Imports System.Resources
Imports System.Reflection
Imports DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Localization
Public Class XLocallizerScheduler
Inherits DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Localization.SchedulerLocalizer
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Language() As String
Return "Chinese"
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function GetLocalizedString(ByVal id As DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Localization.SchedulerStringId) As String
Dim ret As String = ""
Select Case id
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Day : Return "日" 'day
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Days : Return "日" 'days
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_DaysShort : Return "d" 'd
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Hour : Return "小时" 'hour
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Hours : Return "小时" 'hours
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_HoursShort : Return "h" 'h
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Minute : Return "分钟" 'minute
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Minutes : Return "分钟" 'minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_MinutesShort1 : Return "m" 'm
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_MinutesShort2 : Return "min" 'min
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Month : Return "月" 'month
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Months : Return "月" 'months
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Week : Return "周" 'week
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Weeks : Return "周" 'weeks
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_WeeksShort : Return "w" 'w
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Year : Return "年" 'year
Case SchedulerStringId.Abbr_Years : Return "年" 'years
Case SchedulerStringId.Appointment_EndContinueText : Return "到 {0}" 'To {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.Appointment_StartContinueText : Return "从 {0}" 'From {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.AppointmentLabel_Anniversary : Return "周年纪念日" 'Anniversary
Case SchedulerStringId.AppointmentLabel_Birthday : Return "生日" 'Birthday
Case SchedulerStringId.AppointmentLabel_Business : Return "商务" 'Business
Case SchedulerStringId.AppointmentLabel_Important : Return "重要" 'Important
Case SchedulerStringId.AppointmentLabel_MustAttend : Return "必须出席" 'Must Attend
Case SchedulerStringId.AppointmentLabel_NeedsPreparation : Return "需要准备" 'Needs Preparation
Case SchedulerStringId.AppointmentLabel_None : Return "没有" 'None
Case SchedulerStringId.AppointmentLabel_Personal : Return "个人" 'Personal
Case SchedulerStringId.AppointmentLabel_PhoneCall : Return "电话" 'Phone Call
Case SchedulerStringId.AppointmentLabel_TravelRequired : Return "要求旅游" 'Travel Required
Case SchedulerStringId.AppointmentLabel_Vacation : Return "假期" 'Vacation
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_10Minutes : Return "10 分钟" '10 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_15Minutes : Return "15 分钟" '15 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_20Minutes : Return "20 分钟" '20 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_30Minutes : Return "30 分钟" '30 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_5Minutes : Return "5 分钟" '5 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_60Minutes : Return "60 分钟" '60 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_6Minutes : Return "6 分钟" '6 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_AllDay : Return "全天" 'All day
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_AllResources : Return "所有资源" 'All resources
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_Appointment : Return "{0} - 日程安排" '{0} - Appointment
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_AppointmentDependencyTypeFinishToFinish : Return "完成-完成 (FF)" 'Finish-to-finish (FF)
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_AppointmentDependencyTypeFinishToStart : Return "完成-开始 (FS)" 'Finish-to-start (FS)
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_AppointmentDependencyTypeStartToFinish : Return "开始-完成 (SF)" 'Start-to-finish (SF)
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_AppointmentDependencyTypeStartToStart : Return "开始-启动 (SS)" 'Start-to-start (SS)
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_Busy : Return "忙碌" 'Busy
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_CalendarDetailsPrintStyle : Return "日历风格" 'Calendar Details Style
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_CheckMappings : Return "检查映射" 'Check Mappings
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ColorConverterBlackAndWhite : Return "单色" 'Black And White
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ColorConverterFullColor : Return "全色" 'Full Color
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ColorConverterGrayScale : Return "灰度色标" 'Gray Scale
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_DailyPrintStyle : Return "日风格" 'Daily Style
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_DayViewDescription : Return "切换到天视图。最详细的视图的特定一天预约。" 'Switches to Day view. The most detailed view of appointments for a specific day(s).
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_DecreaseVisibleResourcesCount : Return "减少可见资源数目" 'Decrease visible resources count
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_EmptyResource : Return "(Any)" '(Any)
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_Event : Return "{0} - 事件" '{0} - Event
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_FirstVisibleResources : Return "第一次" 'First
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_Free : Return "空闲" 'Free
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_GanttViewDescription : Return "转化为甘特图视图. 根据时间部署约会." 'Switch to Gantt View. Project management view that shows appointments and their dependencies in relation to time.
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_GroupByDate : Return "日期" 'Date
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_GroupByDateDescription : Return "按日期进行分组" 'Group by dates
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_GroupByNone : Return "无" 'None
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_GroupByNoneDescription : Return "无人组" 'Group by none
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_GroupByResourceDescription : Return "由资源组" 'Group by resources
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_GroupByResources : Return "资源" 'Resources
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_IncreaseVisibleResourcesCount : Return "增加可见资源数目" 'Increase visible resources count
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_LastVisibleResources : Return "最后" 'Last
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_MappingsValidation : Return "映射验证" 'Mappings Validation
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_MappingsWizard : Return "映射向导..." 'Mappings Wizard...
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_MemoPrintStyle : Return "备忘录风格" 'Memo Style
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ModifyAppointmentDependencyMappingsTransactionDescription : Return "修改约会依存关系映射" 'Modify Appointment Dependency Mappings
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ModifyAppointmentDependencyStorageTransactionDescription : Return "修改 AppointmentDependency 存储" 'Modify AppointmentDependency Storage
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ModifyAppointmentMappingsTransactionDescription : Return "修改约会映射" 'Modify Appointment Mappings
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ModifyAppointmentStorageTransactionDescription : Return "修改存储约会" 'Modify Appointment Storage
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ModifyResourceMappingsTransactionDescription : Return "修改资源映射" 'Modify Resource Mappings
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ModifyResourceStorageTransactionDescription : Return "修改资源存储" 'Modify Resource Storage
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_MonthlyPrintStyle : Return "月风格" 'Monthly Style
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_MonthViewDescription : Return "切换到月 (多周) 视图。日历视图用于长期的计划。" 'Switches to Month (Multi-Week) view. Calendar view useful for long-term plans.
