react-native 爬坑错误集合

yarn remove babel-preset-react-native
yarn add [email protected]

错误:Navigator is deprecated and has been removed from this package
解决:npm install react-native-deprecated-custom-components --save

错误:Navigator is deprecated and has been removed from this package
npm install react-native-deprecated-custom-components --save
页面引用:import {Navigator} from 'react-native-deprecated-custom-components'

错误:Duplicate declaration "Navitogar"
解决:重复引用 "Navitogar",删除一个

错误:NSInternalInconsistencyException: bundleURL must be non-nil when not implementing loadSourceForBridge

错误:Cannot find entry file index.ios.js in any of the roots…
解决:rm -rf node_modules  (删掉原来的重新来一遍即可)

错误:Could not connect to development server.  (ERROR Error watching file for changes: EMFILE)
解决:安装 brew install watchman

错误:antd-mobile does not exist in the module map (react-native)
解决:[“import”, { “libraryName”: “antd-mobile”, “style”: “css” }]改成:[“import”, { “libraryName”: “antd-mobile”}]

错误:CFBundleIdentifier”, Does Not Exist
解决:react-native upgrade

错误:no bundle url present

你可能感兴趣的:(react-native 爬坑错误集合)