

Love is an amazing thing. The suitable one will know, understand and support all yout thoughts. It is really amazing.

遇到菲尔先生的时间很奇妙-- 与ex分手第二天,一早接到同事的微信问:有另一半了没?给你介绍一位?后来的故事很没有特色,微信聊天,见面,吃饭。更奇葩的是,2个月见之中只见过两次。他忙,我也没什么心思。时间就在这么有一搭没一搭的聊的时候,进入了国庆节。在家百无聊赖的时候忽然发现,他不给我发微信我会生气,而他也发现我不理他他会着急。就这样,走到了一起。

It was the second day after breaking up with Rick when getting in touch with Mr. Phillip. The start of our story is not fancy, just chatting in wechat, meeting up and having dinner together. He was busy and I was not in a good mood, leading to the fact that we only met twice in 2 months time. However, when staying at home during the national day holiday, I realized that I became angry when he did not text me and he realized that he was very anxious when I ignored him. When we met again after coming back to Beijing after holiday, we became a couple.

如果说先前只是摩擦起电似的小火星儿,在一起以后却像火星撞地球般火花四溅。一个射手,一个双子,两个神经病星座的结合,活脱脱把日子过出了花。 To do list 随便一列就好几页,忙得不亦乐乎。其中之最,便是有了我们的小结晶---菲尔斯诺。菲尔斯诺的初衷,英语占了很大的部分。但绝不是全部,我们想要通过自己的力量让世界变得更美好一点,哪怕只有一点点。。分享爱,散播温暖是我们的愿望,也是这个大家庭的中心思想。

The more we know each other, the more common we found between us and the deeper our love is. We have  made a To Do List, which might be more approperiate to be called To Do Book. The one  that we are most pround of is the establiment of Philsnow English. The key point of Philsnow English is indeed to estsablish a platform for all English lovers where we can study English, sharing our life, encouraging each other and becoming better day by day. However, the core value of Philsnow is far beyond that. Both Phillip and me are keen to spread positive attitude and making the world better, even only a little bit.


Today, we want to share a picture with you guys. It is provided by Zoe, who is a nursery teacher, and drew by a little girl in her class. It touched my heart deeply with the first glance. A beautiful and colorful rooster! The drawer must have a pure and clean heart and the world in her little mind is as colorful as the rainbow.


May I appologize in advance for the bad Chinese writing leve,l will work hard on it and try to improve soon.




The competition in this world is fierce enough and we always need to fight to survive. The pace of Beijing is fast enough, so fast that we can hardly breath. We need to calm down and spread some love and warmth. Phil and Snow are willing to make the world better, even only a little bit.
