Reinforcement Learning 第十周课程笔记

This week

  • watch *POMDPs. *
  • The reading is Littman (2009).
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Partially Observable MDPs


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POMDP definition
  • POMDPs generalizes MDPs.
  • In POMDP, MDP (represented by ) is not directly observable to the agent. we can only observe the states. Z are observables to the agent, Z is a set of states in S.
  • O(S,Z) is the mapping function of Z to (e.g. Given Z, what's the probability of S).
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quiz 1
  • When O(S,Z) = 1, the observable Z is S. So, Z and O together determines the relationship between S and Z in the POMDP.
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quiz 2: POMDP Example


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  • keep track of probability of ending up in each state after each step.
  • There is a normalization after each step (not the right thing to do but works.).

State Estimation

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State Estimation
  • Belief state b(s) is a probability distribution vector of whether we are in s.
  • using belief state can turn POMDP into belief MDP

b'(s') = Pr(s'|b, a, z)
= Pr(z|b,a,s') Pr(s'|b,a) / Pr(z|b,a)
= Pr(z|b,a,s') sum Pr(s'|s,b,a) Pr(s|b,a) / Pr(z|b,a)
= O(s',z) sums T(s,a,s') b(s) / Pr(z|b,a)

  • Note: belief MDP has infinite number of belief states which make VI, LP, PI impossible because they can only deal with finite number of states.

Value Iteration in POMDPs


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Value Iteration in POMDPs
  • Initialized V0(b) as 0
  • Vt(b) can be written as something similar to bellman equation
  • Claim Vt(b) can be represented by the maximum of a set of linear functions of b and α. α is a finite set of vectors. this is called piecewise linear and convex.
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quiz 3: piecewise linear and convex.
  • Γ0 should be a vector of zeroes.
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piecewise linear and convex
  • Piecewise linear means Vt(b) can be represented by Vat(b), Vat(b) can be represented by Va,zt(b) and Va,zt(b) can be represented by something like a Bellman equation
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piecewise linear and convex
  • In a similar sense, Γt can be represented by Γat , Γa,zt and something like a Bellman equation.
  • Thus the belief MDP becomes computable.
  • pomdp-solve is an existing solver for pomdp.
  • Guaranteed to be exponential because size of Γ is exponential in respect to the size of observables: | Γt| = | Γt-1||z| dot |A|
  • the calculation could be faster if Q function (Vat(b) is the Q function) has a small representation.


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algorithm for vector purge

In the figure:

  • all the linear functions (vectors) are dominated by the blue lines which involves three linear functions.
  • function ① and ③ can be purged because they have no contribution to the overall vector
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Quiz 4: Domination
  • Domination: if one vector is always less than (in this case) another vector, we say it's dominated by that another vector.
  • Vector is purgeable if it does not contribute to the max

Learning POMDP

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  • Planning: if know the model of POMDP, can run value iteration. Since POMDP have infinite number of states, we can only get approximation of optimal policy.
    • VI may not be converge
    • PI is not possible because infinite believe states
  • Difference between planning and reinforcement learning:
    • Planning: know the model - planning in POMDP is undecidable.
    • RL: we don't know the model have to interact to learn
  • RL has 2 types:
    • Model based RL: learn the model (POMDP) and use it
    • Model free RL: don't learn the model but mapping observables and action.
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Quiz 4: relationship of POMDP and other Markov systems
  • MC: Markov Chain, observed but uncontrolled; HMM: Hidden Markov Model, partially observed and uncontrolled; MDP: observed and controlled. POMDP: partially observed and controlled.
  • EM: Expectation Maximization, an procedure to learn the hidden property in HMM or POMDP.
  • Model based Learning.

Learning Memoryless Policies (Model free RL of POMDP)

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quiz 5:
  • in the MDP, There 3 blue states, to get to the green state, the agent needs to move to right in 2 of the states and move to left in another state. So the solution for this quiz is 1/3 and 2/3.
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  • solve and compare the value function based on the 50-50 probability (policy) and 1/3 - 2/3 policy.

X = p * (0.5 * X) + (1 -p)(0.5 * Y) => X = 0.5 * (1 - p)Y / (1 - 0.5p)
Y = p * (0.5 * x) + (1 -p) => X = 2 *(Y - 1 + p) / p
Z = p * (1) + (1 -p) (0.5 * Z) =>
V = 1/3 * (X + Y + Z)


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quiz 7: Bayesian RL
  • we can be in MDP A or B but not C, and we will be in state 2.
  • Next, we can take a purple action to figure out which MDP we are in.
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  • So the optimal policy is figuring out which MDP we are in and get hight reward by exploiting in the belief state.
  • RL itself is like POMDP which requires exploring and exploiting.
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Bayesian RL

Predictive State Representation

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Predictive State Representation
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quiz 8: Using belief state to figure out Predictive State
  • The POMDP has 4 states but 3 observables represented by colors where the two red states are not distinguishable.
  • We can do test to get predictions of states. (e.g, a test can be moving up, and see the probability of ending up at the blue test).
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Predictive State
  • Belief state and predictive state does not have a one-on-one mapping.
  • Increasing number of tests will constrain the mapping.
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PSR Theorem

Why go to PSR?

  • We can not observe all the states in POMDP and they might not even exist.
  • we can do some test to figure out what state we might be in.
  • Learning a PSR sometimes is easier than learning a POMDP.
  • Number of test is always going to be no more than the number of states
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What Have We Learned?
2015-10-23 初稿
2015-11-03 补全
2015-12-04 reviewed

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