The wonder drug:
A digital revolution in health care is speeding up| TE
1. Telemedicine
Telemedicineis the use of telecommunication and information technology to provide clinical health care from a distance. It helps eliminate distance barriers and can improve access to medical services that would often not be consistently available in distant rural communities. It is also used to save lives in critical care and emergency situations.
Benefits and drawbacks
1. Telemedicine can be beneficial to patients in isolated communities and remote regions, who can receive care from doctors or specialists far away without the patient having to travel to visit them.2. Telemedicine also can eliminate the possible transmission of infectious diseases or parasites between patients and medical staff.
1. inability to start treatment immediately.2. protected health information may be compromised through electronic storage and transmission.
远程医学是我国近十年来蓬勃发展起来的 边缘科学,它与医学、信息科学、医学生物工程学、计算机、网络与通信等密切相关,并受到网络通信环境的制约,尤其是通信经济条件的制约。因此,一方面要从技术角度加以突破,要大力发展带有标准网络接口的新型数字化医疗检测设备,以代替国外昂贵的设备;另一方面,希望政府有政策倾斜,因为远程医学事业还是一个公益事业,它与人民群众的生活尤其是西部及边远地区人民的生活,有着密切联系,具有广阔的发展前景。
2. a host of 许多
e.g: For a host of reasons, he came over at last. 由于种种原因,他还是来了。
host 有不同的意思:
a congenial host and hostess. 好客的男女主人
The communication was read by the host. 论文由主持人宣读了
No route to host 没有通往主机的路由
3. sevenfold 七倍的
-fold: suffix
①-fold combines with numbers to form adverbs which say how much an amount has increased by. For example, if an amount increases fourfold, it is four times greater than it was originally.
e.g: By the late eighties their number had grown fourfold.
②-fold also combines with numbers to form adjectives.
e.g: One survey revealed a threefold increase in breast cancer.
【Word origin of '-fold' 】
Old English -fald, -feald
4. cardiac arrest 心脏骤停
Cardiac arrest is a sudden stop in effective blood flow due to the failure of the heart to contract effectively.
››Symptoms include loss of consciousness and abnormal or absent breathing. Some people may have chest pain, shortness of breath, or nausea before this occurs. If not treated within minutes, death usually occurs. [ From Wikipedia ]
»A cardiac arrest is a heart attack. [medicine]
5. cardiopulmonary resucitation [CPR]
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, commonly known as CPR, is an emergency procedure that combines chest compression often with artificial ventilation in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest.
It is indicated in those who are unresponsive with no breathing or abnormal breathing, for example, agonal respirations
→compressionan: increase in pressure of the charge in an engine or compressor obtained by reducing its volume
→artificial ventilation: 人工通风
6. eliminate vt. [ fml]
①To eliminate something, especially something you do not want or need, means to remove it completely.
•The Sex Discrimination Act has not eliminated discrimination in employment.
Synonyms: remove, end, stop, withdraw
②When a person or team is eliminated from a competition, they are defeated and so take no further part in the competition.
e.g: I was eliminated from the 400 metres in the semi-finals. 我在400米半决赛的时候被淘汰。
Synonyms: knock out, drop, reject, exclude, get rid of, do away with, beat, beat up, work over, remove
*Do away with the bad habits that might damage your health. 去掉那些有可能损害你健康的坏习惯。
7. fraction n.
»Elimination a fraction of this sum is a huge opprtunity.
①A fraction of something is a tiny amount or proportion of it.
• She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding. 她在回答之前犹豫了一下。
【Synonyms】: bit, little bit, mite, jot
②A fraction is a number that can be expressed as a proportion of two whole numbers. For example, ½ and ⅓ are both fractions.
•The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.
›【Word origin of 'fraction'】
C14: from Late Latin fractiō a breaking into pieces, from Latin fractus broken, from frangere to break
8. reimbursement n.
→...these buyers are increasingly demanding" value-based" reimbursement...
[definition] Reimbursement is payment of the expenses incurred as a loss covered by an insurance policy.
[Annie说] reimbursement 是在保险报销的情境下的用词,也就是说没有效果的药品,医生开给了病人,病人的保险公司也不会给他们报销。〈这也是为什么说保险公司、公司雇员健康福利主管是责任者(incumbent)了,因为他们付账。
e.g: She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses.
[Synonyms]: repayment, compensation, refund, recompense
[拓展]reimburse: If you reimburse someone for something, you pay them back the money that they have spent or lost because of it.
e.g: I'll be happy to reimburse you for any expenses you might have incurred.
