此书的背景。从1975年以前的主观主义情感感受思潮为主导到慢慢过渡重视客观主义理性思考的重要性。作者对感受与思考两者的地位高下也做了critical thinking , 提出避免矫枉过正。认为两者并无冲突,是互为补充,各有优劣的。但是思考比感受更需要有意识为之。做好思考需要系统的理论方法指导与实践练习。

原文摘抄如下:Feeling and thought are perfectly complementary. Feeling, being more spontaneous, is an excelent beginning to the development of conclusions. And thought, being more deliberate, provides a way to identify the best and most appropriate feeling. Both are natural.

Thinking, however, is less automatic than feeling. To do it well demands a systematic approach and guided practice。


The first section explains the psychological, philosophical, and social context in which critical thinking takes place and describes the habits and attitudes that enhance such thinking.


The second section helps students recognize and overcome common errors in thinking

( 第二部分帮助学生认识和克服思维中常见的错误)

The third section provides a step-by-step strategy for dealing with issues.



The book has three main sections. The first, “The Context,” will help you understand such important concepts as individuality, critical thinking, truth, knowledge, opinion, evidence, and argument and overcome attitudes and ideas that obstruct critical thinking. The second section, “The Pitfalls,” will teach you to recognize and avoid the most common errors in thinking. The third section, “A Strategy,” will help you acquire the various skills used in addressing problems and issues. This section includes tips on identifying and overcoming your personal intellectual weaknesses as well as techniques for becoming more observant, clarifying issues, conducting inquiries, evaluating evidence, analyzing other people’s views, and making sound judgmentsts

然后中间作者穿插了写作过程选词用词的critical thinking . 批评思维了乔治奥威尔建议可以使用普通词汇就不要使用艰涩的术语的箴言。在专业术语还是普通词汇的选择上认为不能绝对专一。不需要过度强调使用普通词汇,因为专业词汇有其独特特定含义。但是也不能滥用术语,否则有卖弄报复之嫌。


It is no exaggeration to say that critical thinking is one of the most important subjects you will study in college regardless of your academic major. The quality of your schoolwork, your efforts in your career, your contributions to community life, your conduct of personal affairs—all will depend on your ability to solve problems and make decisions.

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