fileprivate let memoryCache = NSCache()
open var maxMemoryCost: UInt = 0 {
didSet {
self.memoryCache.totalCostLimit = Int(maxMemoryCost)
//ioQueue:dispatch_queue_t 为单独的硬盘操作队列,由于硬盘存取操作极为耗时,使其与主线程并行执行以免造成阻塞。
fileprivate let ioQueue: DispatchQueue
fileprivate var fileManager: FileManager!
///The disk cache location.
open let diskCachePath: String
/// The default file extension appended to cached files.
open var pathExtension: String?
/// The longest time duration in second of the cache being stored in disk.
/// Default is 1 week (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 seconds).
/// Setting this to a negative value will make the disk cache never expiring.
open var maxCachePeriodInSecond: TimeInterval = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 //Cache exists for 1 week
/// The largest disk size can be taken for the cache. It is the total
/// allocated size of cached files in bytes.
/// Default is no limit.
open var maxDiskCacheSize: UInt = 0
//执行图片的 decode 操作
fileprivate let processQueue: DispatchQueue
/// The default cache.单例
public static let `default` = ImageCache(name: "default")
// MARK: - Store & Remove
Store an image to cache. It will be saved to both memory and disk. It is an async operation.
- parameter image: The image to be stored.
- parameter original: The original data of the image.
Kingfisher will use it to check the format of the image and optimize cache size on disk.
If `nil` is supplied, the image data will be saved as a normalized PNG file.
It is strongly suggested to supply it whenever possible, to get a better performance and disk usage.
- parameter key: Key for the image.
- parameter identifier: The identifier of processor used. If you are using a processor for the image, pass the identifier of
processor to it.
This identifier will be used to generate a corresponding key for the combination of `key` and processor.
- parameter toDisk: Whether this image should be cached to disk or not. If false, the image will be only cached in memory.
- parameter completionHandler: Called when store operation completes.
open func store(_ image: Image,
original: Data? = nil,
forKey key: String,
processorIdentifier identifier: String = "",
cacheSerializer serializer: CacheSerializer = DefaultCacheSerializer.default,
toDisk: Bool = true,
completionHandler: (() -> Void)? = nil)
let computedKey = key.computedKey(with: identifier)
memoryCache.setObject(image, forKey: computedKey as NSString, cost: image.kf.imageCost)
func callHandlerInMainQueue() {
if let handler = completionHandler {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if toDisk {
ioQueue.async {
if let data = serializer.data(with: image, original: original) {
//不存在 self.diskCachePath文件,即创建
if !self.fileManager.fileExists(atPath: self.diskCachePath) {
do {
try self.fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: self.diskCachePath, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch _ {}
self.fileManager.createFile(atPath: self.cachePath(forComputedKey: computedKey), contents: data, attributes: nil)
} else {
open func removeImage(forKey key: String,
processorIdentifier identifier: String = "",
fromDisk: Bool = true,
completionHandler: (() -> Void)? = nil)
let computedKey = key.computedKey(with: identifier)
memoryCache.removeObject(forKey: computedKey as NSString)
func callHandlerInMainQueue() {
if let handler = completionHandler {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if fromDisk {
do {
try self.fileManager.removeItem(atPath: self.cachePath(forComputedKey: computedKey))
} catch _ {}
} else {
open func retrieveImage(forKey key: String,
options: KingfisherOptionsInfo?,
completionHandler: ((Image?, CacheType) -> ())?) -> RetrieveImageDiskTask?
// No completion handler. Not start working and early return.
guard let completionHandler = completionHandler else {
return nil
var block: RetrieveImageDiskTask?
let options = options ?? KingfisherEmptyOptionsInfo
if let image = self.retrieveImageInMemoryCache(forKey: key, options: options) {
options.callbackDispatchQueue.safeAsync {
completionHandler(image, .memory)
} else {
var sSelf: ImageCache! = self
block = DispatchWorkItem(block: {
// Begin to load image from disk
if let image = sSelf.retrieveImageInDiskCache(forKey: key, options: options) {
if options.backgroundDecode {
sSelf.processQueue.async {
let result = image.kf.decoded(scale: options.scaleFactor)
forKey: key,
processorIdentifier: options.processor.identifier,
cacheSerializer: options.cacheSerializer,
toDisk: false,
completionHandler: nil)
options.callbackDispatchQueue.safeAsync {
completionHandler(result, .memory)
sSelf = nil
} else {
forKey: key,
processorIdentifier: options.processor.identifier,
cacheSerializer: options.cacheSerializer,
toDisk: false,
completionHandler: nil
options.callbackDispatchQueue.safeAsync {
completionHandler(image, .disk)
sSelf = nil
} else {
// No image found from either memory or disk
options.callbackDispatchQueue.safeAsync {
completionHandler(nil, .none)
sSelf = nil
sSelf.ioQueue.async(execute: block!)