[Synonyms]: pay back, refund, repay, recompense
[Derived forms]:
reimburser (ˌreimˈburser) noun
reimbursable (ˌreimˈbursable) adjective
Word origin of 'reimburse'
C17: from re- + imburse, from Medieval Latin imbursāre to put in a money bag, from bursa purse
9. lucrative adj. producing a profit; profitable; remunerative 获利多的
e.g: Those with assets also benefit from a lucrative industry devoted to shielding them from tax
remunerative: Remunerative work is work that you are paid for.
e.g: A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment.
(Synonyms): profitable, lucrative, paying, gainful
Derived forms:
lucratively (ˈlucratively) adverb
lucrativeness (ˈlucrativeness) noun
Word origin of 'lucrative'
ME lucratif < L lucrativus < pp. of lucrari, to gain < lucrum: see lucre
10. diabetes
[definition] Diabetes is a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in their blood.
Diabetes mellitus (DM), commonly referred to as diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period.
metabolic(adj.)→ metabolic(n.): make new cells and to give you energy. 新陈代谢
→[Symptoms] of high blood sugar include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger. If left untreated, diabetes can cause many complications.
→Serious long-term [complications 症状] include heart disease, stroke, chronic kidney failure, foot ulcers, and damage to the eyes.
11. →...Although Fibits are frequently derided for ending up in the back of a drawer...
deride: to laugh at contemptuously
in the back of a drawer: 原意 在抽屉深处积灰 引申为束之高阁
12. Joint venture 合资企业
英文中除了用company和corporation表示“公司”“及“企业”之义之外,经常使用“公司”广义上的对应词,例如firm, house, business, concern, combine, partnership,group, consortium, establishment, venture,conglomerate, multinational,transnational等。即使是专有公司名称,“公司”也决非只用company与corporation,lines,agency等也是名正言顺的“公司”的说法。
13. spell: 小词新意
[Definition] A spell of a particular type of weather or a particular activity is a short period of time during which this type of weather or activity occurs.
DAY 13 Mindmap
所以我在二看文章的时候罗列出来了将近10个有可能的元素,当然讲他们都放上去是不可能的,顿时觉得很头疼,然后开始寻找他们之间的关系(包含or兼容or对立),在几经修改之后,对比了Annie master的导图,发现自己的内容有些空洞,像traditional innovators部分太简略,没有很好的阐述他与数字医疗的具体联系。
还有就是在整体的布局安排上,我的中心思想digital health care 最好放在中间,因为他与其他元素并不是平行关系,而是由他发散出来的。
二: 对文章的思考——AI与医药行业结合
相比,AI可弥补医疗领域的部分不足。传统医学主要基于医生自身逻辑归纳和临床经验,进而对患者的疾病进行诊疗和治疗。但由于不同医生临床经验、知识背景、逻辑框架等方面的不同,不同医生在对某些罕见病上的判读和解读也会出现差别。而AI基于编程和数据的优势,可对这一情况进行弥补。例如IBMWatson可针对相关疾病的所有文献进行检索,并根据文献内容得出结论和治疗的建议,这在一定程度上可以减少医生漏诊、误诊的概率。除此之外,AI在医疗控费方面也存在应用前景,根据高盛2016年测算的数据,随着AI技术的逐渐成熟,其将推动药物研发过程,在这种情况下,全球每年约减少260亿美元的成本支出。 “医疗数据”+“算法”是AI在医疗领域应用的重要因素。
研发出一种新药物通常要耗时几十年。美国硅谷的Atomwise通过使用巨型计算机,在分子结构数据库中寻找治疗方法,从而加速了药物研发的速度。数据驱动型生物研究公司Berg Health也收集了大量数据,解释了一些病人成功幸存的原因,为新型治疗方式的研发提供思路。
位于美国硅谷的Enlitic主要负责拍摄医疗图像,从X光到CT, Enlitic可以进行上千种的图像扫描,以帮助放射科的医生检测出像骨裂、小肿瘤等难以观察的微小病源。苹果智能手表上有一个名为Cardiogram的App, 它通过设置特定算法检测用户心率变化,在用户遇到严重的健康问题时立刻发出信号。
作为一家主要提供靶向诊断和靶向治疗的企业,多伦多的Deep Genomics通过分析庞大的基因信息库确定治疗模式,试图研究基因突变以及基因与疾病之间的联系。