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_NAppointmentsAreSelected : Return "{0} 日程安排已经选定" '{0} appointments are selected
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_NextAppointment : Return "下一个约会" 'Next Appointment
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_NextVisibleResources : Return "下一步" 'Next
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_NextVisibleResourcesPage : Return "下页" 'Next Page
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_NoneRecurrence : Return "(none)" '(none)
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_OnScreenResources : Return "屏幕上的资源" 'OnScreen resources
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_OutOfOffice : Return "不在办公室" 'Out Of Office
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_PleaseSeeAbove : Return "请看上面" 'Please see above
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_PrevAppointment : Return "上一个约会" 'Previous Appointment
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_PrevVisibleResources : Return "上一页" 'Previous
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_PrevVisibleResourcesPage : Return "前一页" 'Previous Page
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ReadOnly : Return "[只读]" ' [Read only]
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_Recurrence : Return "循环:" 'Recurrence:
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_RecurrenceEndTime : Return "结束时间:" 'End:
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_RecurrenceLocation : Return "地点:" 'Location:
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_RecurrencePattern : Return "循环模式:" 'Recurrence Pattern:
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_RecurrenceShowTimeAs : Return "显示时间为:" 'Show Time As:
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_RecurrenceStartTime : Return "起始时间:" 'Start:
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_RecurrenceSubject : Return "主题:" 'Subject:
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_Reminder : Return "{0} 提醒者" '{0} Reminder
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_Reminders : Return "{0} 提醒者" '{0} Reminders
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ResourceAll : Return "(All)" '(All)
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ResourceNone : Return "(None)" '(None)
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_SetupAppointmentDependencyStorage : Return "设置依赖项存储" 'Setup Dependency Storage
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_SetupAppointmentMappings : Return "安装程序任命映射" 'Setup Appointment Mappings
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_SetupAppointmentStorage : Return "安装程序任命存储" 'Setup Appointment Storage
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_SetupDependencyMappings : Return "安装程序依赖项映射" 'Setup Dependency Mappings
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_SetupResourceMappings : Return "设置资源映射" 'Setup Resource Mappings
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_SetupResourceStorage : Return "设置资源的存储" 'Setup Resource Storage
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ShadingApplyToAllDayArea : Return "全天范围" 'All Day Area
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ShadingApplyToAppointments : Return "日程安排" 'Appointments
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ShadingApplyToAppointmentStatuses : Return "日程安排状态" 'Appointment statuses
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ShadingApplyToCells : Return "单元" 'Cells
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ShadingApplyToHeaders : Return "头部" 'Headers
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_ShadingApplyToTimeRulers : Return "时间标尺" 'Time Rulers
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_SplitAppointment : Return "拆分" 'Split
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_StartTime : Return "开始时间: {0}" 'Start time: {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_Tentative : Return "暂时" 'Tentative
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_TimelineViewDescription : Return "切换到时间线视图。绘制时间的任命。" 'Switches to Timeline view. Plots appointments in relation to time.
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_TrifoldPrintStyle : Return "三重风格 Style" 'Tri-fold Style
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_UntitledAppointment : Return "无标题" 'Untitled
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_VisibleResources : Return "可见资源" 'Visible resources
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_WeekDaysEveryDay : Return "日" 'Day
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_WeekDaysWeekendDays : Return "周末" 'Weekend day
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_WeekDaysWorkDays : Return "周日" 'Weekday
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_WeeklyPrintStyle : Return "周风格" 'Weekly Style
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_WeekOfMonthFirst : Return "第一周" 'First
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_WeekOfMonthFourth : Return "第四周" 'Fourth
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_WeekOfMonthLast : Return "最后一周" 'Last
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_WeekOfMonthSecond : Return "第二周" 'Second
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_WeekOfMonthThird : Return "第三周" 'Third
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_WeekViewDescription : Return "切换到周视图。为特定的周以简洁的形式安排约会。" 'Switches to Week view. Arranges appointments for a particular week in a compact form.
Case SchedulerStringId.Caption_WorkWeekViewDescription : Return "切换到工作周视图。在某一周工作日的详细的视图。" 'Switches to Work Week view. Detailed view for the working days in a certain week.
Case SchedulerStringId.DefaultToolTipStringFormat_SplitAppointment : Return "{0}: 步 {1}" '{0} : step {1}
Case SchedulerStringId.DescCmd_CreateAppointmentDependency : Return "创建约会之间的依赖关系" 'Create dependency between appointments
Case SchedulerStringId.DescCmd_DeleteAppointmentDependency : Return "删除约会相关性。" 'Delete appointment dependency.
Case SchedulerStringId.DescCmd_EditAppointmentDependency : Return "编辑约会的依赖。" 'Edit appointment dependency.
Case SchedulerStringId.DescCmd_GotoToday : Return "更改到当前日期的当前视图中显示的日期。" 'Changes the date displayed in the current view to the current date.
Case SchedulerStringId.DescCmd_NavigateBackward : Return "回到过去的时间作为当前视图所建议的步骤。" 'Steps back in time as suggested by the current view.
Case SchedulerStringId.DescCmd_NavigateForward : Return "在当前视图中所建议的时间向前进展。" 'Advances forward in time as suggested by the current view.
Case SchedulerStringId.DescCmd_SplitAppointment : Return "拆分约会" 'Split Appointment
Case SchedulerStringId.DescCmd_ViewZoomIn : Return "执行扩展到显示更详细的内容。" 'Performs scaling up to display content in more detail.
Case SchedulerStringId.DescCmd_ViewZoomOut : Return "执行缩放以显示视图的更广泛的外观。" 'Performs scaling down to display a broader look of the View.
