

當然,作爲一個鍵盤控而不是鍵盤燈控,我才不 care 鍵盤長什麼樣。這款鍵盤的牛逼之處在於能定製(所以我現在用的是 Poker II):

1. Open Source Design
2. No Upfront Tooling Costs
3. Fully Programmable Keys(這才是關鍵)
4. Dual Cherry MX / Alps Switch Compatibility

還可以直接產生中文……我的 Gat 輸入發 不是正好爲此而生的……還有 Dvorak……我使用的就是 Dovark 啊……所以這鍵盤簡直滿足了我對鍵盤的一切想法(除了我覺得空格鍵應該短一點)。

[TheInfinity Keyboard](https://www.massdrop.com/buy/infinity-keyboard-kit)

The Infinity earned its name from the infinite layers with which the keyboard can be programmed, making it more configurable than any other circuit board on the market.

To program your keyboard, all you have to do is use the handy Infinity Configurator and select exactly where you want your keys to be.

GitHub: kiibohd/controller


Infinity 60% FAQ

Does the Infinity 60% Kit have backlighting? Are there plans for backlighting?
No, the Infinity 60% Kit does not support backlighting.
No, There are no plans for the Infinity 60% to support backlighting.


Does the Infinity 60% Kit have NKRO?
Yes. The Infinity 60% Kit has NKRO by default on most operating systems including Mac OSX.
The 6KRO compatibility mode may be explicitly toggled via the firmware if needed.
6KRO is very sufficient for me.

這個是必須的。牛逼的是它可以從硬件上 toggle 這個特性……

Is the Infinity 60% programmable? How do I reprogram my Infinity 60% to a different layout?
Yes, the Infinity 60% is fully programmable.
Use the web configurator to download the hex files
and flash it on to the keyboard or download and compile KLL on your own.
TMK firmware is also compatible with the Infinity 60%.

定製界面:KII Keyboard Configurator

順手我把自己的 DVPE Level1 給配置了一下:

我現在在使用的 DVPE 鍵盤佈局

(我發縣“k”被唔達成了“p”,left hand upper row)

What microchip does the Infinity 60% Kit use?
The Infinity 60% Kit uses the MK20DX128VLF5 The datasheets can be found here and here.


  • Kiibohds!
  • Infinity 60% Keyboard Kit | Input Club
  • The Story Behind Infinity: a Community-Designed Keyboard - Massdrop
  • infinity-keyboard-kit
  • Infinity Configurator - Massdrop
