1. Participative leadership: efforts by a leader to encourage and facilitate participation by others in making important decisions.

2.Varieties of Participation:

1) Autocratic decision: the manager makes a decision alone without asking for the opinions or suggestions of other people, and these people have no direct influence on the decision. (no participation)

2) Consultation: The manager asks others for their opinions and ideas, then makes the decision alone after seriously considering their suggestions and concerns.

3) Joint decision: The manager meets with others to discuss the decision problem and make a decision together. The manager has no more influence over the final decision than any other participant.

4) Delegation: The manager gives authority and responsibility to an individual or group for making a decision. The manager usually specifies limits within which the final choice must fall and prior approval may or many not be required before the decision can be implemented.

3. Delegation: a power-sharing process that occurs when a manager gives subordinates the responsibility and authority for making some types of decisions formerly made by the manager

4. ADVANTAGES OF Delegation: 

Improvement of decision quality

Greater subordinate commitment

Makes subordinate’s job more interesting, challenging, and meaningful

Can help a manager with their own time management

Can lead to developing managers from subordinates (leadership training)

5. How to delegate

Specify responsibilities clearly

Provide adequate authority and specify limits of discretion

Specify reporting requirements

Ensure subordinate acceptance of responsibilities

Inform others who need to know

Arrange for the subordinate to receive necessary information

Provide support and assistance, but avoid reverse delegation

Make mistakes a learning experience.

6. Empowerment: The perception of having the opportunity to determine work roles, accomplish meaningful work, and influence important events.

7. Benefits of empowerment:

Stronger task commitment

Greater initiative in carrying out role responsibilities

Greater persistence in the face of obstacles and temporary setbacks

More innovation and learning, stronger optimism about the eventual success of work

Higher job satisfaction,

More organizational commitment

Less turnover

8. Costs of empowerment:

Higher costs for selection and training

Higher labor costs for skilled employees

Inconsistent service quality

Expensive giveaways and bad decisions by some employees

Customer feelings of inequity about unequal treatment

Opposition by middle managers who feel threatened

Conflicts from raising employee expectations beyond what top management is willing to concede