第二章 Reign of the Aegon 1 - 知乎
《冰与火之歌前传火与血 英文原版 权力的游戏300年前的故事Fire and Blood Game of Thrones Song of Ice 乔治马丁 [精装] George R.R. Martin [平装] George R.R. Martin》 George R.R. Martin【摘要 书评 试读】图书
The long reign of King Aegon I Targaryen (1AC-37AC) was by and large a peaceful one ... in his later years, especially. But before the Dragon's Peace, as the last two decades of his kingship were later called by the masters of the Citadel, came the Dragon's wars, the last of which was as cruel and bloody a conflict as any ever fought in Westeros.
Though the Wars of Conquest were said to have ended when Aegon was crowned and anointed by the High Septon in the Starry Sept of Oldtown, not all of Westeros had yet submitted to his rule.
In the Bite, the lords of the Three Sisters had taken advantage of the chaos of Aegon's Conquest to declare themselves a free nation and crown Lady Marla of House Sunderland their queen. As the Arryn fleet had largely been destroyed during the Conquest, the king commanded his Warden of North, Torrhen Stark of Winterfell, to end the Sistermen's Rebellion, and a northmen army departed from White Harbor on a fleet of hired Braavosi galleys, under the command of Ser Warrick Manderly. The sight of his sails, and the sudden appearance of Queen Visenya and Vhagar in the skies above Sisterton, took the heart out of the Sistermen; they promptly deposed Queen Marla in favor of her younger brother. Steffon Sunderland renewed his fealty to the Eyrie, bent the knee to Queen Visenya, and gave his sons over as hostages for his good behavior, one to be fostered with the Manderlys, the other with the Arryns. His sister, the deposed queen, was exiled and imprisoned. After five years, her tongue was removed, and she spent the remainder of her life with the silent sisters, tending to the noble dead.
在咬人湾,三姐妹群岛的领主利用伊耿之战是的混乱宣布他们为自由的民族,并加冕桑德兰家族的玛娜夫人为他们的王后。因为艾林舰队在战争中大部分被摧毁,国王命令北境守护,临冬城的托伦史塔克,去平叛三姐妹群岛人的叛乱,在瓦瑞克曼德勒爵士的指挥下,一支北方军队从白港出发,他们的舰队是由布拉佛斯的大帆船组成。看到他的帆船以及韦塞雅王后与瓦格哈尔突然出现在三姐妹群岛上的天空中,这吓坏了三姐妹群岛的人;他们立即将玛娜王后赶下台,并拥护他的年轻的弟弟登基。史蒂芬·桑德兰重申了他对鹰巢城的忠诚,向韦塞雅王后下跪,为了显示他的良好表现,他交出了他的两个儿子作为人质,一个和曼德勒家孩子一起抚养,另一个和艾林家孩子一起抚养。他的被赶下台的姐姐被流放并囚禁。 五年之后,她被割去舌头,她余生都和那些静默的姐妹一起度过,照顾高贵的死者。
On the other side of Westeros, the Iron Islands were in chaos. House Hoare had ruled the ironman for long centuries, only to be extinguished in a single night when Aegon unleashed Balerion's fires on Harrenhal. Though Harren the Black and his sons perished in those flames, Qhorin Volmark of Harlaw, whose grandmother had been a younger sister of Harren's grandsire, declared himself the rightful heir "of the black line," and assumed the kingship.
Not all iron born accepted his claim, however. On Old Wyk, under the bones of Nagga the Sea Dragon, the priests of the Drowned God placed a driftwood crown on the head of one of their own, the barefoot holy man Lodos, who proclaimed himself the living son of the Drowned God and was said to be able to work miracles. Other claimants arose on Great Wyk, Pyke, and Orkmont, and for more than a year their adherents battled one another on land and sea. It was said that the waters between the islands were so choked with corpses that krakens appeared by the hundreds, drawn by the blood.
Aegon Targaryen put an end to the fighting. He descended on the islands in 2 AC, riding Balerion. With him came the war fleets of the Arbor, Highgarden, and Lannisport, and even a few longships from Bear Island dispatched by Torrhen Stark. The ironman, their numbers diminished by a year of fratricidal war, put up little resistance ... indeed, many hailed the coming of the dragons. King Aegon slew Qhorin Volmark with Blackfyre, but allowed his infant son to inherit his father's lands and castle. On Old Wyk, the priest-king Lodos, purported son of the Drowned God, called upon the krakens of the deep to rise and drag down the invaders' ships. When that failed to happen, Lodos filled his robes with stones and walked into the sea, "to seek my father's counsel." Thousands followed. Their bloated, crab-eaten bodies washed up on the shores of Old Wyk for years to come.
伊耿·坦格利安结束了这场战争。他在2AC骑着贝拉里恩降临在这些岛上。跟他一起来的还有青亭岛,高庭,兰尼斯特港的舰队,甚至还有托伦·史塔克从熊岛派出的几艘大船。铁群岛的人几乎没有反抗,他们在一年多的互相残杀中人口锐减,事实上许多人欢呼龙王的到来。伊耿国王用黑火杀了科林·沃马克,但是让他的未成年的儿子继承了他的土地和城堡。在老威克岛,声称自己是溺水之神的儿子的教皇洛多斯,召唤出深海的海妖并将入侵者的船只撞翻。当失败来临时,洛多斯在长袍中装满石头,并向大海走去,“去寻找我父亲的建议。” 数千人跟随他。 在未来的岁月里,他们膨胀的、被螃蟹吃掉的身体被冲到老威克岛海岸。
第一章 Aegon's Conquest 部分12 -
take advantage of : 利用
fleet : n 舰队
promptly : adv 立即地
deposed:vt 赶下台
hostages:n 人质
fostered: vt 抚养
exiled: vt 被流放,被放逐
imprisoned:vt 被囚禁的
chaos : n 混乱
extinguished: adj 灭绝的
perished : v 灭亡
priests:n 祭司
barefoot:adj 赤脚的
holy:adj 神圣的
adherents:n 信徒,跟随者
corpses:n 尸体
fratricidal:adj 自相残杀的
priest-king:n 教皇
purported: v 声称
bloated:adj 肿胀的