2016年7月15日(light field 光场技术, magic leap使用原理之一)

Light Field Imaging: The Future of VR-AR-MR- Part 4: Jon Karafin (youtube, Lytro CEOpresentation)
Gordon Wetzstein: "Why should we care about light field displays?" (youtube,advanced knowledge)
The Lytro Light-Field Camera: How It Works (article)
Light-Field technology is here! Smart phone focusing after taking the shot (article)

2016年7月15日(light field 光场技术, magic leap使用原理之一)_第1张图片
2016年7月15日(light field 光场技术, magic leap使用原理之一)_第2张图片
2016年7月15日(light field 光场技术, magic leap使用原理之一)_第3张图片


The technology is based on the idea of a light field, or "the amount of light traveling in every direction in every point in space," Ng says. While a conventional camera captures just a two-dimensional image of the light as it enters the camera, a light-field camera also captures the direction that the light was coming from.

A normal camera has a lens, a sensor for recording the image, an aperture to allow a certain amount of light into the camera and a shutter to time how long the sensor is exposed to that light. All those working in concert create (hopefully) a well-lit single image. But in a light-field camera, there's an extra layer called a microlens array, which is placed between the sensor and the lens. This layer is composed of multiple smaller lenses, which allow the sensor to record more information about the incoming rays of light, including the light coming from different distances away from the camera.

That extra information is the key to Lytro's trick. "In order to be able to focus after the fact, you have to collect the light field," Ng says. The additional recorded information allows software to manipulate the image, translating the stored information into what Lytro calls living pictures that can be refocused interactively, or even into three-dimensional pictures. The software essentially does the work of a physical camera, performing algorithms on the information collected by the light-field camera to mimic the physics used to focus a traditional camera.

2016年7月15日(light field 光场技术, magic leap使用原理之一)_第4张图片


Basically the idea of the so called **light-field **technology is that depth of field information is stored by taking a picture with arrays of pixels instead of single pixels.The resulting directional information can help a computer (or smart phone for that matter) calculate depth of field information after the shot has been taken.

关于magic leap是如何利用光场的, 非技术人员,无责任猜测:

magic leap原型,注意背景里的“人眼光学解构”墙报
2016年7月15日(light field 光场技术, magic leap使用原理之一)_第5张图片

不出意料的话,magic leap是对光场相机技术的逆运用!


答案是肯定的:华盛顿大学的Eric Seibel一直致力于完成这样的研究。(老实说在看到他的研究之前我早已忘记自己提过这样的疑问-.-) Scanning Fiber Endoscope (youtube)(这是对光纤内窥镜的逆运用)

2016年7月15日(light field 光场技术, magic leap使用原理之一)_第6张图片




即使是这样,分辨率、压缩和计算机感知(知道使用者相对3D模型的位置)仍然是让人担忧的问题,不过就magic leap的实力来说不在话下。估计今年(2016)年底会有大动作,明年(2017)年底就可以当年货卖了:)

A Compressive Light Field Projection System——MIT
Magic Leap 和微软的 HoloLens 相比有哪些异同点?

你可能感兴趣的:(2016年7月15日(light field 光场技术, magic leap使用原理之一))