return block
open func clearDiskCache(completion handler: (()->())? = nil) {
ioQueue.async {
do {
try self.fileManager.removeItem(atPath: self.diskCachePath)
try self.fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: self.diskCachePath, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch _ { }
if let handler = handler {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Clean expired disk cache. This is an async operation.//清除过期磁盘上信息
@objc fileprivate func cleanExpiredDiskCache() {
cleanExpiredDiskCache(completion: nil)
Clean expired disk cache. This is an async operation.
- parameter completionHandler: Called after the operation completes.
open func cleanExpiredDiskCache(completion handler: (()->())? = nil) {
// Do things in cocurrent io queue
ioQueue.async {
// 拿到过期需要删除的urlsToDelete数组,diskCacheSize磁盘缓存大小和cachedFiles字典
var (URLsToDelete, diskCacheSize, cachedFiles) = self.travelCachedFiles(onlyForCacheSize: false)
for fileURL in URLsToDelete {
do {
try self.fileManager.removeItem(at: fileURL)
} catch _ { }
// 磁盘缓存大小超过自定义最大缓存
if self.maxDiskCacheSize > 0 && diskCacheSize > self.maxDiskCacheSize {
let targetSize = self.maxDiskCacheSize / 2
// Sort files by last modify date. We want to clean from the oldest files.
let sortedFiles = cachedFiles.keysSortedByValue {
resourceValue1, resourceValue2 -> Bool in
if let date1 = resourceValue1.contentAccessDate,
let date2 = resourceValue2.contentAccessDate
return date1.compare(date2) == .orderedAscending
// Not valid date information. This should not happen. Just in case.
return true
for fileURL in sortedFiles {
do {
try self.fileManager.removeItem(at: fileURL)
} catch { }
if let fileSize = cachedFiles[fileURL]?.totalFileAllocatedSize {
diskCacheSize -= UInt(fileSize)
if diskCacheSize < targetSize {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if URLsToDelete.count != 0 {
let cleanedHashes = URLsToDelete.map { $0.lastPathComponent }
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .KingfisherDidCleanDiskCache, object: self, userInfo: [KingfisherDiskCacheCleanedHashKey: cleanedHashes])
//获取过期的URL数组,磁盘缓存大小和缓存文件字典, 进行缓存删除操作。 通过FileManager的enumerator方法遍历出所有缓存文件,如果文件最后一次访问日期比当前时间减去一周时间还要早,将该文件fileUrl添加到urlsToDelete数组。计算缓存文件大小,以fileUrl为key,resourceValues为value,存入 cachedFiles
fileprivate func travelCachedFiles(onlyForCacheSize: Bool) -> (urlsToDelete: [URL], diskCacheSize: UInt, cachedFiles: [URL: URLResourceValues]) {
let diskCacheURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: diskCachePath)
let resourceKeys: Set = [.isDirectoryKey, .contentAccessDateKey, .totalFileAllocatedSizeKey]
let expiredDate: Date? = (maxCachePeriodInSecond < 0) ? nil : Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: -maxCachePeriodInSecond)
//// 缓存字典 URL : ResourceValue
var cachedFiles = [URL: URLResourceValues]()
var urlsToDelete = [URL]()
var diskCacheSize: UInt = 0
for fileUrl in (try? fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(at: diskCacheURL, includingPropertiesForKeys: Array(resourceKeys), options: .skipsHiddenFiles)) ?? [] {
do {
let resourceValues = try fileUrl.resourceValues(forKeys: resourceKeys)
// If it is a Directory. Continue to next file URL.
if resourceValues.isDirectory == true {
// If this file is expired, add it to URLsToDelete
if !onlyForCacheSize,
let expiredDate = expiredDate,
let lastAccessData = resourceValues.contentAccessDate,
(lastAccessData as NSDate).laterDate(expiredDate) == expiredDate
if let fileSize = resourceValues.totalFileAllocatedSize {
diskCacheSize += UInt(fileSize)
if !onlyForCacheSize {
cachedFiles[fileUrl] = resourceValues
} catch _ { }
return (urlsToDelete, diskCacheSize, cachedFiles)
//作用ImageDownloader往往要处理多个URL的下载任务,它的fetchLoads属性是一个[URL: ImageFetchLoad]类型的字典,存储不同 URL 及其 ImageFetchLoad 之间的对应关系
class ImageFetchLoad {
var contents = [(callback: CallbackPair, options: KingfisherOptionsInfo)]()
var responseData = NSMutableData()
var downloadTaskCount = 0
var downloadTask: RetrieveImageDownloadTask?