Case SchedulerStringId.DisplayName_Appointment : Return "任命" 'Appointment
Case SchedulerStringId.Format_CopyNOf : Return "{1} 的副本 ({0})" 'Copy ({0}) of {1}
Case SchedulerStringId.Format_CopyOf : Return "{0} 的副本" 'Copy of {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.Format_TimeBeforeStart : Return "{0} 开始之前" '{0} before start
Case SchedulerStringId.MemoPrintDateFormat : Return "{0} {1} {2}" '{0} {1} {2}
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_10Minutes : Return "10 分钟" '10 &Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_15Minutes : Return "15 分钟" '&15 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_20Minutes : Return "20 分钟" '&20 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_30Minutes : Return "30 分钟" '&30 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_5Minutes : Return "5 分钟" '&5 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_60Minutes : Return "60 分钟" '6&0 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_6Minutes : Return "6 分钟" '&6 Minutes
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentCancel : Return "取消" 'C&ancel
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentCopy : Return "拷贝" '&Copy
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentLabelAnniversary : Return "周年纪念日" '&Anniversary
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentLabelBirthday : Return "生日" '&Birthday
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentLabelBusiness : Return "商务" '&Business
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentLabelImportant : Return "重要" '&Important
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentLabelMustAttend : Return "必须 &出席" 'Must &Attend
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentLabelNeedsPreparation : Return "需要准备" '&Needs Preparation
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentLabelNone : Return "没有" '&None
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentLabelPersonal : Return "个人" '&Personal
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentLabelPhoneCall : Return "电话" 'Phone &Call
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentLabelTravelRequired : Return "要求旅游" '&Travel Required
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentLabelVacation : Return "假期" '&Vacation
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_AppointmentMove : Return "移动" 'Mo&ve
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_Busy : Return "忙碌" '&Busy
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_CreateAppointmentDependency : Return "创建依赖项" 'Create Dependency
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_CustomizeCurrentView : Return "自定义当前视图..." '&Customize Current View...
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_CustomizeTimeRuler : Return "自定义时间标尺..." 'Customize Time Ruler...
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_DeleteAppointment : Return "删除" '&Delete
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_DeleteAppointmentDependency : Return "& 删除" '&Delete
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_EditAppointmentDependency : Return "& 编辑" '&Edit
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_EditSeries : Return "编辑系列" '&Edit Series
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_Free : Return "空闲" '&Free
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_GotoDate : Return "跳转到某日期..." '&Go to Date...
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_GotoThisDay : Return "跳转到这一天" 'Go to This &Day
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_GotoToday : Return "跳转到某一天" 'Go to &Today
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_LabelAs : Return "标记为" '&Label As
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_NavigateBackward : Return "落后" 'Backward
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_NavigateForward : Return "转发" 'Forward
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_NewAllDayEvent : Return "新建所有当天事件" 'New All Day &Event
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_NewAppointment : Return "新建日程安排" 'New App&ointment
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_NewRecurringAppointment : Return "新建定期日程安排" 'New Recurring &Appointment
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_NewRecurringEvent : Return "新建定期事件" 'New Recurring E&vent
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_OpenAppointment : Return "打开" '&Open
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_OtherSettings : Return "其他设置..." 'Other Sett&ings...
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_OutOfOffice : Return "不在办公室" '&Out Of Office
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_PrintAppointment : Return "打印" '&Print
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_RestoreOccurrence : Return "恢复默认状态" '&Restore Default State
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_ShowTimeAs : Return "显示时间为" '&Show Time As
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_SwitchToDayView : Return "日视图" '&Day View
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_SwitchToGanttView : Return "甘特图视图(&G)" '&Gantt View
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_SwitchToGroupByDate : Return "& 组按日期" '&Group By Date
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_SwitchToGroupByNone : Return "与无人组" '&Group By None
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_SwitchToGroupByResource : Return "- 由资源组" '&Group By Resource
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_SwitchToMonthView : Return "月视图" '&Month View
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_SwitchToTimelineView : Return "& 时间线视图" '&Timeline View
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_SwitchToWeekView : Return "周视图" '&Week View
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_SwitchToWorkWeekView : Return "工作周视图" 'Wo&rk Week View
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_SwitchViewMenu : Return "更改视图到" 'Change View To
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_Tentative : Return "暂时" '&Tentative
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_TimeScaleCaptionsMenu : Return "时间刻度和标题" 'Time Scale &Captions
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_TimeScaleDay : Return "& 天" '&Day
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_TimeScaleHour : Return "& 小时" '&Hour
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_TimeScaleMonth : Return "& 月" '&Month
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_TimeScaleQuarter : Return "& 季" '&Quarter
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_TimeScalesMenu : Return "& 时间尺度" '&Time Scales
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_TimeScaleWeek : Return "& 周" '&Week
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_TimeScaleYear : Return "& 年" '&Year
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_ViewZoomIn : Return "放大" 'Zoom In
Case SchedulerStringId.MenuCmd_ViewZoomOut : Return "缩小" 'Zoom Out
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_ApplyToAllStyles : Return "适用于所有样式的当前打印机设置吗?" 'Apply current printer settings to all styles?
