Day 04|Never, I will never end up like that

Day 04|Never, I will never end up like that_第1张图片
chapter 4 book 162  audio 3:29:10

P1 Imitation

1  In fact, Tom Lawson had been surprised at the tone of her request: it had the murmured, breathless quality of a proposition.

析  低到尘埃里的请求breathless quality of a proposition;proposition 近义 proposal\presentation\ suggestion\ recommendation\approach

仿  Marilyn offered the proposition to Ton that she would like to continue her study in medical field and help him as an assistant.

2 She thought with sharp painful pity of her mother, who had planned on a golden, vanilla-scented life but ended up alone, trapped like a fly in this small and sad and empty house, this small and sad and empty life, her daughter gone, no trace of her self left except these pencil-marked dreams.

析  vanilla香草味,仿佛很多小说里喜欢用香草比喻一些普通特质的东东。sad and empty 悲伤而空虚

仿  Without training and education, the girl growing up in poor area will lose their dream and own a sad and empty life .

3  Some kids teased him at the pool yesterday.He needs to learn to take a joke.

析  tease about 取笑某事,近义词joke\ rib \kid \wind sb up

仿 The boys make fun of Nath for his different body color , but he ignores their teasing. 

P2 Impression



Never, she promised herself. I will never end up like that.




自从去年9月辞职,做作品集、申请、跟自己较劲、跟英语较劲,已然筋疲力竭。今年4月的时候,终于拿到了con offer,意外的也收到了一个工作邀请。可是我竟然怕了,我怕我最终还是刷不到那个condition,也有点憧憬每天可以享用hard boiled egg的生活,所以我跟身边最睿智的朋友求助,如何选择,继续死磕英语准备出国,还是索性去做这个看起来钱多事少的工作?







P3 Review

1 预计2h,实际用时3h。并且没有在晚上10点前完成,好在没有拖到明天,嗯,保住阅读了质量,还不算糟糕。

2 下不为例,明日趁早~

你可能感兴趣的:(Day 04|Never, I will never end up like that)