//根据URL获取ImageFetchLoad 的方法
func fetchLoad(for url: URL) -> ImageFetchLoad? {
var fetchLoad: ImageFetchLoad?
barrierQueue.sync { fetchLoad = fetchLoads[url] }
return fetchLoad
这是外部调用ImageDownloader最常用的方法 配置好请求参数:Time 、URL、 URLRequest ,确保请求的前提条件 主要是setup方法
func downloadImage(with url: URL,
retrieveImageTask: RetrieveImageTask?,
options: KingfisherOptionsInfo?,
progressBlock: ImageDownloaderProgressBlock?,
completionHandler: ImageDownloaderCompletionHandler?) -> RetrieveImageDownloadTask?
if let retrieveImageTask = retrieveImageTask, retrieveImageTask.cancelledBeforeDownloadStarting {
completionHandler?(nil, NSError(domain: KingfisherErrorDomain, code: KingfisherError.downloadCancelledBeforeStarting.rawValue, userInfo: nil), nil, nil)
return nil
let timeout = self.downloadTimeout == 0.0 ? 15.0 : self.downloadTimeout
// We need to set the URL as the load key. So before setup progress, we need to ask the `requestModifier` for a final URL.
var request = URLRequest(url: url, cachePolicy: .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData, timeoutInterval: timeout)
request.httpShouldUsePipelining = requestsUsePipeling
if let modifier = options?.modifier {
guard let r = modifier.modified(for: request) else {
completionHandler?(nil, NSError(domain: KingfisherErrorDomain, code: KingfisherError.downloadCancelledBeforeStarting.rawValue, userInfo: nil), nil, nil)
return nil
request = r
// There is a possiblility that request modifier changed the url to `nil` or empty.
guard let url = request.url, !url.absoluteString.isEmpty else {
completionHandler?(nil, NSError(domain: KingfisherErrorDomain, code: KingfisherError.invalidURL.rawValue, userInfo: nil), nil, nil)
return nil
var downloadTask: RetrieveImageDownloadTask?
////根据传过来的fetchLoad 是否开启下载任务。若没有根据session 生成 dataTask,在进一步包装成RetrieveImageDownloadTask,传给fetchLoad的downloadTask属性 配置好任务优先级,开启下载任务,如果已开启下载,下载次数加1,设置传给外部的retrieveImageTask的downloadTask
setup(progressBlock: progressBlock, with: completionHandler, for: url, options: options) {(session, fetchLoad) -> Void in
if fetchLoad.downloadTask == nil {
let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: request)
fetchLoad.downloadTask = RetrieveImageDownloadTask(internalTask: dataTask, ownerDownloader: self)
dataTask.priority = options?.downloadPriority ?? URLSessionTask.defaultPriority
// Hold self while the task is executing.