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_CantFitIntoPage : Return "它是无法放入单个页面使用当前打印设置的打印输出。请尝试增加页面高度或减少 PrintTime 的时间间隔。" 'It's impossible to fit the printing output into a single page using the current printing settings. Please try to increase the page height or decrease the PrintTime interval.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_Conflict : Return "编辑的日程安排与其他日程安排相冲突。" 'An edited appointment conflicts with one or several other appointments.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_DuplicateCustomFieldMappings : Return "自定义字段名称重复。修改映射: \r\n{0}" 'Duplicate custom field name. Revise the mappings: \r\n{0}
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_DuplicateMappingMember : Return "这位 '{0}' 的映射不是唯一的:" 'The '{0}' member mapping is not unique:
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_iCalendar_AppointmentsImportWarning : Return "无法导入某些约会" 'Cannot import some appointment
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_iCalendar_NotValidFile : Return "无效的 Internet 日历文件" 'Invalid Internet Calendar file
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InconsistentRecurrenceInfoMapping : Return "若要支持复发,则必须映射 RecurrenceInfo 和类型成员。" 'To support recurrence you must map both RecurrenceInfo and Type members.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_IncorrectMappingsQuestion : Return "不正确的映射。继续吗? \r\nDetails:\r\n" 'Incorrect mappings. Continue anyway?\r\nDetails:\r\n
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InternalError : Return "内部错误!" 'Internal error!
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidAppointmentDuration : Return "无效的间隔时长值。请输入一个正数值。" 'Invalid value specified for the interval duration. Please enter a positive value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidDayCount : Return "无效天数数值。请输入一个正整数值。" 'Invalid day count. Please enter a positive integer value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidDayCountValue : Return "无效天数数值。 请输入一个正整数值。" 'Invalid day count. Please enter a positive integer value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidDayNumber : Return "无效的天数值。请输入从整数值从1到 {0}。" 'Invalid day number. Please enter an integer value from 1 to {0}.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidDayNumberValue : Return "无效的天数值。请输入从整数值从1到 {0}。" 'Invalid day number. Please enter an integer value from 1 to {0}.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidDayOfWeek : Return "没有选择日。请至少选择一周之中的一天。" 'No day selected. Please select at least one day in the week.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidDayOfWeekForDailyRecurrence : Return "对于日期引用来说,是一个无效的周日数值. 只有周日.每天, 周日.周末和周日 .在当前上下文内,周日数值有效." 'Invalid day of week for a daily recurrence. Only WeekDays.EveryDay, WeekDays.WeekendDays and WeekDays.WorkDays are valid in this context.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidEndDate : Return "你输入的结束日期在起始日期之前。" 'The date you entered occurs before the start date.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidInputFile : Return "输入的文件无效" 'Input file is invalid
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidMonthCount : Return "无效的月份数值。 请输入一个正整数值。" 'Invalid month count. Please enter a positive integer value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidMonthCountValue : Return "无效的月份数值。请输入一个正整数值。" 'Invalid month count. Please enter a positive integer value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidOccurrencesCount : Return "无效的发生次数。请输入一个正整数值。" 'Invalid occurrences count. Please enter a positive integer value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidOccurrencesCountValue : Return "无效的发生次数。请输入一个正整数值。" 'Invalid occurrences count. Please enter a positive integer value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidReminderTimeBeforeStart : Return "无效的事件提醒时间值。 请输入一个正数值。" 'Invalid value specified for the before event reminder's time. Please enter a positive value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidSize : Return "大小为指定的值无效。" 'Invalid value specified for the size.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidTimeOfDayInterval : Return "TimeOfDayInterval的无效的持续时间值" 'Invalid duration for the TimeOfDayInterval
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidWeekCount : Return "无效的周数数值。 请输入一个正整数值。" 'Invalid week count. Please enter a positive integer value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidWeekCountValue : Return "无效的周数数值。请输入一个正整数值。" 'Invalid week count. Please enter a positive integer value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidYearCount : Return "无效的年份数值。请输入一个正整数值。" 'Invalid year count. Please enter a positive integer value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_InvalidYearCountValue : Return "无效的年份数值。 请输入一个正整数值。" 'Invalid year count. Please enter a positive integer value.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_IsNotValid : Return "'{0}' 不是一个有效值,对于 '{1}'来说" ''{0}' is not a valid value for '{1}'
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_LoadCollectionFromXml : Return "日程安排器要求以菲绑定的方式来从xml数据源中导入数据项。" 'The scheduler needs to be in unbound mode to load collection items from xml
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_MappingsCheckPassedOk : Return "映射是正确的 !" 'Mappings are correct!
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_MemoPrintNoSelectedItems : Return "不能打印,除非选择一项。选择一个项目,,然后尝试再次打印。" 'Cannot print unless an item is selected. Select an item, and then try to print again.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_MissingMappingMember : Return "缺少 '{1}' 的 '{0}' 属性映射的成员。" 'Missing '{1}' member of the '{0}' property mapping.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_MissingRequiredMapping : Return "缺少所需的'{0}'属性映射。" 'The required mapping for the '{0}' property is missing.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_NoMappingForObject : Return "以下必需的关于对象{0}的映射没有指定" 'The following required mappings for the object \r\n {0} are not assigned
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_OutlookCalendarNotFound : Return "找不到 '{0}' 日历。" 'The '{0}' calendar is not found.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_OverflowTimeOfDayInterval : Return "TimeOfDayInterval的无效值。 应该小于或者等于一天" 'Invalid value for the TimeOfDayInterval. Should be less than or equal to a day
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_PrintStyleNameExists : Return "样式名称'{0}'已存在。键入另一个名称。" 'The style name '{0}' already exists. Type another name.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_RecurrenceExceptionsWillBeLost : Return "与此定期约会相关联的任何例外情况将会丢失。是否继续吗?" 'Any exceptions associated with this recurring appointment will be lost. Proceed?
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_Warning : Return "警告 !" 'Warning!
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_WarningAppointmentDeleted : Return "任命已被另一个用户删除。" 'The appointment has been deleted by another user.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_WarningDayNumber : Return "某些月份会少于{0}天数。对于这些月份来说,这将会发生在月份的最后一天。" 'Some months have fewer than {0} days. For these months, the occurrences will fall on the last day of the month.
