On Writing Well - CH7&8

一. 感想

在第一部分"Principles"的最后一章,Zinsser谈到了应用。他一上来便抛出了这个问题:What is good usage?




One helpful approach is to try to separate usage from jargon. I would suggest a similar guideline for separating good English from technical English.



此外,Zinsser认为语言的使用最重要的是,"Good usage, to me, consists of using good words if they already exist—as they almost always do—to express myself clearly and simply to someone else." 即选择合适的词,清楚明了地表达你的意思。




二. 字词

1. hassle

(1) 原文:"Hassle" is both a verb and a noun, meaning to give somebody a hard time, or the act of being given a hard time.

(2) 字典解释:

n. something that is annoying, because it causes problems or is difficult to do

vt. to annoy someone, especially by asking them many times to do something

(3) 学到的表达:hassle free   没有任何麻烦的

(4) 造句:Our cooperation will be hassle free.

2. arduous

(1) 原文:Originally it was a Cape Dutch word applied to the Boers' arduous journey by ox wagon.

(2) 字典解释:involving a lot of strength and effort

(3) 造句:Although she haven't finished this arduous task yet, she is making arduous efforts.

3. jocular

(1) 原文:We voted heavily against "cohort" as a synonym for "colleague," except when the tone was jocular.

(2) 字典解释:joking or humorous

(3) 造句:He always likes to make some jocular comments.

4. picayune

(1) 原文:These may seem like picayune distinctions.

(2) 字典解释:small and unimportant

(3) 造句:This trouble is pretty picayune.

5. a tinge of

(1) 原文:It adds a tinge of sarcasm that otherwise wouldn't be there.

(2) 字典解释:a very small amount of a color, emotion, or quality

(3) 造句:There is a tinge of sadness in her singing.

6. cliché  [kliː'ʃeɪ]

(1) 原文:Your style might still be full of clutter and clichés.

(2) 字典解释:an idea or phrase that has been used so much that it is not effective or does not have any meaning any longer

(3) 造句:That is a cliché, so I don't wanna hear it anymore.

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