Day 9, Page 93-102


1. I ended up flunking the quiz. And I will definitely be looking for a way to pay her back for that one.

end up doing something/end up with doing something以……收场/结尾

flunk: to fail an exam or a course

pay somebody back: to punish or hurt (someone who did something bad to one)

造句:The story ends up (with) his flunking in math, but he finally pays the girl who messes up his papers back.

2. It was an announcement that the school is having tryouts for a winter play. Man, I should have thrown that thing out when I saw it on the kitchen table.

tryout: a trial to test somebody's suitability, especially to play sports team or play a role as an actor/a performance of a play staged prior to its official opening

man这里就表示“天啊!”相似的表达还有boy!/Jesus Christ

throw something out: discard something as unwanted

造句:Man, I shouldn't throw my brother's paintings out because they are prepared for my tryouts. 

3. I knew that would make Dad take my side. Dad and Mom argued for a few minutes, but Dad was no match for Mom.

take someone's side: to support one person,group,or opinion over another

no match for: easily defeated by...

造句:As for fighting, my brother is totally no match for me. He thinks our folks will take his side, but the reality just runs in an opposite way.

4. So I guess there are a lot of guys who have a bone to pick up with Patty Farrell.

have a bone to pick up with somebody: to want to talk to someone about something annoying they have done

造句:With a red face, My brother comes to me and it seems that he has a bone to pick up with me.

5. I was hoping Mrs. Norton would just cut me from the play, but today she said that everyone who tried out is going to get a part.

cut somebody from the play与下文的kick somebody out of the play都是将某人踢出……

try out: a test to see how useful or effective something or someone is 

get a part , part在这里指的是a role in a dramatic performance

因此get a part得到,分到一个角色

造句:I don't want to be kicked out of my favorite play so I work hard when we try out. Finally I get my part in it. 


1. Well, like Mom always says, be careful what you wish for. I got picked to be a Tree, but I don't know is that's such a good thing. The Tree costumes don't actually have arm holes, so I guess that rules out any apple-throwing.

分析:like Mom always says这样的句式经常出现在句中做插入成分,这样可以起到切分句子,使之更加灵活的作用。例如“The friendship, like a saying goes, is like a cup of tea between gentlemen.” 君子之交淡如水。

rule out: to stop considering something as a possibility

造句:If you don't work hard, like my mom always says, you will rule out being a great person.

2. I have no idea what a "soprano" is, but from the way some of the girls were giggling, I knew it wasn't a good thing.

somebody has/have no idea (about) something 对……一无所知

soprano: (女)高音歌手,高音的。

but from the way some of the girls were giggling, I knew it wasn't a good thing.




smile 微笑/laugh (at) 嘲笑/beam眉开眼笑/snicker窃笑/mock嘲笑、戏讽/burble偷笑、窃笑/simper傻笑

造句:I have no idea why she mocked me. But from what I have learnt from experience, maybe she fell in love with me.


    Mom announced that we would have a family committee tonight. From my life experience, I was sure that my brother has messed something up. Several minutes before dinner, he came to me as if he had a bone to pick up with me. I confessed that I threw his paintings out by mistake. However, man, I have apologized to him for nearly a thousand times. But things ran opposite from what I thought. He told me that he flunked his math exam, but he did pay the girl, who damaged his paper, back by biting her. He thought my folks would take his side, but mom announced that he was grounded from playing video games for 3 weeks as the punishment. Knowing he was no match for mom on debating, he just swallowed the result. 

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