


表示,接网友举报,斗鱼直播平台主播 @陈一发儿 在早年直播过程中,曾公然把南京大屠杀、东三省沦陷等民族惨痛记忆,作为调侃的笑料。(更多详情>>>





Live-streaming host apologizes for making fun of Nanjing Massacre

Chen Yifa, commonly known as Chen Yifaer, is a singer and famous online host on China's leading live streaming portal Douyu.

· 陈一发:歌手、网络主播 singer, online host

· 斗鱼:直播平台/门户 live streaming portal

She recently provoked[1] a huge outrage for a video of her making fun of the nation's historic catastrophes including the Nanjing Massacre[南京大屠杀], where over 300,000 Chinese were slaughtered[2] by Japanese invaders in December 1937.

[1]provoke: to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one 激起,引起

provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论

[2]slaughter: 可作名词也可作动词,这里是动词 If large numbers of people or animals are slaughtered, they are killed in a way that is cruel or unnecessary. 屠杀

The video was published two years ago. It was widely circulating on China's Twitter-like platform, Weibo, as it received numerous reports from Chinese netizens. The Jiangsu Cyber Police department[江苏网警] posted a statement on Tuesday, using this incident as an example to remind both the celebrities and the platform to behave appropriately.


This is absolutely wrong, and I should not have joked about the historical events,Chen made an apology the same day the reports occurred, stating she will never make such a mistake again. Chen mentioned it was during a singing contest when she blurted out[3] the words without thinking.

[3]blurt out: If someone blurts something out, they blurt it. 脱口说出

"You're mad," the driver blurted out.



To redeem[4] her behavior, Chen promised to be more involved in public activities, but Weibo users do not seem to buy it. Netizens replied to her apology, “That's it?! gaining more than 80,000 thumbs-down[点赞] following her statement.


1) If you redeem yourself or your reputation, you do something that makes people have a good opinion of you again after you have behaved or performed badly. 挽回声誉; 改善形象

2) When something redeems an unpleasant thing or situation, it prevents it from being completely bad. 弥补; 补救

He realized the mistake he had made and wanted to redeem himself.



Douyu, one of the country's leading platforms, also extended an apology amid the backlash[5], saying it will reinforce the self-examination and launch an overhaul rectification on its contents.

[5]backlash: A backlash against a tendency or recent development in society or politics is a sudden, strong reaction against it. (对政治或社会变化的) 强烈反应

...the male backlash against feminism.


On Tuesday night, the company issued another announcement, deciding to ban Chen's broadcasting room and organize all the platform's hosts to visit the museums of Revolutionary History, in hopes to educate them on the historical event.

China bears “zero tolerance[零容忍]” attitude to activities that defame heroes and martyrs[6]. Making fun of a national disaster or people's pain challenges the bottom line of human nature and justice.

[6]defame heroes and martyrs 诋毁英雄烈士

The country's Heroes and Martyrs Protection Law* taking effect since May 1 this year, came after a series of incidents in which young Chinese people have been accused of disrespecting victims of the Nanjing Massacre during their visits to memorials and other places of historical interest dressing as invading Japanese soldiers.


‍On May 17, China's popular Rage Comic[暴走漫画] was taken down from the country's social media and video streaming platforms after an episode was criticized for violating the Heroes and Martyrs Protection Law.

Earlier this year, a straight-A[7] student at China's Xiamen University received academic probation[留校察看] after posting an offensive statement in which she called the Chinese people “Shina,” causing outrage on social media because of its link with the Japanese invasions of China.

[7]straight-A: getting the best results in all examinations (学业)成绩全优的,成绩极优良的(大学生)

