2016-04-15 今日收集

【IPython Notebook/Scikit-Learn机器学习学习资源汇总】《Dive into Machine Learning with iPython Notebook and Scikit-Learn》O网页链接 pdf:O网页链接

 "Dive into Machine Learning with Jupyter notebook, Python, and scikit-learn"  O网页链接

'RNNLIB - recurrent neural network library for sequence learning problems' by Sergey Zyrianov GitHub: O网页链接

【深度学习】2+ 分钟的Paper导读:10个酷炫的深度学习应用。L秒拍视频
1. Geolocation - OPlaNet - Photo Geolocation with Convolutional Neural Networks
2. Super-resolution - O网页链接
3. Neural Network visualizer - O网页链接
4. Recurrent neural network for sentence completion: O网页链接
5. Human-in-the-loop and Doctor-in-the-loop: O网页链接
6. Emoji suggestions for images - O网页链接
7. MNIST handwritten numbers in HD - O网页链接
8. Deep Learning solution to the Netflix prize - O网页链接
9. Curating works of art - O网页链接
10. More robust neural networks against adversarial examples - O网页链接收起

Youtube上的5个小时的《Facebook F8 Developer Conference 2016》可以学到很多东西,推荐。 O网页链接

【ML入门干货】#剑桥大学信息论大神David MacKay在网上公开了他所讲授的16课时的《信息论、模式识别与神经网络》入门课程。看了一下,个人感觉David的入门课讲得算是出神入化,有很多很形象的例子,没有满屏幕的数学公式,可以让没有任何机器学习和信息论背景的人都能看懂。视频:O网页链接

【深度学习】Yann LeCun 2016深度学习课程的幻灯片(Deep Learning  Course by Yann LeCun at Collège de France 2016)百度云下载:O网页链接 原地址:O网页链接

【免费书+视频+幻灯:信息论、推理与学习算法】《Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms》David J.C. MacKay (2005) O网页链接 Download:O网页链接 Video:O网页链接 Slide:O网页链接

《Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequence Learning in Spark | YouTube》 O网页链接

《TensorFlow Large Scale Deep Learning For Intelligent Computer Systems | YouTube》 O网页链接

《Detecting and Labeling Diseases in Chest X-Rays with Deep Learning》O网页链接 ref:《Learning to Read Chest X-Rays: Recurrent Neural Cascade Model for Automated Image

《Automated Machine Learning: A Short History | DataRobot》by  O网页链接Annotation》H Shin, K Roberts... (2016) O网页链接

《Exploiting Correlations Among Channels In Distributed Compressive Sensing With Convolutional Deep Stacking Networks》H Palangi, R Ward, L Deng [University of British Columbia & MSR] (2016) O网页链接

《How AI Can Predict Heart Failure Before it's Diagnosed | NVIDIA Blog》by Jamie Beckett O网页链接

《An Overview of Startups Advancing the Deep Learning in Healthcare Revolution | RE•WORK》by Daria Danilina O网页链接

你可能感兴趣的:(2016-04-15 今日收集)