Case SchedulerStringId.Msg_XtraSchedulerNotAssigned : Return "控件SchedulerStorage没有指定分配到控件SchedulerControl上" 'The SchedulerStorage component is not assigned to the SchedulerControl
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintCalendarDetailsControlDayPeriod : Return "日" 'Day
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintCalendarDetailsControlMonthPeriod : Return "月" 'Month
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintCalendarDetailsControlWeekPeriod : Return "周" 'Week
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintMonthlyOptControlOnePagePerMonth : Return "1 页/月" '1 page/month
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintMonthlyOptControlTwoPagesPerMonth : Return "2 页/月" '2 pages/month
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintMoreItemsMsg : Return "更多选项..." 'More items...
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintNoPrintersInstalled : Return "没有安装打印机。" 'No printers installed
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintPageSetupFormatTabControlCustomizeShading : Return "<自定义...>" '<Customize...>
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintPageSetupFormatTabControlSizeAndFontName : Return "{0} pt. {1}" '{0} pt. {1}
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintPageSetupFormCaption : Return "打印选项: {0}" 'Print Options: {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintRangeControlInvalidDate : Return "结束日期必须大于或者等于开始日期。" 'End date must be greater or equals to start date
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintTimeIntervalControlInvalidDuration : Return "间隔时间必须大于0且小于等于一天。" 'Duration must be not greater than day and greater than 0
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintTimeIntervalControlInvalidStartEndTime : Return "结束日期不能小于开始日期" 'End time must be greater than start time
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintTriFoldOptControlDailyCalendar : Return "日历" 'Daily Calendar
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintTriFoldOptControlMonthlyCalendar : Return "月历" 'Monthly Calendar
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintTriFoldOptControlWeeklyCalendar : Return "周历" 'Weekly Calendar
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintWeeklyOptControlOneWeekPerPage : Return "1 页/周" '1 page/week
Case SchedulerStringId.PrintWeeklyOptControlTwoWeekPerPage : Return "2 页/周" '2 pages/week
Case SchedulerStringId.Reporting_NotAssigned_TimeCells : Return "未分配所需的 TimeCells 控制" 'Required TimeCells control is not assigned
Case SchedulerStringId.Reporting_NotAssigned_View : Return "未分配所需的视图组件" 'Required View component is not assigned
Case SchedulerStringId.TextDailyPatternString_EveryDay : Return "每 {0} {1}" 'every {1} {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextDailyPatternString_EveryDays : Return "每 {0} {1} {2}" 'every {2} {1} {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextDailyPatternString_EveryWeekDay : Return "每个周日 {0}" 'every weekday {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextDailyPatternString_EveryWeekend : Return "每个周末 {0}" 'every weekend {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextDuration_ForPattern : Return "{0} {1}" '{0} {1}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextDuration_FromForDays : Return "从 {0} 开始延续 {1} " 'from {0} for {1}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextDuration_FromForDaysHours : Return "从 {0} 开始延续 {1} {2}" 'from {0} for {1} {2}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextDuration_FromForDaysHoursMinutes : Return "从 {0} 开始延续 {1} {2} {3}" 'from {0} for {1} {2} {3}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextDuration_FromForDaysMinutes : Return "从 {0} 开始延续 {1} {3}" 'from {0} for {1} {3}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextDuration_FromTo : Return "从{0} 到 {1}" 'from {0} to {1}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextMonthlyPatternString_SubPattern : Return "每 {0} {1} {2}" 'of every {0} {1} {2}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextMonthlyPatternString1 : Return "{3} {0} 天" 'day {3} {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextMonthlyPatternString2 : Return "{1} {2} {0}" 'the {1} {2} {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextRecurrenceTypeDaily : Return "每日" 'Daily
Case SchedulerStringId.TextRecurrenceTypeHourly : Return "每小时" 'Hourly
Case SchedulerStringId.TextRecurrenceTypeMinutely : Return "详细" 'Minutely
Case SchedulerStringId.TextRecurrenceTypeMonthly : Return "每月" 'Monthly
Case SchedulerStringId.TextRecurrenceTypeWeekly : Return "每周" 'Weekly
Case SchedulerStringId.TextRecurrenceTypeYearly : Return "每年一次" 'Yearly
Case SchedulerStringId.TextWeekly_0Day : Return "未指定一周的天" 'unspecified day of week
Case SchedulerStringId.TextWeekly_1Day : Return "{0}" '{0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextWeekly_2Day : Return "{0} 和 {1}" '{0} and {1}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextWeekly_3Day : Return "{0}, {1}, 和 {2}" '{0}, {1}, and {2}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextWeekly_4Day : Return "{0}, {1}, {2}, 和 {3}" '{0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextWeekly_5Day : Return "{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, 和 {4}" '{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, and {4}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextWeekly_6Day : Return "{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, 和 {5}" '{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, and {5}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextWeekly_7Day : Return "{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, 和 {6}" '{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, and {6}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextWeeklyPatternString_EveryWeek : Return "每 {2} {3}" 'every {3} {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextWeeklyPatternString_EveryWeeks : Return "{0} {1} on {2} {3}" 'every {1} {2} on {3} {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextYearlyPattern_YearsString1 : Return "{0} {1} of every {2} {3} {4}" '{3} {4} of every {1} {2} {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextYearlyPattern_YearsString2 : Return "第 {0} {1} of {2} 每 {3} {4} {5}" 'the {5} {6} of {3} every {1} {2} {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextYearlyPattern_YearString1 : Return "每 {0} {1} {4}" 'every {3} {4} {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TextYearlyPattern_YearString2 : Return "第 {0} {1} of {2} {5}" 'the {5} {6} of {3} {0}
Case SchedulerStringId.TimeScaleDisplayName_Day : Return "一天" 'Day
Case SchedulerStringId.TimeScaleDisplayName_Hour : Return "小时" 'Hour
Case SchedulerStringId.TimeScaleDisplayName_Month : Return "个月" 'Month
Case SchedulerStringId.TimeScaleDisplayName_Quarter : Return "季" 'Quarter
Case SchedulerStringId.TimeScaleDisplayName_Week : Return "一周" 'Week
