Elon Musk C11 上:170928

The Unified Field Theory of Elon Musk


unified field theory 统一场论

Musk, a wide-eyed technologist, domains solar, automotive, and aerospace industries.

① SolarCity:

A green technology company formed  in 2006.
Its initial goal:make buying into the solar proposition much simpler
In 2012, SolarCity went public .By 2014, SolarCity was valued at close to $7 billion.

② Tesla: in 2015,primary focus was to bring the Model X to market.

③ SpaceX :in 2015,  began testing its ability to take people into space.

➡️ Interaction: Tesla makes battery packs that SolarCity can then sell to end customers. SolarCity supplies Tesla's charging stations with solar panels, helping Tesla to provide free recharging to its drivers. Musk's ultimate goal, though, remains turning humans into an interplanetary species. All of them are the right things to pursue for the betterment of mankind.


I'm actually wondering about putting in a roller coaster—like a functional roller coaster at the factory in Fremont

roller coaster: n

释义:a track at a fairground that goes up and down very steep slopes and that people ride on in a smalltrain for fun and excitement ;a situation that keeps changing very quickly  过山车,延伸为“表示情况的起伏不定”

例句:Christine Forster accuses her brother of playing "Machiavellian games" with an issue that has been an "awful roller-coaster ride" .

roller coaster 除了可以表示过山车外,还可以表示心情像在坐过山车一样,各种跌宕起伏:on an emotional roller-coaster。

例句:What makes being a founder stressful  is being on an emotional roller coaster.

仿写:I was shocked by the roller coaster life Elon Musk had experienced.

it became clear to close observers of SolarCity that the company had morphed into something resembling a utility


释义:v. to change, ormake somebody/​something change, into something different

同义:change, alter

✏️ Morph into ...变为..

例句:The river flooded its banks and morphed into a giant sea that swampedthe town.

仿写: Gregor Samsa  found himself morphed into a horrible vermin.

Musk has spent years buttering up the Democrats.
butter somebody up

释义:(informal) to say nice things to somebody so that they will help you or give you something 阿谀奉承,说好话

例句:Stop trying to butter me up!

仿写:He is always trying to butter up the boss.

✏️ bread and butter 涂黄油的面包;基本生活资料;生计

✏️ know which side your bread is buttered  知道自己的优势所在

The competitors are all sort of pooh-poohing the Gigafactory

pooh-pooh something

释义:v. (informal) to say that a suggestion, an idea, etc. is not true or not worth thinking about 一笑置之,轻视,藐视

例句:They are pooh-poohing suggestions of a split in the party.

仿写:It's impolite to pooh-pooh other's opinion without any thinking.


常会有一种念头“等我把A做好了,再开始B。等我把这本书看完了再看另一本”,好像事情必须一件件地完成,把事情看成孤立个体没有联系。Elon除SpaceX,Tesla 外还经营SolarCity,他并不是囿于初衷等到把人类送到太空之后才着手另一件事,他怎么做的,而且做得这么好成为业界佼佼者?

Tesla makes battery packs that SolarCity can then sell to end customers. SolarCity supplies Tesla's charging stations with solar panels, helping Tesla to provide free recharging to its drivers.


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