//下载期间确保sessionHandler 持有 ImageDownloader
self.sessionHandler.downloadHolder = self
fetchLoad.downloadTaskCount += 1
downloadTask = fetchLoad.downloadTask
retrieveImageTask?.downloadTask = downloadTask
return downloadTask
func setup(progressBlock: ImageDownloaderProgressBlock?, with completionHandler: ImageDownloaderCompletionHandler?, for url: URL, options: KingfisherOptionsInfo?, started: ((URLSession, ImageFetchLoad) -> Void)) {
//首先barrierQueue.sync 确保ImageFetchLoad 读写安全,根据传入的URL获取对应的ImageFetchLoad 设置callbackPair并更新contents ,开启下载
barrierQueue.sync(flags: .barrier) {
let loadObjectForURL = fetchLoads[url] ?? ImageFetchLoad()
let callbackPair = (progressBlock: progressBlock, completionHandler: completionHandler)
loadObjectForURL.contents.append((callbackPair, options ?? KingfisherEmptyOptionsInfo))
fetchLoads[url] = loadObjectForURL
if let session = session {
started(session, loadObjectForURL)
func cancelDownloadingTask(_ task: RetrieveImageDownloadTask) {
barrierQueue.sync {
if let URL = task.internalTask.originalRequest?.url, let imageFetchLoad = self.fetchLoads[URL] {
imageFetchLoad.downloadTaskCount -= 1
if imageFetchLoad.downloadTaskCount == 0 {
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive response: URLResponse, completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.ResponseDisposition) -> Void) {
////下载过程中确保ImageDownloader 一直持有
guard let downloader = downloadHolder else {
if let statusCode = (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode,
let url = dataTask.originalRequest?.url,
!(downloader.delegate ?? downloader).isValidStatusCode(statusCode, for: downloader)
let error = NSError(domain: KingfisherErrorDomain,
code: KingfisherError.invalidStatusCode.rawValue,
userInfo: [KingfisherErrorStatusCodeKey: statusCode, NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: HTTPURLResponse.localizedString(forStatusCode: statusCode)])
////返回错误 首先清除ImageFetchLoad
callCompletionHandlerFailure(error: error, url: url)
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive data: Data) {
guard let downloader = downloadHolder else {
if let url = dataTask.originalRequest?.url, let fetchLoad = downloader.fetchLoad(for: url) {
if let expectedLength = dataTask.response?.expectedContentLength {
for content in fetchLoad.contents {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
content.callback.progressBlock?(Int64(fetchLoad.responseData.length), expectedLength)
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) {
//// URL 一致性判断
guard let url = task.originalRequest?.url else {
// error 判断
guard error == nil else {
callCompletionHandlerFailure(error: error!, url: url)
processImage(for: task, url: url)
This method is exposed since the compiler requests. Do not call it.
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void) {
guard let downloader = downloadHolder else {
downloader.authenticationChallengeResponder?.downloader(downloader, didReceive: challenge, completionHandler: completionHandler)
private func cleanFetchLoad(for url: URL) {
guard let downloader = downloadHolder else {
downloader.clean(for: url)
if downloader.fetchLoads.isEmpty {
downloadHolder = nil
private func callCompletionHandlerFailure(error: Error, url: URL) {
guard let downloader = downloadHolder, let fetchLoad = downloader.fetchLoad(for: url) else {
// We need to clean the fetch load first, before actually calling completion handler.
cleanFetchLoad(for: url)
for content in fetchLoad.contents {
content.options.callbackDispatchQueue.safeAsync {
content.callback.completionHandler?(nil, error as NSError, url, nil)
private func processImage(for task: URLSessionTask, url: URL) {
guard let downloader = downloadHolder else {
// We are on main queue when receiving this.
downloader.processQueue.async {
guard let fetchLoad = downloader.fetchLoad(for: url) else {
self.cleanFetchLoad(for: url)
let data = fetchLoad.responseData as Data
// Cache the processed images. So we do not need to re-process the image if using the same processor.
// Key is the identifier of processor.
var imageCache: [String: Image] = [:]
for content in fetchLoad.contents {
let options = content.options
let completionHandler = content.callback.completionHandler
let callbackQueue = options.callbackDispatchQueue
let processor = options.processor
var image = imageCache[processor.identifier]
if image == nil {
image = processor.process(item: .data(data), options: options)
// Add the processed image to cache.
// If `image` is nil, nothing will happen (since the key is not existing before).
imageCache[processor.identifier] = image
if let image = image {
downloader.delegate?.imageDownloader(downloader, didDownload: image, for: url, with: task.response)
if options.backgroundDecode {
let decodedImage = image.kf.decoded(scale: options.scaleFactor)
callbackQueue.safeAsync { completionHandler?(decodedImage, nil, url, data) }
} else {
callbackQueue.safeAsync { completionHandler?(image, nil, url, data) }
} else {
// 304 状态码 没有图像数据下载
if let res = task.response as? HTTPURLResponse , res.statusCode == 304 {
let notModified = NSError(domain: KingfisherErrorDomain, code: KingfisherError.notModified.rawValue, userInfo: nil)
completionHandler?(nil, notModified, url, nil)
//返回不是图片数据 或者数据被破坏
let badData = NSError(domain: KingfisherErrorDomain, code: KingfisherError.badData.rawValue, userInfo: nil)
callbackQueue.safeAsync { completionHandler?(nil, badData, url, nil) }