Case SchedulerStringId.TimeScaleDisplayName_Year : Return "一年" 'Year
Case SchedulerStringId.UD_SchedulerReportsToolboxCategoryName : Return "调度程序控制" 'Scheduler Controls
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewDisplayName_Day : Return "日历" 'Day Calendar
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewDisplayName_Gantt : Return "甘特图视图" 'Gantt View
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewDisplayName_Month : Return "月历" 'Month Calendar
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewDisplayName_Timeline : Return "时间轴日历" 'Timeline Calendar
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewDisplayName_Week : Return "周历" 'Week Calendar
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewDisplayName_WorkDays : Return "工作周历" 'Work Week Calendar
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewShortDisplayName_Day : Return "一天" 'Day
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewShortDisplayName_Gantt : Return "甘特图" 'Gantt
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewShortDisplayName_Month : Return "个月" 'Month
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewShortDisplayName_Timeline : Return "时间轴" 'Timeline
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewShortDisplayName_Week : Return "一周" 'Week
Case SchedulerStringId.ViewShortDisplayName_WorkDays : Return "每周工作时间" 'Work Week
Case SchedulerStringId.VS_SchedulerReportsToolboxCategoryName : Return "DX。{0}: 报告计划程序" 'DX.{0}: Scheduler Reporting
Case Else
ret = id.ToString
End Select
Return ret
End Function
End Class
Public Class XLocallizerSchedulerExtensions
Inherits DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Localization.SchedulerExtensionsLocalizer
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Language() As String
Return "Chinese"
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function GetLocalizedString(ByVal id As DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Localization.SchedulerExtensionsStringId) As String
Dim ret As String = ""
Select Case id
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Caption_Appointment : Return "任命" 'Appointment
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Caption_Event : Return "事件" 'Event
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Caption_RecurringAppointment : Return "定期约会" 'Recurring Appointment
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Caption_RecurringEvent : Return "定期事件" 'Recurring Event
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Caption_ViewNavigator : Return "在导航视图" 'View Navigator
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Caption_ViewSelector : Return "视图选择器" 'View Selector
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.CaptionViewNavigator_Today : Return "今天" 'Today
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Msg_AllOccurrencesInThePast : Return "在过去发生此定期约会的所有实例。" 'All instances of this recurring appointment occur in the past.
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Msg_AppointmentConflictsWithAnother : Return "与您的日程安排上的另一个约会冲突。" 'Conflicts with another appointment on your schedule.
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Msg_AppointmentOccurs : Return "发生 {0}。" 'Occurs {0}.
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Msg_AppointmentOccursInThePast : Return "这项任命发生在过去。" 'This appointment occurs in the past.
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Msg_PatternOccurrencesConflictsWithOtherAppointments : Return "{0} 此定期约会的实例与其他约会日程上发生冲突。" '{0} instance(s) of this recurring appointment conflict with other appointments on your schedule.
Case SchedulerExtensionsStringId.Msg_Some : Return "一些" 'Some
Case Else
ret = id.ToString
End Select
Return ret
End Function
End Class
Imports System.Resources
Imports System.Reflection
Imports DevExpress.XtraSpellChecker.Localization
Public Class XLocallizerSpellChecker
Inherits DevExpress.XtraSpellChecker.Localization.SpellCheckerLocalizer
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Language() As String
Return "Chinese"
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function GetLocalizedString(ByVal id As DevExpress.XtraSpellChecker.Localization.SpellCheckerStringId) As String
Dim ret As String = ""
Select Case id
Case SpellCheckerStringId.ListBoxNoSuggestions : Return "没有建议" '(No suggestions)
Case SpellCheckerStringId.MnuAddtoDictionaryCaption : Return "增加到字典" '&Add to Dictionary
Case SpellCheckerStringId.MnuDeleteRepeatedWord : Return "删除重复字" '&Delete Repeated Word
Case SpellCheckerStringId.MnuIgnoreAllItemCaption : Return "忽略全部" '&Ignore All
Case SpellCheckerStringId.MnuIgnoreRepeatedWord : Return "忽略" '&Ignore
Case SpellCheckerStringId.MnuItemCaption : Return "拼写检查" 'Check Spelling
Case SpellCheckerStringId.MnuNoSuggestionsCaption : Return "(没有拼写建议)" '(no spelling suggestions)
Case SpellCheckerStringId.MsgBoxCaption : Return "拼写检查器" 'XtraSpellChecker
Case SpellCheckerStringId.MsgBoxCheckNotSelectedText : Return "已经完成所选部分的检查。是否继续检查其余项目?" 'Finished checking the selection. Do you want to check the rest of the text?
Case SpellCheckerStringId.MsgBoxFinishCheck : Return "已经完成拼写检查。" 'The spelling check is complete.
Case SpellCheckerStringId.MsgCanUseCurrentWord : Return "你选择了一个在主字典或定制字典里不存在的字。是否使用该字并继续检查?" 'You have chosen a word that is not found in the main or custom dictionaries. Do you want to use this word and continue checking?
Case SpellCheckerStringId.MsgNotLoadedDictionaryException : Return "资源不足,无法加载 {0} 字典。" 'Not enough resources to load {0} dictionary.
Case Else
ret = id.ToString
End Select
Return ret
End Function
End Class
Imports System.Resources
Imports System.Reflection
Imports DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Localization
Public Class XLocallizerTreeList
Inherits DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Localization.TreeListLocalizer
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Language() As String
Return "Chinese"
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function GetLocalizedString(ByVal id As DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Localization.TreeListStringId) As String
Dim ret As String = ""
Select Case id
Case TreeListStringId.ColumnCustomizationText : Return "自定义" 'Customization
Case TreeListStringId.ColumnNamePrefix : Return "列" 'col
Case TreeListStringId.CustomizationFormColumnHint : Return "拖放式操作列在这里可自定义布局" 'Drag and drop columns here to customize layout
Case TreeListStringId.FilterEditorApplyButton : Return "应用(&A)" '&Apply
Case TreeListStringId.FilterEditorCancelButton : Return "取消(&C)" '&Cancel
Case TreeListStringId.FilterEditorCaption : Return "过滤器编辑器" 'Filter Editor
Case TreeListStringId.FilterEditorOkButton : Return "与确定" '&OK
Case TreeListStringId.FilterPanelCustomizeButton : Return "编辑筛选器" 'Edit Filter
Case TreeListStringId.InvalidNodeExceptionText : Return " 要修正当前值吗?" ' Do you want to correct the value ?
