[翻译]squbs官网之9 配置


squbs {

  # Name of the actor system for squbs to create.
  actorsystem-name = "squbs"

  # graceful stop timeout
  # default timeout for one actor to process a graceful stop
  # if extends the trait org.squbs.lifecycle.GracefulStopHelper
  default-stop-timeout = 3s

  # An external configuration directory to supply external application.conf. The location of this directory
  # is relative to the working directory of the squbs process.
  external-config-dir = squbsconfig

  # An external configuration file name list. Any file with the name in the list under the external-confi-dir will be
  # loaded during squbs initialization for Actor System settings. Implicit "application.conf" will be loaded
  # besides this file name list
  external-config-files = []

default-listener {

  # All squbs listeners carry the type "squbs.listener"
  type = squbs.listener

  # Add aliases for the listener in case the cube's route declaration binds to a listener with a different name.
  # Just comma separated names are good, like...
  # aliases = [ foo-listener, bar-listener ]
  aliases = []

  # Service bind to particular address/interface. The default is which is any address/interface.
  bind-address = ""

  # Whether or not using full host name for address binding
  full-address = false

  # Service bind to particular port. 8080 is the default.
  bind-port = 8080

  # Listener uses HTTPS?
  secure = false

  # HTTPS needs client authorization? This configuration is not read if secure is false.
  need-client-auth = false

  # Any custom SSLContext provider? Setting to "default" means platform default.
  ssl-context = default

  # Which materializer to use for HTTP streams.  default-materializer is used if not specified
  # materializer = default-materializer

blocking-dispatcher {
  # Dispatcher is the name of the event-based dispatcher
  type = Dispatcher
  # What kind of ExecutionService to use
  executor = "thread-pool-executor"
  thread-pool-executor {
    # Min number of threads to cap factor-based core number to
    core-pool-size-min = 2
    # The core pool size factor is used to determine thread pool core size
    # using the following formula: ceil(available processors * factor).
    # Resulting size is then bounded by the core-pool-size-min and
    # core-pool-size-max values.
    core-pool-size-factor = 3.0
    # Max number of threads to cap factor-based number to
    core-pool-size-max = 24
    # Minimum number of threads to cap factor-based max number to
    # (if using a bounded task queue)
    max-pool-size-min = 2
    # Max no of threads (if using a bounded task queue) is determined by
    # calculating: ceil(available processors * factor)
    max-pool-size-factor  = 3.0
    # Max number of threads to cap factor-based max number to
    # (if using a  bounded task queue)
    max-pool-size-max = 24
  # Throughput defines the maximum number of messages to be
  # processed per actor before the thread jumps to the next actor.
  # Set to 1 for as fair as possible.
  throughput = 2

default-materializer {
  # All squbs materializers carry the type "squbs.materializer"
  type = squbs.materializer

  # The class with createMaterializer function to create a materializer
  class = org.squbs.unicomplex.DefaultMaterializer



监听器定义端口绑定和此端口绑定的行为, 如安全性、身份验证等。默认的监听器由squbs reference.conf提供。这可以由应用程序提供application.conf文件 或在其外部配置目录中提供application.conf 文件来重写。请看squbs引导章节查看squbs如何读取配置文件。

监听器在配置文件根级别申明。通常名称遵循模式*-listener 但这不是必须的。将条目定义为监听器是监听器条目下的 type字段。它必须设置为 squbs.listener。请参阅上面的default-listener 示例, 了解如何配置新监听器监听不同的端口。

声明的监听器不会启动, 除非服务路由将自身附加到此监听器。换言之, 只声明监听器不会自动导致监听器启动, 除非侦听器真正使用。


squbs物化器仅仅是一个Akka Stream物化器,在配置中指定。这允许squbs保留所有物化器的注册表,以便:

  • 通过Akka扩展从不同位置访问物化器,如下所示:
implicit val mat = Unicomplex(system).materializer("default-materializer")
  • 物化器可以从squbs监听器引用。
  • 通过相应的设置,应用程序在用的物化器,可在JMX报告。


物化器在配置文件根级别申明。通常名称遵循模式*-materializer 但这不是必须的。将条目定义为物化器是物化器条目下的 type字段。它必须设置为 squbs.materializer。请参阅上面的default-materializer示例, 了解如何配置新物化器。



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