Xcode 8 官方更新说明


en:Xcode 8 includes everything you need to create amazing apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. This radically faster version of the IDE features new editor extensions that you can use to completely customize your coding experience. New runtime issues alert you to hidden bugs by pointing out memory leaks, and a new Memory Debugger dives deep into your object graph. Swift 3 includes more natural and consistent API naming, which you can experiment with in the new Swift Playgrounds app for iPad.

cn:Xcode 8包括所有你需要的东西,去创建令人惊叹的iPhone,iPad,Mac,Apple Watch和Apple TV 应用程序,这是一个非常快的IDE版本,你无需多少编码经验就能完全使用。新的runtime issues能更好的提醒你隐藏的bug、指出内存泄漏,和一个新的内存调试器使你更深入到对象中。Swfit 3包括更自然的和一致的API命名,你可以iPad中尝试新的Swift Playgrounds 应用程序。


Interface Builder — Accelerated

The Interface Builder design canvas has been thoroughly reengineered to make your work faster and provide greater control. See a live preview of exactly how your app will appear on any Apple device with full vibrancy. As you quickly switch between different devices to customize your UI for size classes, you will always see the same interface as your customers. Pan and zoom are incredibly fast, and you can even edit your interfaces when fully zoomed out for a bird's eye view of your storyboard.


界面编辑器  - 速度更快

Interface Builder 画布已彻底重新设计,使你工作更效率,操作更给力。不管在什么苹果设备上,视觉效果都不会差,适配更完美。当为size classes自定义UI控件时,在不同的设备之间快速切换,你总会看到相同布局的界面。平移和缩放非常快,甚至你可以缩小storyboard鸟瞰图时编辑你的界面。


Editor Extensions

New Xcode extensions for the source editor let you customize your coding experience. Use extensions to navigate within your editor’s text, and select, modify, and transform your code. Bind your favorite extensions to a keyboard shortcut to make common reformatting tasks a snap. Xcode includes a new template so you can easily create editor extensions and distribute them on the Mac App Store, or sign your extensions with your Developer ID to share them online. And because extensions run in a separate process, Xcode stays safe and stable.


新的Xcode扩展能使你更轻松的适应资源编辑器。使用扩展编辑器的导航编辑的文本,选择,修改和改变你的代码。绑定快捷键到你最喜欢的扩展,使普通重复化任务易如反掌。 Xcode中包括一个新的模板,以便您可以轻松创建编辑器的扩展并且在Mac App Store分发它们,或与登录您的开发者ID在线共享您的扩展。由于扩展在一个单独的进程中运行时,保持Xcode安全稳定。

The new Xcode 8 editor also includes great new features built right in:

San Francisco Mono font with new themes(新主题新字体)

Auto-generate Quick Help documentation(快速生成帮助文档)

Highlight the current line(编辑代码时突出显示当前行,不怕自己眼花了)

Image and color literals in Swift code(SWift也支持图片和颜色文本)

Code completion for images(图像代码完成)

你可能感兴趣的:(Xcode 8 官方更新说明)