Day 35:Marrige is a seige

Marrige is a seige. 婚姻是一座围城。

people outside want to enter it ,while people inside want to go out. 城外的人想进去,城中的人想出来。

At first ,a date can lighten several days before and after it,making it good ones. 最初约着见一面就使见面前后几天都沾着光,变成好日子。

Gradually we desire to meet every day,later we desire to meet all the time. 渐渐的恨不得天天见面,到后来,恨不得时刻见面。

You needn't to remember good things They impress you naturally. 好东西不用你去记,它自会留下很深的印象。

From falling in love to growing old together,the process is like a bunch of grapes. 从恋爱到白头偕老,就像一串葡萄。

There is always a best one and it is the only one. 总有最好的一颗,最好的只有一颗。

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