如何记住英文成语俚语和谚语(十三)dog = person (2)


lucky dog

幸运儿=a lucky person.

例:You won the lottery? You are a lucky dog!


a sly dog


=Someone who, through cunning, devious, or dishonest means, achieves a fortuitous outcome.

例:What a sly dog, he managed to get a copy of the test so he could memorize the answers ahead of time!


lazy dog

懒人,lazy dog position就是如下的这种姿势,类似体位的性交也叫lazy doggy style

如何记住英文成语俚语和谚语(十三)dog = person (2)_第1张图片


junkyard dog

(1) 生活在垃圾堆的狗,有人试图进入这类场所时,它们便狂吠或攻击,非常让人反感。后来meaner than a junk yard dog就变成了不友好和残酷无情的代言人了。

=An especially nasty, vicious, or savage person or animal (especially a dog). Of a person, often used in the phrase "meaner than a junkyard dog."

例:Though he's always polite when he's in public, Tim's husband is meaner than a junkyard dog behind closed doors.

例:That standard poodle may look cute and fluffy, but it's a junkyard dog, you can be sure about that.

(2) 在摔跤历史上,出现了很多从橄榄球领域转入摔跤领域的选手,但这些选手中,没有一个如同Sylvester Ritter那么有派头。他有一个绰号叫Junkyard Dog。

如何记住英文成语俚语和谚语(十三)dog = person (2)_第2张图片

因为自从在Mid-South Wrestling,推广者Bill Watts为Ritter取了一个新的名字——Junkyard Dog之后,Ritter就开始戴着狗链进入擂台,并成为了该地区其中一个最受欢迎的选手。除了名声很大之外,他还是一位动作敏捷,和忍耐力极强的选手。我们总是能看到他如同对疼痛免疫一样,并总是懂得在适当的时候带动粉丝的情绪。他与Ted DiBiase, The Fabulous Freebirds和Butch Reed等选手的争斗,成为了Mid-South Wrestling的传奇佳话。期间,他多次获得了中南与北部美国冠军及美国中南部双打冠军。

(3)美国有一部惊悚电影叫《Junk Yard》被译成中文《终极色魔》实际上跟美国的习语并没有太大的关系。


yard dog

看家护院的狗,见到陌生人就大喊大叫,后来就用来指排斥他人的人,没有教养的人= a repellent person; an uncouth person.

例: Is that lousy yard dog hanging around the neighborhood again?


lap dog


(1). 坐在人腿上的狗=Literally, a dog that is small enough and temperamentally inclined to sit comfortably upon one's lap.

如何记住英文成语俚语和谚语(十三)dog = person (2)_第3张图片

例:We always had lap dogs when I was growing up, so I never feel comfortable around my boyfriend's gigantic St. Bernard.

(2). 喜欢奉承人的人=A person who is readily inclined to submit to, seek the favor of, or agree with someone else, especially a person of higher authority.

例:It sickens me to see you be a lap dog of your boss like that. Have a little self-respect!


prairie dog


如何记住英文成语俚语和谚语(十三)dog = person (2)_第4张图片

in. [for people in office cubicles] to pop up to see what’s going on in the rest of the office. 例:Everybody was prairie dogging to see what was going on.


salty dog=sea dog=old salt

(1).非常有经验的水手=A sailor, especially a man, who is older and/or has had a lot of experience on the seas.

例:The bar was packed with old salty dogs who'd travelled all across the world, sharing stories of their adventures.

如何记住英文成语俚语和谚语(十三)dog = person (2)_第5张图片

(2). 关系不一般的好朋友。意思源自一种非常古老的用法,把盐抹到狗的皮肤上防止狗招跳蚤活着蚊子。

例:"Honey, let me be your salty dog" = "Let me be your sexual partner."


the top dog = top banana

1. 首领,头,最有权威最重要的人,口语里很不正式的说法=the most important and powerful person in a group

例:Jackson was top dog and he made sure he got what he wanted.

2. 也只一个人很有优势能赢,与之相对的是underdog=劣势。在俚语里经常指那些很有魅力能够吸引女性的男人。


dirty dog

低档次、鬼鬼祟祟的人=a low and sneaky person.

例:That dirty dog tried to cheat in the card game!


couldn't get elected dogcatcher


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=so unpopular or unqualified as to be unable to be elected to even the lowliest role. A hyperbolic phrase, especially since animal control officers are appointed, not elected. Primarily heard in US, South Africa.

例:After making off-color remarks about several demographics of voters, the would-be mayor couldn't even get elected dogcatcher.


a dog in the manger


这个短语出自《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fables),有一篇狗站马槽的故事,说的是一头狗躺在堆满稻草的马槽里,狗是不吃草的动物,而当马或牛一走进稻草时,这头狗却朝着马,牛狂哮,不准食草动物享用。

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=someone who keeps something that they do not really want in order to prevent anyone else from having it

例:Stop being such a dog in the manger and let your sister ride your bike if you're not using it.



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