Let's Make a Paper Airplane


Let's Make a Paper Airplane_第1张图片

Let’s make a paper airplane.

Let’s go for some juice.

Let’s 表示建议时使用  (When you want to give some suggestion, you can use " Let's)

Let's Make a Paper Airplane_第2张图片

Iron. 注意发音。有r,舌头回卷发r音后再伸出来发/ə/音。

Glass 玻璃,也有喝水时的玻璃杯的意思。  其实有些塑料透明的杯子,也叫glass

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A pile of woods. 但更常用的是 a pile of logs.

What can we use logs to do?

People can build houses with logs.

We can make paper from logs.

Material  注意发音

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Q: What does the man have?

A: The man has a hammer and a nail in his hands.

Q: What is the man doing?

A: The man is driving the nail into wood.

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铁匠: blacksmith

Q: What is the man doing?

A: The man is using tongs(钳子) to make something in iron.

The horn shaped tool can help the blacksmith make things in curve shapes.

Q: Why does he need a pair of tongs?

A: Because the material is very hot.

or why does the man not hold the iron with hands?

A: Because his hands will get burned if he holds iron with hands directly.

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Q: What can you do with frying pan?

A: We can fry eggs with frying pan.  Or we can cook pancakes with frying pan.

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Cutlery. 刀,叉,勺子的总称  这个词很重要。注意t不要读得太重,太清晰,但t的口型还是要做出来。(如果只翻译成刀具并不太合适 )

Sharpener. 磨刀的东西。(图片中刀下面的就是一个sharpener)

Q: When do you need a sharpener?

A: When I sharpen my pencil, I need a sharpener.

Q: We are going to have picnic. What are you going to bring?

A: food, water, juice, cutlery.

A: I will bring myself only. (我就带个嘴,去吃东西)

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Q: How do door handles work?

A: When we turn the door handles, we can open or close the door.

Door knobs (球状的门把手)

Q: What’s this? ( 把手下的东西)

A: It’s a knock.

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Q: What’s this?

A: It’s an owl.

Q: What can you see through the window?

A: An owl, a flag, some cars, a small parking lot and some trees.

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Q:What can you see in the glass?

A: Lemons, some leaves and water.

Glass is see-through. Water is see-through too.

注意see-through 连在一起时,是透明的意思。而see through something. 这里through是介词,比如说 see through the window, 可以理解为透过窗户看东西。

Q: Can you name some items which are made of glass?

A: Window, photo frames, eye glasses, bottle.

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Q: What can you see through the window?

A: I can see some flowers. They are in some flowerpots and the flowerpots are on the window sill.

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Watch out! Similar words  Be careful.

但是,watch out一般是说话对象处于危险当中。有人和你说watch out时,你可能要注意保护自己,不要随意乱动。而be careful则是提醒说话对象做事要当心一点。他自己并不一定有危险。

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Sharp.  Opposite word  plunt


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There is a ball on the grass.  ---  C

We can see through a window.  --- B

The cabinet(是这个词吗?) is made of wood. --- D

The frying pan is made of iron.  --- A


We can see through the window.  We can open or close it. (森博, 图B)

I can keep something in it. ( Melissa, 图D )

How many drawers does it have?

It has 6 drawers.

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Which of the following is made of glass?  --- C

Which one is sharp? --- C

The broken glass is sharp.


Q: Where is the mirror? ( picture A )

A: It’s in the bathroom.

Q: What’s this? ( Picture B )

A: It’s a jar.  如果口小,就叫bottle.

A: It's a nail. ( Picture D )

***** 本次拓展开始看迪斯尼视频复述故事 *****

首先熟悉五个人物five characters: Mickeymouse, Minnie mouse, Daisy Duck, Goofy Dog, Pluto Dog


Q: Who are going to Daisy’s house?

A: Mickey and Minnie.

Q: Where is Daisy?

A: Daisy is outside of her house.

Q: What is she doing?

A: She is picking flowers.

Q: Who is lying on the grass?

A: Goofy is lying on the grass.

Q: What’s Daisy doing?

A: She is waving to Mickey and Minnie.

Q: What does Daisy Duck say?

A: She says “Hello! Mickey. Hello! Minnie. “

Q: What is Goofy doing?

A: She is lying on the grass.

Q: Whose house is it?

A: Daisy’s house.

Q: Who is picking flowers?

A: Daisy.

Q: Where does Daisy pick flowers in?

A: In a basket.

Q: Why does she pick flowers?

A: 随意想像

Q: Who waves at Mickey and Minnie?

A: Goofy and Daisy.

Q: What are they going to do?

A: They are going to have a picnic.

Q: Why do they want to have a picnic?

A: Because the weather is so nice.




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