MSc Aviation Finance Programme是个怎样的项目?


MSc Aviation Finance Programme是个怎样的项目?_第1张图片


说实话,在来爱尔兰之前,我对UCD(University college Dublin,都柏林大学, Michael Smurfit商学院)今年首次开设的航空金融硕士项目并没有太多把握,尽管已经与项目组进行了足够多的沟通,关于项目内容也有一些粗浅了解,但依然不能确定在这里是否能够得到我想要获取的知识和经历。然而这些疑问和顾虑,在经过项目主任Patrick Blaney(曾在GPA担任总裁,GPA曾经是世界上最大的飞机租赁公司,是AerCap的前身,AerCap目前是世界第二大飞机租赁公司,目前的行业老大是GECAS)的一席讲解之后,就烟消云散了。


MSc Aviation Finance Programme是个怎样的项目?_第2张图片






二、MSc Aviation FinanceProgramme背景介绍


I come from the world of aircraft leasing, and to my mind it is the leastknown and probably the greatest global success story in Ireland in the financialservice world.Tony Ryanwho himselfwas an ex-Aerlingus, saw an opportunity back in 1975, and he found the industrywith just twenty thousand dollars in capital, which is now today grow to abusiness that worth 200 billion dollars, it has 9000 aircrafts on lease to morethan 200 airlines in 100 different countries around the world. The driver ofthis aircraft leasing business is the travel business, and over the last 30years that business grown by more than 5% annually and expected to double againin the next 15 years. What does that translated to is about 38,000 moreairplanes, today's fleet is by 23,000 in size, but that will grow to 44,000between addition and replacement over the next 20 years, and the cost of thoseairplanes at 5.5 trillion dollars, 50% percent of those aircrafts are going tobe financed by the aircraft leasing company,  that boils down to 70 aircrafts on averageevery month being delivered to the lessors at 20 billion annual financingrequirement.

一个人:Tony Ryan(托尼.瑞安),是一个在航空租赁业里不得不提到的一个传奇,他在上个世纪70年代一手建立了GPA(Guinness Peat Aviation,前面提到了,曾经是世界上最大的飞机租赁公司),开创了飞机租赁行业。后来又神奇般的与其他人合伙二次创业,创立了瑞安航空,目前是欧洲最大的低成本航空公司之一。


So the question I'm oftenasked is why Ireland is that global hub for aviation financing. I think thereare three principle reasons.

Reason NO.1 is becauseof GPA had been one of the founders of this industry, many of those who arecurrently leading the industry got their  work with GPA and working in Ireland. Today industry leader companies likeAerCap, Avolon, Gecas, Smbc, and Aviation Capital which is a Sumitomo subsidiary,all of those firms essentially grow their operation and activities out ofDublin and Ireland.

The second reason ofcourse is we have a very supportive government and regulate environment. Ourfiscal and taxation policies are very important and we have a global network ofmore than 70 international treaties let us to new business to almost everywherewithin the world.

And the third reason iswe have world class service providers in the legal, financial, accounting,taxation. People like KPMG who enable complex multi-jurisdiction transactionstake place.


This course is reallycome about, because a need by industry to generate next generation of managersand leaders of this industry. This course and programme is supported by theindustry itself, not just financially but having a significant input in syllabusand content, they will provide internships and research project as part of thecourse curriculum and they will hire our graduates in the future. So ourstudents will come not just from the western world, the EU, the US, they willcome from all over the world, and the students will, in UCD, get skills, boththe technical skills and business skills, we will also be spent time focusing onsoft skills, negotiations and dealing in the multi-culture environment.


三、MSc AviationFinance Programme课程介绍





Semester One:

Quantitative Methods

Capital Markets & Instruments

Accounting/FSA for Aviation

Aviation Tax

Aviation Finance I

Semester Two:

Aviation Economics

Aviation Finance II

Law Aviation Finance

Topics in Aviation Finance

Doing Business Globally






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