打卡day 15 what I wish I know when I was 20

今天看了《what I want I know when I 20》,这本书还是一如既往的突破我的思维,举了一个cooliris 的例子,讲述它怎么通过寻找校园代理人和通过test-user来进行feedback 和recruit ,通过在进行product testing的情况下,可以更好的了解产品并且可以招聘到最好的雇员,一举两得。作者通过举例子告诉读者,很多东西都可以打破传统思维去做,比如招聘,就可以像cooliris一样一举两得。

也可以像launch of zune一样,可以让某一个小组在project里面,可以thoughts and work differently,从而促使整个大的project完成。

还有就像Linda 所成立的endeavor 一样,遵守原则:every franchise has things can't be done。也像那两个飞行员一样,专注于少量不能做的事情比专注于大量的可以做的事情要有用的多。

还是那句话吧,it's important to keep in mind that there are often creative ways to work around the rules, to jump over the traditional hurdle, and to get to your goal by taking a side routie.

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