Leonard不小心对Penny说了我爱你,Penny却无法回应同样的词,两人之间变得很尴尬。Stuart约他们去打保龄球,Penny是主力,但因为Leonard耿耿于怀她提前走了,害Sheldon输给他的老仇人Wil Wheaton。Sheldon心心念念要赢回来,又打赌约了一次,并确保Penny和Leonard尽释前嫌,然而Wil一句不如分手搞得Penny神思恍惚,再度弃赛,四人输了,只好cosplay成几个著名人物走进漫画书店……
Perhaps he's at a sensitive point in his monthly cycle. 估计他到了每月一次的敏感期了
I honestly don't care. 我一点都不在乎
Can we please talk about something else? 我们能不能说点别的
I'm walking away from you now. 我懒得理你们
I think we're getting close. 我们猜得越来越靠谱了
Your lack of femininity works to our advantage. 你纯爷们的气质对我们十分有利
It's always nice chatting with you. 跟你聊天总是这么开心
Then what's with the disinfectant?那你消毒干嘛
How's it going? 近来如何啊
You're not still carrying a grudge because I beat you at that card tournament, are you? 我上次赢了你 你不会还怀恨在心吧
I don't know if Stuart told you what you're up against tonight. 我不知道Stuart有没有告诉你 今晚你的对手是谁
No reason. I'm just glad to hear you're comfortable saying you love something. 没事 只是很高兴听到 你对表达爱意毫无障碍
Do you really want to get into this right now? 你真的想现在谈这事吗
Look, you just caught me by surprise last night. I didn't know what to say. 昨晚我被你吓到了 不知道说什么好
Don't push it. 别逼我
Did Leonard send you over here? 是他让你来的吗
I'm sorry about that. 为此我很抱歉
Things are a little weird with Leonard right now. 现在和他在一起感觉怪怪的
You want me to remove him from the team? 你想让我把他踢出去吗
You're not gonna leave me alone until I do it, are you? 我不去你是不会放过我的 对吧
I think we both know the answer to that question. 这还用问吗
So we're in two different places emotionally. So what? 我们俩感情上不太同步 那又如何
And maybe I'm a little ahead of you. That's fine. 或许我比你快了一点 没关系
I wouldn't know what that's like. 不知道那是什么情形
All right! Fence mended, problems swept under the rug. 太好了 栅栏已补 误会已清
There's a lot at stake here. 关系重大
I've taken the liberty of having these made for our rematch. 我擅自定制了复赛的队服
I don't get it. 我不明白
They named their team after me. 他们那队是以我名字命名的
So, we're all clear on the bet and the stakes? 好了 都清楚打赌内容和赌注了
Leave me alone. 别烦我
I'm glad you patched things up with your boyfriend. 很高兴你跟你男友言归于好了
Did you let Wil Wheaton get in your head? 你刚让他给你洗脑了
Good. Keep thinking that. 很好 你就继续这么想吧
You know, I gotta call you back. 好了 我回头再打给你