
2010年7月29号 -- 关于Error:Error #2030:end of the file was encounted.

The socket is now connector... Error: Error #2030: 遇到文件尾。
at flash.net::Socket/readUTF() at send()

    EOFError; An EOFError exception is thrown when you attempt to read past the end of the available data.For example,an EOFError is thrown when one of the read methods in the IDataInput interface is called and there is insufficient data to satisfy the read request.

    Using Action Script 3 in Flex Builder 3:
When handing a SOCKET_DATA event,I occasionally,seemingly at random,get an "Error #2030:End of file was encoutered." When calling socket.readInt().I'm confused as to want this error means,since I'm not reading a file?I'm a little unfamilier with sockets.Thanks.

2 Answers:

   when reading off a socket,that is closed,you will get:Error #2002:Operation attempted on invalid socket. end of fiel errors typically occur on any bytestreams,if you read more bytes than avaliable ... this is the case for files,sockets,etc....in the case of flash,it occurs when reading from a Socket or a ByteArray and maybe even in other cases...

   TCP/IP is package based,but emulates a stream...thus you can only read the data off the stream,that was already sent to you with TCP packages...check Socket::byteAvaliable to find out,how many bytes are currently avaliable...always keep in mind,that the data you write to the socket in one operation may arrive in mutiple packages,each very probably causing flash player to trigger socketData events...

于是我就修改我的.as文件,查看socket.byteAvaliable 然后利用   socket.readUTFBytes(socket.byteAvaliable)进行查看,结果依然是这样,说明我根本没有接收到数据。 最后在javaEye上看到一个astionscript与socket交互的教程,才发现是应该写事件的,但是我没有些;至于为什么写事件,以及事件写了以后有什么效果,仍然学习中。。。待续。。。
