不识“连襟”的直译,其实也没那么直:The Black Swan繁简中文版翻译简单对比

在读The Black Swan繁体中文版,没读过英文版和简体版。因书友抱怨简体版译笔拗口难读,遂随手找一片断来对比繁简版。结论是繁体中文版完胜。


不识“连襟”的直译,其实也没那么直:The Black Swan繁简中文版翻译简单对比_第1张图片


不识“连襟”的直译,其实也没那么直:The Black Swan繁简中文版翻译简单对比_第2张图片


不识“连襟”的直译,其实也没那么直:The Black Swan繁简中文版翻译简单对比_第3张图片


1)Peer Cruelty不是Peer Pressure,但是鉴于本书并非学术著作,台版将Peer Cruelty译成“同侪压力”,有点社会科学基础的人会秒懂。“同辈的残酷”很直译,也很楞。


3)简体版“你的社会关系网络中的人们”(people in your social network)、“这是无意识的”(involuntary)、“在你妻子脸上发现了失望的痕迹”(detect unmistakable signs of frustration on the part of your wife)都很直很楞,简直不是正常的中文句子。相比之下繁体版“嘿,你知道不用再看哪一部分”(hey, you know where not to look.)、“这行的逻辑”(the logic of your profession)、她得先应付第一个刺激(she has to fight her first impulse.),译得直译得准又贯彻了原作的文风。有人说大陆译作通常没有对岸译作文雅,但是够直,较忠于原著。但从这里看来,《黑天鹅》简体版是该直的不直,不该直的很直——所以楞,所以拗口。

4)"He is doing very well," you hear, particularly from your father-in-law, with a small pensive nanosecond of silence after the utterance—which makes you realize that he just made a comparison. 这句容易见真章,a small pensive nanosecond of silence, 简体版“略有沉思”是什么鬼?况且后面还跟着一个“沉默”,是为了突出“沉”而刻意重复? 繁体版“忧心忡忡地沉默了一会儿”,将丈人形神刻画入微,讽刺意味满溢。

5)Your wife will be a little more silent than usual on the drive home. This sulking will be made slightly worse because the car you are driving is rented, since you cannot afford to garage a car in Manhattan.这句里面,简体版把“养不起停车位”这个意思给吞了——租来的车临时也是得停车的,这应不至于负担不起。至于整句韵味、感觉,就留待大家自行体味吧。


The black swan: the impact of the highly improbable / Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Published in the United States by Random House, 2007
黑天鹅:如何应对不可预知的未来(升级版),纳西姆•尼古拉斯•塔勒布(Nassim Nicholas Taleb),万丹、刘宁译,中信出版社,2011年

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