#A to Z Mysteries 系列阅读 #《The Quicksand Question》

A to Z Mysteries 系列导读

     A to Z Mysteries是Ron Roy的系列侦探类童书。是恶魔奶爸学英语推荐的第二系列的阅读书单。他推行的学习方法是兴趣引导学习。从感兴趣的书籍入手更容易坚持。关于系列的详细介绍及阅读小贴士可在我的介绍篇中找到:#A to Z Mysteries 系列阅读 #介绍篇 -


The Story Outline of "The Quicksand Question" :

“The Quicksand Question” is an interesting story. There are several parts I am fun of reading. It is about the duck bank missing. The duck bank is a big money box with the duck shape, and the money has been collected for building a bridge for ducks. However, someone carried it into his jeep and drove away during the late night, he also set a fire to disguise the theft. No one saw how the driver looked like clearly because he drove so fast. When three kids were very angry and tried to figure out what actually happened, they ran into Mr. Pocket in the street who happened to notice the duck in the jeep last night. So they decided to visit Mr. Pocket in his house, in order to find out which way the crook went to. Ruth Rose's good memory helped them a lot. In the meanwhile, in the fire place, they discovered a mysterious pallet with letters on it. After asking Ellie, they went to the supermarket where the pallet was from.  And then the story came to the interesting part: Dink and Josh was stuck in the quicksand while they were walking along the river. The author also introduced a basic knowledge within the story by telling us what is the quicksand and how it formed. When Dink and Josh were saved, Josh mentioned his leg was hurt probably by the jeep's antenna. The kids guessed the jeep might be buried under the sand. So they asked the firemen for help. With all their efforts, the jeep was pulled out from the water. The duck bank was found. Three weeks later, the duck bridge was completed.

     我的阅读方法是:故事主线法。即抓住主线几个要素:who, what, how (几个人物?什么事或什么东西?怎么破案?)这个故事的主线就是如何找到偷走鸭子钱罐的人。作者说duck bank我理解是一个鸭子形状的存钱机子,所以类似银行。为鸭子修桥,这是比较少听说的事,也体现了作者的动物保护意识。故事比较曲折,几个人物先后出现,需要名字记录下,不过这些都只是让读者迷惑的,真的疑犯最后才出现,当然跟之前线索有关。对人物名字会记混的阅读时做下人物图是很有必要,故事中会交代几个细节也可以记录下,就是人和物是关键线索。通过线索顺藤摸瓜,提高阅读速度。这篇中也有几个有趣的对话:Ruth Rose described about the situation Josh was stuck:"Josh took a mud bath"(让人联想到小猪佩奇中muddy puddle有没有) ; when the fireman were going to pull the jeep out,they said:"Go fishing".连消防员都这么幽默啊。


muffle 发出低沉的声音

Raccoons  浣熊

pallet 货板

scurry 急跑

pickled 喝醉的

blinker 闪光灯

oar 桨

sopping 全身湿透的

antenna 天线

wade 涉水费力行走

waddle 蹒跚

hunker down 蹲坐

Frisbee 飞盘

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