All things are difficult before they are easy----2018徐汇高三一模作文

2018届徐汇高三一模作文题:结合自身实例谈谈对“万事开头难”“All things are difficult before they are easy”的理解。今年,徐汇区教研员学高考放狠招统一收掉一模卷嘛。555~~~导致,我只能对这作文题写点什么了。说来这个作文题这是太应景了,我觉着学生太好写了,自己身上大把的例子,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ For example, reciting words, intensive reading of two passages every day, rearranging the notes of Judy's class, etc. 总之,这个题目比较喜欢,比较走心,是我的菜。每个人都有话写。下面我就抛砖迎玉,写下我的理解吧~ 

All things are difficult before they are easy----2018徐汇高三一模作文_第1张图片

Here comes the saying," All things are difficult before they are easy." As far as my experience is concerned, there is great truth in it. All our life experiences count. From my perspective, therefore, the road to success is more a journey than a destination. The beginning of journey is full of bitter and thorns.Then come the sweats.

To see it more clearly, I'd like to take my life experience for an example. Vivid memories come flooding back to last year when I was determined to pick up the second language Japanese again. Every time I opened the book, so challenging and irregular was the 50 Japanese kana that I just started, was frustrated, and then came to a premature end out of my fear and laziness.In September, However, something annoying pushed me to be determined to pursue my inner heart and fully live for my dream. Then came my determination that I would go to all lengths to learn Japanese to my fullest. Much to my amazement, once I made up my mind to start it again this time, a variety kinds of ways emerged, ranging from rote learning to browsing through the Internet, from combing the free online courses to enrolling in a group learning class, as well as learning from my students who were fascinated and experienced with Japanese pronunciation. Now, on the right track stands a person named Judy who is keeping the pace with the Japanese group learning fellow, contented and delighted. All that seemed impossible, nowadays, appear a piece of cake. I have conquered the 50 Japanese kana.

After rain comes the sunshine.Therefore, as long  as we keep our initial belief and hold tightly with it, just like the Last Leaf in O.Henry masterpiece, you are bound to find surprise and hope that the toughness you were fearful and desperate are conquered and beaten. The saying in this exam was, is,and will eternally lift me up when I am in difficulties, ringing clearly deep in my mind like a wind bell in a gentle breeze.

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