

Welcome to Week 1 of the Science of Learning course for teachers! This week you’ll be introduced to the course format and we'll begin our study of some of the most important theories and research from the field of cognitive science about how people learn.


 We'll use this primer on how we make and use memories to then ask questions in the following weeks about how we can apply our developing understanding to your own teaching practices.


 Our hope is that you will find this course practical and useful no matter what age learner you teach or where you happen to practice your teaching craft.


In addition to engaging in the reflection exercises we have built into the course, we also encourage you to participate in our discussion forums to ask questions and share insights and ideas. 


You will be part of an online community from all over the world and we think sharing the diversity of our collective experiences as teachers will enrich the learning of us all.


Now let's begin!


翻译学习的科学 系列文章总目录
