Social Behavior-Lecture 3


Interpersonal theories: 1. Social Cognitive Theory

                                    2. Theories of social networks and social support

1. 社会认知理论

原理:Personal factors, human behaviors and environmental influences all operating as interacting determinants of each others. - reciprocal determinism.

Human beings are self-orgnaizing, proactive, self-reflecting and self-regulating.

· Self-reflective: make sense of their experiences, explore their cognitions and self beliefs, engage in self-evaluation and alter their thinking and behavior.

· Self-regulative : the process of planning,monitoring and changing one's behaviors and cognitions to correspond with abilities, the environment, and desired outcome.

Key constructs of SCT:  *Affects self-regulation

1. Reciprocal determinism

Potential change strategies for reciprocal determinism- multiple ways

2. Observational learning (modeling)* Behavioral acquisition that occurs by watching the actions and outcomes of others' behavior.

Potential change strategies:offer credible models

Vicarious learning in observational learning: to learn a novel behavior without undergoing the trial and error. The 4-step process: Attention,Retention,Reproduction,Motivation

3. Self-efficacy* Confidence in one's ability to take action and overcome barriers.

Potential change strategies: approach behavior change in small steps to ensure success and hence confidence-building; Be specific about the desired change.

4. Behavioral Capability* knowledge and skill to perform a given behavior.

Potential change strategies: Promote mastery learning through skills training and provision of relevant knowledge and information.

5. Outcome Expectation* Anticipated outcomes of a behavior.

Potential change strategies: Model positive outcomes of healthy behaviors.

6. Reinforcements* Response to a person's behavior that increase or decrease the likelihood of reoccurrence.

Potential change strategies: Promote self-initiated rewards (praising/applauding) and incentives.

Comments on Social Cognitive:

· comprehensive theory and little concrete components;

· difficult to include all the components in an intervention

· lack of testing for the entire theory

· relationship among key constructs not clear

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