
# Personal information

Siwei Yu

Lecture, Department of Mathematics

Harbin Institute of Technology

Harbin 150001, China

# Contact

[email protected]

# Education

2006-2010, Tsinghua University, B.S. in Aerospace Engineering

2010-2013, Tsinghua University, M.S. in Aerospace Engineering, Supervisor: Prof. Huizhu Yang

2014-2017, Harbin Institute of Technology, Ph.D. in Mathematics, Supervisor: Prof. Jianwei Ma

2014-2016, University of California, Los Angeles, Visiting student in Mathematics Department, Supervisor: Prof. Stanley Osher

# Work experience

2017.05 - now, Lecture in Harbin Institute of Technology


# Research Interests

Optimization algoirthm, Compressive sensing, Deep learning

Signal processing, Seismic data processing

# Publication

MathGeo [download]

MathGeo2017 is an open-source software package for sparse transform, seismic data processing, and reproducible computational experiments.

11. S. Yu, J. Ma*, W. Wang, Deep learning for denoising, Geophysics, 2017, revised.

10. Y. Jia, S. Yu, J. Ma*, Intelligent interpolation by Monte Carlo machine learning, Geophysics, 2017, accepted.

9. S. Yu, J. Ma*, S. Osher, Geometry mode decomposition, Inverse Problem and Imaging, 2017, accepted.

8. S. Yu, J. Ma*, Complex variational model decomposition for slop-preserving denoising, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017, accepted.

7. J. Ma*, S. Yu, Sparsity in compressive sensing, The Leading Edge, 2017, 36 (8), 308-314. (an invited short review).

6. S. Yu, S. Osher, J. Ma*, Z. Shi, Noise attenuation in a low dimensional manifold, Geophysics, 2017, 82 (5), V321-V334.

5. Y. Jia, S. Yu, L. Liu, J. Ma*, Orthogonal rank-one matrix pursuit for 3D seismic data interpolation, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2016, 132, 137-145.

4. S. Yu, J. Ma*, S. Osher, Monte Carlo data-driven tight frame for seismic data recovery, Geophysics, 2016, 81 (4),  V327-V340.

3. S. Yu, J. Ma*, X. Zhang, M. Sacchi, Interpolation and denoising of high-dimensional seismic data by learning a tight frame, Geophysics, 2015, 80 (5), V119-V132.

2. S. Yu, A. S. Khwaja, J. Ma*. Compressed sensing of complex-valued data, Signal Processing, 2012, 92 (2), 357-362.

1. L. Kong, S. Yu, L. Cheng, H. Yang, Application of compressive sensing to seismic data reconstruction, ACTA SEISMOLOGICA SINICA, 2012, 34 (5), 659-666

# Links



[HIT Math Department](http://math.hit.edu.cn/)

[UCLA CAM](http://www.math.ucla.edu/applied/cam/)


[HIT homepage](http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/pages/siweiyu)