Case TreeListStringId.MenuColumnAutoFilterRowHide : Return "隐藏自动筛选器行" 'Hide Auto Filter Row
Case TreeListStringId.MenuColumnAutoFilterRowShow : Return "显示自动筛选器行" 'Show Auto Filter Row
Case TreeListStringId.MenuColumnBestFit : Return "最佳匹配" 'Best Fit
Case TreeListStringId.MenuColumnBestFitAllColumns : Return "最佳匹配 (所有列)" 'Best Fit (all columns)
Case TreeListStringId.MenuColumnClearFilter : Return "清除筛选器" 'Clear Filter
Case TreeListStringId.MenuColumnColumnCustomization : Return "列选择" 'Column Chooser
Case TreeListStringId.MenuColumnFilterEditor : Return "过滤器编辑器..." 'Filter Editor...
Case TreeListStringId.MenuColumnSortAscending : Return "升序排列" 'Sort Ascending
Case TreeListStringId.MenuColumnSortDescending : Return "降序排列" 'Sort Descending
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterAllNodes : Return "所有节点" 'All Nodes
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterAverage : Return "平均值" 'Average
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterAverageFormat : Return "平均值={0:#.##}" 'AVG={0:#.##}
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterCount : Return "计数" 'Count
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterCountFormat : Return "{0}" '{0}
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterMax : Return "最大值" 'Max
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterMaxFormat : Return "最大值={0}" 'MAX={0}
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterMin : Return "最小值" 'Min
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterMinFormat : Return "最小值={0}" 'MIN={0}
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterNone : Return "无" 'None
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterSum : Return "和" 'Sum
Case TreeListStringId.MenuFooterSumFormat : Return "和={0:#.##}" 'SUM={0:#.##}
Case TreeListStringId.MultiSelectMethodNotSupported : Return "OptionsBehavior.MultiSelect未激活时,指定方法不能工作." 'Specified method will not work when OptionsBehavior.MultiSelect is inactive.
Case TreeListStringId.PopupFilterAll : Return "(全部)" '(All)
Case TreeListStringId.PopupFilterBlanks : Return "(空白)" '(Blanks)
Case TreeListStringId.PopupFilterNonBlanks : Return "(非空白)" '(Non blanks)
Case TreeListStringId.PrintDesignerDescription : Return "为当前的树状列表设置不同的打印选项" 'Set up various printing options for the current treelist.
Case TreeListStringId.PrintDesignerHeader : Return "打印设置" 'Print Settings
Case TreeListStringId.WindowErrorCaption : Return "错误" 'Error
Case Else
ret = id.ToString
End Select
Return ret
End Function
End Class
Imports System.Resources
Imports System.Reflection
Imports DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Localization
Public Class XLocallizerVerticalGrid
Inherits DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Localization.VGridLocalizer
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Language() As String
Return "Chinese"
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function GetLocalizedString(ByVal id As DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Localization.VGridStringId) As String
Dim ret As String = ""
Select Case id
Case VGridStringId.InvalidRecordExceptionText : Return "是否要修改不正确的数据值?" ' Do you want to correct the value ?
Case VGridStringId.MenuReset : Return "重置" 'Reset
Case VGridStringId.MenuRowPropertiesExpressionEditor : Return "表达式编辑器..." 'Expression Editor...
Case VGridStringId.RowCustomizationDeleteCategoryText : Return "删除(&D)" '&Delete
Case VGridStringId.RowCustomizationNewCategoryFormLabelText : Return "标题:" 'Caption:
Case VGridStringId.RowCustomizationNewCategoryFormText : Return "新增数据类别" 'New Category
Case VGridStringId.RowCustomizationNewCategoryText : Return "新增(&N)" '&New...
Case VGridStringId.RowCustomizationTabPageCategoriesText : Return "分类数据" 'Categories
Case VGridStringId.RowCustomizationTabPageRowsText : Return "数据列" 'Rows
Case VGridStringId.RowCustomizationText : Return "定制" 'Customization
Case VGridStringId.StyleCreatorName : Return "风格定制器" 'customStyleCreator
Case Else
ret = id.ToString
End Select
Return ret
End Function
End Class
Imports System.Resources
Imports System.Reflection
Imports DevExpress.XtraWizard.Localization
Public Class XLocallizerWizard
Inherits DevExpress.XtraWizard.Localization.WizardLocalizer
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Language() As String
Return "Chinese"
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Function GetLocalizedString(ByVal id As DevExpress.XtraWizard.Localization.WizardStringId) As String
Dim ret As String = ""
Select Case id
Case WizardStringId.CancelText : Return "取消" 'Cancel
Case WizardStringId.CaptionError : Return "错误" 'Error
Case WizardStringId.CompletionPageFinishText : Return "您已经顺利完成向导" 'You have successfully completed the sample wizard
Case WizardStringId.CompletionPageProceedText : Return "单击结束关闭向导" 'To close this wizard, click Finish
Case WizardStringId.CompletionPageTitleText : Return "完成向导" 'Completing the sample wizard
Case WizardStringId.FinishText : Return "结束(&F)" '&Finish
Case WizardStringId.HelpText : Return "帮助(&H)" '&Help
Case WizardStringId.InteriorPageTitleText : Return "向导页标题" 'Wizard Page
Case WizardStringId.NextText : Return "下一步(&N) >" '&Next >
Case WizardStringId.PageDescriptionText : Return "向导页说明:帮助拥护完成子任务" 'Here is a desciption of this page
Case WizardStringId.PreviousText : Return "< 上一步(&B)" '< &Back
Case WizardStringId.WelcomePageIntroductionText : Return "该向导简单地指导用户通过一系列步骤来执行一个复杂的任务设置" 'This wizard guides you through several steps
Case WizardStringId.WelcomePageProceedText : Return "单击下一步继续" 'To continue, click Next
Case WizardStringId.WelcomePageTitleText : Return "欢迎使用向导" 'Welcome to the sample wizard
Case WizardStringId.WizardTitle : Return "向导标题" 'Wizard Title
Case Else
ret = id.ToString
End Select
Return ret
End Function
End Class
Imports System.Resources
Private Sub SimpleButton1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton1.Click
If TextEdit1.Text.Trim = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
resxfilename = ""
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
resxfilename = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
End If
If resxfilename <> "" Then
rsxr = New ResXResourceReader(resxfilename)
If Not IsNothing(rsxr) Then
resxdt = getDTread("SELECT * FROM XCHS WHERE ID LIKE '" & TextEdit1.Text.Trim & "%' AND CN='' ORDER BY ID")
Dim d As DictionaryEntry
Dim s As Integer = 0
Dim dtrow() As DataRow
Dim cr As Integer = -1
MemoEdit1.Text = ""
Dim str As String = ""
For Each d In rsxr
If InStr(d.Key.ToString, TextEdit1.Text.Trim) > 0 Then
dtrow = resxdt.Select("ID ='" & d.Key.ToString & "'")
If dtrow.Length > 0 Then
cr = resxdt.Rows.IndexOf(dtrow(0))
If cr >= 0 Then
resxdt.Rows(cr).Item("CN") = d.Value.ToString()
s += 1
str += d.Key.ToString() + ":" + ControlChars.Tab + d.Value.ToString() + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
End If
End If
End If
Next d
MemoEdit1.Text = str
If s > 0 Then
getDTsave("XCHS", 1, resxdt.GetChanges)
End If
XXshow("共" & s.ToString.Trim & "行", Me)
End If
End If
End Sub
ate Sub SimpleButton3_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton3.Click
Dim ctids As String = "AccStringId"
DevExpress.Accessibility.AccLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton4_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton4.Click
Dim ctids As String = "BarString"
DevExpress.XtraBars.Localization.BarLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton5_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton5.Click
Dim ctids As String = "ChartStringId"
DevExpress.XtraCharts.Localization.ChartLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton6_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton6.Click
Dim ctids As String = "StringId"
DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.Localizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton7_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton7.Click
Dim ctids As String = "GaugesCoreStringId"
DevExpress.XtraGauges.Core.Localization.GaugesCoreLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton8_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton8.Click
Dim ctids As String = "GridStringId"
DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton9_Click_1(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton9.Click
Dim ctids As String = "LayoutStringId"
DevExpress.XtraLayout.Localization.LayoutLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton10_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton10.Click
Dim ctids As String = "NavBarStringId"
DevExpress.XtraNavBar.NavBarLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton11_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton11.Click
Dim ctids As String = "PivotGridStringId"
DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.Localization.PivotGridLocalizer.Active.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton12_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton12.Click
Dim ctids As String = "PreviewStringId"
DevExpress.XtraPrinting.Localization.PreviewLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton13_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton13.Click
Dim ctids As String = "ReportStringId"
DevExpress.XtraReports.Localization.ReportLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton14_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton14.Click
Dim ctids As String = "XtraRichEditStringId"
DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.Localization.XtraRichEditLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
ctids = "RichEditExtensionsStringId"
DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.Localization.RichEditExtensionsLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton15_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton15.Click
Dim ctids As String = "SchedulerStringId"
DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Localization.SchedulerLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
ctids = "SchedulerExtensionsStringId"
DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Localization.SchedulerExtensionsLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton16_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton16.Click
Dim ctids As String = "SpellCheckerStringId"
DevExpress.XtraSpellChecker.Localization.SpellCheckerLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton17_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton17.Click
Dim ctids As String = "TreeListStringId"
DevExpress.XtraTreeList.Localization.TreeListLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton18_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton18.Click
Dim ctids As String = "VGridStringId"
DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Localization.VGridLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
Private Sub SimpleButton19_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton19.Click
Dim ctids As String = "WizardStringId"
DevExpress.XtraWizard.Localization.WizardLocalizer.CreateDefaultLocalizer.WriteToXml("E:\" & ctids & ".xml")
End Sub
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
FROM HYXTCHS where ID LIKE 'GaugesCoreStringId%' ORDER BY ID;
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
FROM HYXTCHS where ID LIKE 'PivotGridStringId%' ORDER BY ID;
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
FROM HYXTCHS where ID LIKE 'PreviewStringId%' ORDER BY ID;
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
FROM HYXTCHS where ID LIKE 'XtraRichEditStringId%' ORDER BY ID;
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
FROM HYXTCHS where ID LIKE 'RichEditExtensionsStringId%' ORDER BY ID;
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
FROM HYXTCHS where ID LIKE 'SchedulerStringId%' ORDER BY ID;
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
FROM HYXTCHS where ID LIKE 'SchedulerExtensionsStringId%' ORDER BY ID;
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
FROM HYXTCHS where ID LIKE 'SpellCheckerStringId%' ORDER BY ID;
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句
SELECT 'CASE '+ID+': RETURN "'+(CASE WHEN CN<>'' THEN replace(CN,'|','''') ELSE replace(EN,'|','''') END)+'" '''+replace(EN,'|','''') as case语句